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Racial/ethnic minorities are underrepresented as participants across the entire research spectrum, and available data indicate that this is also the case at UCSF and in online-enabled research projects. To help address this equity issue, the Chancellor’s office is supporting a community-engaged effort to help UCSF researchers involve diverse research participants in their studies. We are focusing on “eCohort” studies that use online tools such as the Health eHeart Study (a UCSF research study focused on heart health that has recruited over 180,000 participants, and is 100% online) to directly engage participants. We are now looking for eCohort proposals from research teams that seek to understand and improve the health needs of diverse communities.
Proposals must be "shovel-ready" cohort studies in need of an online engagement platform (for electronic consent, online surveys, smartphone-based messaging, wearable device integration, and for gathering electronic health record data from UCSF). Selection will also consider whether the research will address issues that resonate with our community partners (African American, Chicano, Latino, Indigena and Chinese community organizations) and will use an approach that is culturally and linguistically appropriate.
We plan to select 1-2 proposals to receive a customized web portal for online engagement (using the Eureka Research Platform), as well as one year of in-kind support for project management, platform customizations, community engagement, and recruitment.
- June 20 - July 31: Submit Draft Proposals
- Develop and submit a 2-page preliminary proposal
- Subscribe to email updates to view new proposals and comments
- Express interest in joining a team if you see proposals you want to join
- Aug 1 - August 31: Improve Proposals - Comment Period Now Closed
- UCSF and community partners are invited to comment and ask questions.
- Browse proposals and comment to improve others' proposals
- Review comments on your own proposal, answer questions and revise if necessary
- Sept 1 - Final Proposals Due
- Address all questions, as needed
- Revise and submit final proposals if needed
- Sept 4-7: Review and Scoring of Final Proposals and Submitted Comments
- Selection committee, comprised of community partners and UCSF research leadership, reviews and chooses winning proposals
- Awards Announced no later than Sept 17