Research for Community and Societal Benefit
The list below is a re-evaluation of the fit of the 9 proposals of the original theme, “Research for Community Benefit”. It is recommended that 3 themes would serve as better descriptors of the content of these proposals. In some cases, the 9 proposals were so divergent in focus, that aligning them together in content or goals was difficult.
Below is a proposed reclassification with theme descriptions. At the end of each description, the leading factors/proposals are noted. The concept of a leading factor comes from factor analytic methods in statistics. Basically, the lead factor, in this context, is the proposal that seems to correlate most strongly with the theme and also encompasses the greatest number of other proposals under that theme. The lead factor is not necessarily the best proposal. It is the proposal that seems to best represent the general theme, while the other proposals are correlated with the theme but are, perhaps, more specialized or less able to serve as an umbrella for the other proposals in that category.
Community, Culture, and Society
These proposals center around research on the human condition. While many proposals cross multiple domains of focus, all revolve around what it is to be human, live in groups, develop norms, and expressed behaviors-- be it on a large scale (e.g., societal, such as in anthropology, philosophy), smaller scale (e.g., community, as in community engagement, women specifically), in a historical context (e.g., studies in inequality, the arts), or in a more contemporary context (e.g., studies of diversity or gender roles today). The major leading factor/proposal would be Arts, Humanities and Anthropology.
A. Women, Gender, and Sexuality
B. Community Engaged Research
C. Diversity, Inequality and Representation
D. Applied Philosophy
E. Arts, Humanities and Anthropology
While many of the 51 proposals are related to health issues, this category is specifically and directly tied to physical and psychological health as it pertains to the individual, the local community, and society at-large. These proposals include aspects of laboratory (e.g., pathogens, microorganisms in the valley) and field research (e.g., health applications in the schools), epidemiology (e.g., public health trends in diverse communities and SES groups), and teaching/training on a broad range of topics, but all in some way dealing with human health, disease and treatment. The major leading factor/proposal would be Human Health Sciences.
A. Promoting Healthy Development in Underserved Populations
B. Human Health Sciences
Already in the original theme set. No description provided here. The major leading factors/proposals would be Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
A. Center for Human Adaptive Systems and Environments
B. California Institute of Drone Engineering Research
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