2013 CTSI Annual Pilot Awards to Improve the Conduct of Research

To facilitate the development, conduct or analysis of clinical & translational research

Proposals on It And Informatics

Sharing Success - Making Open Proposals Self-Serve and Open Source

Proposal Status: 

Abstract. Develop an open source edition of the UCSF Open Proposals software suitable for deployment at external institutions. This will make UCSF's version easier to host and manage, enable other CTSAs to benefit from UCSF's work, and help establish UCSF's thought leadership in the field.

Information Interface for Patients, Clinicians and Researchers

Proposal Status: 

Rationale:Taking findings from basic research to practical applications that enhance human health and well-being is the signification of translational research. Improvement in human health and well-being, however, does not necessarily involve the cure of a disease. Sometimes mere information transfer might help patients substantially in dealing with their medical condition. This is particularly true for patients with family history of yet unknown or contradictory diagnoses – in other words for patients with rare hereditary diseases.

Search Engine to Directly Access EHRs without Data Warehouses or Loss of Unstructured Data

Proposal Status: 

Search Engine to Directly Access EHRs without Data Warehouses or Loss of Unstructured Data


Tools and Infrastructure to Facilitate Compliance with ClinicalTrials.Gov Results Reporting

Proposal Status: 

Rationale:  US law requires researchers to register clinical trials within 21 days of enrolling the first participant (since 27Sep2007) and to report clinical trial results in the ClinicalTrials.Gov (CT.gov) online system within 12 months of the last participant visit.  Reporting results does not mean publishing in a peer reviewed journal, but rather entering information in CT.Gov’s standardized system.  Noncompliance can result in the following for institutions and individual PIs: fines of u

MicroPub, A Publication Platform for Short Replication Studies

Proposal Status: 

1.    Rationale Modern basic science rewards large papers in highly cited journals.  However, it is difficult for translational and clinical researchers to assess the quality of a basic science paper.  A proxy is the number of citations, but that is a very inaccurate measure; some papers that cannot be replicated have hundreds of citations.  Given the lack of safeguards ensuring publication quality, the intense competition to produce high profile publications incentivizes publication bias (i.e.

Testing new Web-based software for increasing the speed of knowledge creation from translational and inter-disciplinary projects.

Proposal Status: 

NB: This Pilot proposal deals with several completely new ideas and related terminology.  To obtain explanations of these new ideas and terminology, please use the inserted Links to jump to WebSites, for descriptive information, and examples. 

Building a Searchable Online Library of Template/Example Language for Grant Proposals

Proposal Status: 

Rationale: One major hurdle faculty face in preparing grant proposals is in the drafting of the non-scientific components—that is, the Resource & Facilities, Resource Sharing Plan, biosketch personal statements, letters of support, and other regulatory sections (e.g., human subjects and vertebrate animals); this is especially true in the preparation of complex, multi-investigator and multi-institutional, Center-type grant proposals.