IT Innovation Contest

A team-based contest for creative IT solutions


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Award winners have been announced

Information Technology at UCSF selected 5 proposals for funding. The winning teams had seven weeks to work on the projects. An awards ceremony took place on October 12, 2012 as part of the IT@UCSF Sharecase conference at Mission Bay campus.

Proposals - top 3 have been awarded! (48 total)


UCSF Room Maps/ Locator

Proposal Status: 

New to the campus? Or maybe even been here a while, but still get lost? Students, staff, faculty and visitors to UCSF, with its many campuses, can easily lose their way, especially when looking for a particular room. Google Maps or other map applications may get you to the right building…but where in the building is RM# ___?

A. Improving Communication and Data Quality in Community-Based Clinical Research: An Extension of UCSF’s Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap)

Proposal Status: 

At the heart of this proposal is an ambition to extend current UCSF IT research tools to handle the complexity encountered in developing a community-based research protocol.

B. Description of project

Community-based clinical research presents a novel set of challenges not addressed by current IT solutions at UCSF. Clinicians off-site must provide quality care while the resources to maintain and make meaning of the data exist at the hospital.

UCSF Document Library for Administrative Forms

Proposal Status: 

How many times does an action get delayed because you couldn’t locate the right form in order to initiate the process?  How many multiple websites must you sometimes go to (and search for those before that) in order to locate the form that you need?  Rather than searching through or looking through your emails, hoping to remember the person who might have sent it to you, or worse yet, getting rejected for a request because of using an outdated form, look no further!  A solution is just weeks away!


SFGH Patient Handoff System

Proposal Status: 

SFGH Patient Handoff System

Each year, approximately 180 residents rotate through the Department of Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital, servicing over 3700 patients and generating over 60 records each day for the patient handoff procedure that residents carry out during shift change. The current procedure relies on each resident manually transcribing and entering data for every patient (e.g., name, MRN, location, medications, lab results), updating the data daily, and verbally communicating action items and anticipated problems to the other residents.

Mapping UCSF “inside” and “out” Pilot

Proposal Status: 

All of us are familiar with the search feature of the online map, such as Google Maps. Finding a site in UCSF is just a click away from our fingers (or just search out loud over your mobile phone). However we are most often stopped at the front door of the building. If we need to find a place, say a conference room in a building (even worse if you are looking for a printer), we are back to our old technology – either looking for a directory or asking people.

Development of a Video Library to Enhance Intraprofessional Education and Practice

Proposal Status: 

The challenges of the health care system and clinical practice have increased significantly in complexity and there is a greater demand for all health care team members to be prepared to intervene and apply health care interventions daily.  Improved accessibility to innovative educational materials is particularly crucial to effectively support nursing practice at UCSF Medical Center.

UCSF School of Medicine Collaborative Syllabus

Proposal Status: 

Description of Project: The UCSF School of Medicine predominately uses comprehensive syllabi rather than textbooks for the first two pre-clinical years. These syllabi have developed significantly since their inception through major efforts from the faculty, but unfortunately student feedback has been difficult to effectively coordinate, analyze, and integrate.

Driving Quality and Safety through Gamification

Proposal Status: 


Hospital-acquired infections may account for nearly 100,000 deaths annually in the United States.  Many such complications may be reduced by increased awareness of risk factors and standardization of management practices— across all health care provider professions (e.g., nursing, physicians, and ancillary staff).  National patient safety initiatives are increasingly utilized by regulatory agencies, the insurance indsutry, and the public, to encourage hospitals to improve quality through performance in the respective associated safety metrics. 

UCSF Mac Imaging Solution

Proposal Status: 

Apple Macintosh computers make up approximately ⅓ of the desktops and laptops at UCSF, numbering between 5000-7500 devices.  With the introduction of the UC Berkeley – UCSF Joint Administrative Computing Standards (JACS) program, most UCSF Macs are standard configurations.  This standardization simplifies desktop support issues, but to fully realize the cost savings and efficiencies standards can bring we need a common imaging solution.
