The Big Tent

CTSI 2016 NIH Renewal Proposal Launchpad

Honorable Mention Proposals

Open data

Proposal Status: 

Academic institutions, civic agencies at all levels, and NGOs of all kinds have joined what’s being called a “data revolution” by making the information they collect and use publicly available. How can this “open data” movement advance and accelerate clinical and translational research to improve health and eliminate health inequities?

Grants program for collaborative, multidisciplinary, translational research

Proposal Status: 

We recommend that the UCSF CTSI initiate a grants program to support collaborative, multidisciplinary, translational research (CMTR) at UCSF and, in future years, across the entire UC system.

National Repository for Stem Cell Derived Neurons

Primary Author: Bruce Miller
Proposal Status: 

The failure of large clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are forcing the field to consider more targeted treatments for genetically homogeneous cohorts. Precision medicine approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of patients offer huge opportunities to advance the dementia field. New trials for AD patients with presenilin-1 mutations and FTD patients with progranulin and tau mutations have already been started or are being considered.