Strategic Academic Focusing Initiative

Our faculty-focused development of a strategic academic vision

Revision of Computation/Analysis/Big Data from November 26, 2014 - 1:42pm

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Proposal Status: 
Principal Authors: 


Executive Summary: 


Broad Thematic Area of Computation/Analysis/Big Data


Alternative theme names


  • Computational and Data Science (preferred)
  • Data-Enabled Science and Engineering


Theme description


Computational and Data Science is the study of mathematical and statistical algorithms, prediction techniques, modeling methodologies, data collection, data analysis, and visualization to address the massive amounts of data now being generated through experiments and observations across all areas of engineering, sciences, and social sciences. This inherently interdisciplinary research theme is a crucial companion to all theoretical and experimental research. By addressing the need for developing next-generation computational models and methods to analyze data, Computational and Data Science research provides new predictive theories and refined experimental investigations. Computational and Data Science research is actively happening across the entire UC Merced campus. This Computational and Data Science research theme will link several research programs together and establish a cohesive, campus-wide signature of excellence that will gain national and international attention.


Initiative Description: 


Other Supporting Documents: