Based upon the Senate Administration Council on Assessment & Planning report:
1) Nearly 33% (8) of the undergraduate program reports (submitted in 2011-12) identified student
writing/composition skills as an area requiring attention; and
2) These results add to findings from the previous two years’ of PLO Reports.
While these findings may be initially interpreted as decontextualized, they point to a real concern for UC Merced as it approaches its second phase of becoming a distinguished Tier 1 Research University as part of the larger family of University of California campuses. Some of the recommendations point to a need to have more productive conversations across departments and schools about the nature and value of written communication for all disciplines and majors. As such, an area that seems to be somewhat neglected is the space for a Writing Center that might begin to faciliate such conversations. A Writing Center that is geard toward helping students in all areas of writing expertise such as: Writing in the Sciences, Writing in the Social Sciences, and Writing in the Humanites would help to foster larger conversations within and across other undergraduate and graduate courses that are writing intensive and that are complemented well when a student is able to write well within that particular discipline. Such a Writing Center should be directed by someone who has had experience with not only Writing Across the Curriculum programs, but also experience in working with a range of students coming from a diverse arrary of cultural and ethnic backgrounds (such as those found on our campus). The latter suggestion is grounded in the current campus demographics which show that we are the most linguistically diverse campus and 30% of our graduate student population are international students who can be classified as second language learners in that their first language is not Standard English. Furthermore, 60% of UCM students speak another language in addition to English.
The Merritt Writing Program is unique among many Writing Programs in that it is composed of Unit 18 lecturers in lieu of graduate students who hold a wide variety of advanced degrees ranging the from Social Sciences to the Arts with some specializing in Foreign Languages. As such, it is a dynamic, rigorous and lucrative program with a vast amount of potential in becoming an excellent model for writing programs nationwide. This potential could begin to be realized by creating and supporting a Writing and Reading Center.
In the context of a 21st century university that is growing exponentially in many areas currently offered such as a newly proposed MA and MS in Public Health, it is essential to assess the needs of this growth and address them in a way that will faciliate such growth successfully and competitively. A competitive and scholastic atmosphere that is rigorous and attentive to the needs of the wider community of Merced as well as to the students of Merced is what will also facility this growth positively. Furthermore, as the current political climate of education ensues, it is also essential that our campus adheres to the demands of accredidation and accountability as the merit based funding of financial aid necessitates attention to servicing the needs of our current student population. The need for more attention to students writing, communicative and literacy needs will further contribute to highlight areas and relationships across campus that could be strengthened and supported with a common Writing and Reading Center where many of the campus literacy needs can be researched and acted upon in order to provide effective support to those needs campus wide. As mentioned eariler, conversations will be encouraged and facilitated by a Writing and Reading Center that serves the needs of both undergraduate researchers and graduate researchers alike.
The Merrit Writing Program Proposal, which included a Writing and Reading Center proposes items that are similar to the following:
1. Identify a space for a Writing Center
2.. Hire Writing Center faculty/staff who have experience in Writing Across the Curriculum programs and experience working with students who possess similar demographic characteristics such as those found here at UC Merced, especially pertaining to the linguisitc diversity of our campus.
3. Advertise to faculty and students the availability of the Center for various purposes, such as help within their Writing classes and other writing intensive assignments such as those found in, for example, Chemistry Lab Reports.
4. The proposed faculty to direct this department should be competent in the areas of tutor training as well, and professional writing tutors with written communication skills within their respective fields would would make this Center successful and could be possible income resource for prospective students who would work at the Center as Tutors.
5. The Center should espouse a teaching philosophy that is somewhat transparent and grounded in pedagogical theory as to provide a coherent tutoring experience that is focused and practiced.
6. Such a pedagogical focus could be taught in a course that is designed for student tutors who would be hired by the Center.
7. Last but not least, this Center should operate on a daily basis both physically and digitally. Digital tutoring would also be a feature offered by a successful writing center.
A writing center is a
A writing center is a necessary part of UC Merced's teaching mission. Although some may see a writing center as a service for undergraduates, it is just as essential for graduate students, especially those graduate students who are not native English speakers.
I see the library collaborating with writing center staff to improve students' information literacy, a necessary skill for research-based writing.
Both written communication and information literacy outcomes are on the next WASC accreditation checklist, and the campus needs to be prepared to show we are having an impact in both of these areas.
Donald A. Barclay
Agreed. I think that the
Agreed. I think that the library should definitely have an influential part in a UCM Writing Center and foresee and strong relationship between the proposed Writing Center and the Kolligian Library pertaining to information literacy and graduate student writing support. Graduate students write lengthy reseach papers in various fields and, thus, will definitely benefit from writing and reading intensive services that a Writing Center could offer. Thank you for your feedback. Please know that the Merritt Writing Program will have a more detailed and contextualized proposal for a Writing Center posted tomorrow.