Strategic Academic Focusing Initiative

Our faculty-focused development of a strategic academic vision

Revision of 2020 vision for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Merced from May 2, 2014 - 4:52pm

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Proposal Status: 
Principal Authors: 
Stefano Carpin, Miguel Carreira-Perpinan, Alberto Cerpa, YangQuan Chen, Dan Hirleman, Ariel Escobar, Sungjin Im, Changqing Li, Marcelo Kallmann, Paul Maglio, Shawn Newsam, David Noelle, Erik Rolland, Florin Rusu, Mukesh Singhal, and Ming-Hsuan Yang.
Executive Summary: 
Establishing Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) as a strategic focus area at UC Merced will: 1) expand the research excellence the University already has in these increasingly important fields; 2) allow the campus to achieve its goal of enrolling 1,000 graduate students by 2020; and 3) benefit the Central Valley through economic stimulation and highly employable undergraduate educational programs. The foundation to achieve these goals already exists in the form of the EECS graduate emphasis area and Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) undergraduate program. Additional resources, primarily in the form of faculty FTEs and adequate research space and instructional space, are needed to grow the campus’ EE component to: 1) expand into new but synergistic research areas, and 2) create an undergraduate program in EE.
Initiative Description: 
See attached file.
Impact Metrics: