College of the Anthropocene
See attached document.
Strategic Academic Focusing must consider where future investments in academic programs and support infrastructure are best made.
As a first step in the process, we want to hear from faculty and campus units.
We need articulation of growth trajectory and evaluation metrics for faculty-identified academic programs. Your ideas or responses are not restricted to the 2009 Strategic Plan.
We ask that you address the five broad questions found in the September 26 memo. Briefly:
See attached document.
Research for Community and Societal Benefit
The list below is a re-evaluation of the fit of the 9 proposals of the original theme, “Research for Community Benefit”. It is recommended that 3 themes would serve as better descriptors of the content of these proposals. In some cases, the 9 proposals were so divergent in focus, that aligning them together in content or goals was difficult.
Entrepreneurship and Management
Broad Thematic Area of Computation/Analysis/Big Data
Alternative theme names
Theme description
Biology-Chemistry-Physics-Materials Group
This proposal evolved from two “Round 1” submissions in the SAF exercise: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Graduate Group, and Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Undergraduate Program. It describes MSE as a central discipline within the SAF-defined theme #8 – Matter Science and Engineering: from theory to application, linking fundamental sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics) and other engineering specialties (mechanical, computing/electrical, environmental, bio).