Projects to Advance Integrative Health Equity throughout the Osher Center

Crowd-sourcing innovative ideas to nurture health and inspire well-being through cross-program collaboration to address health inequities.

The UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Health (OCIH) invites project ideas and broad input to advance the Center’s Integrative Health Equity Initiative. Up to four projects, ranging from $12,000-$20,000, will be awarded with financial support from the Mount Zion Health Fund.

Projects must: 

  • Advance OCIH efforts to address inequities in health and healthcare with integrative medicine. 

  • Be led by a current member of the Osher Center and directly benefit the OCIH community at Mount Zion. Current members are defined as staff, learners, or faculty with at least 50% FTE at OCIH, or OCIH core or affiliated faculty members. 

  • Focus on direct patient care or medical education/training services. 

The Open Proposals process encourages everyone at the Osher Center, as well as our new Community Advisory Council members, to make suggestions for project improvement throughout the proposal development process. This open, online submission system provides a tangible way for us all to contribute to the OCIH Integrative Health Equity Initiative to advance our efforts to address inequities in health and healthcare with integrative medicine through cross-program collaboration. 

Questions? Please contact Marliese Warren, Integrative Health Equity Initiative Program Manager,

  • Phase 1: Initial Submission of Project Ideas (Oct 29 - Nov 8)

    1. Submit a description of your project idea (one short paragraph, about 150 words). 

    2. Follow activity on the Forum and respond to comments on your proposal--and also provide comments on proposals submitted by others. 

    3. All project ideas will be considered for invitation to Phase 2. 

  • Phase 2: Optimization (Nov 11 - Nov 22)

    By invitation, selected project teams will expand previously provided project ideas into a 1-page proposal. Project ideas should integrate feedback shared through this Open Proposal Forum. 

  • Nov 22: Final Proposal Due
Implementation Phase

Project Ideas (15 total)

Displaying 1 - 10


Honoring Origins in Mindfulness for Equity (HOME): Multilingual Videos in Cantonese and Spanish for Mind-Body Health

Project Idea Status: 

Honoring Origins in Mindfulness for Equity (HOME): Multilingual Videos in Cantonese and Spanish for Mind-Body Health 

Toward Equity in the Workplace: Mindfulness to Reduce Intergroup Bias for Osher Center Providers, Staff, and Trainees

Project Idea Status: 

Names of Project Lead(s) and Key Team Members

Joanne Qinaʻau, PhD, MA, T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, Lead

Maria Chao, DrPH, MPA, Director of Research, Advisor

Marliese Warren, MS, Integrative Health Equity Program Manager, Collaborator

Initial Proposed Timeline

January – February: Development of survey and interview materials

Filling in the Gaps: An Assessment of Food Pantry Meal Kit Feasibility

Project Idea Status: 

Project Title: Filling in the Gaps: An Assessment of Food Pantry Meal Kit Feasibility 

Names of Project Lead(s) and Key Team Members: Danica Cowan, Bree Phillips, Linda Dulong

Pathways to Health Equity: Training in Herbal Medicine and Integrative Practices

Project Idea Status: 

Project Title: Pathways to Health Equity: Training in Herbal Medicine and Integrative Practices 

IHEAR Program Pilot for DACA and Undocumented Learners

Project Idea Status: 

I seek funding to support two spots in the Integrative Health Equity & Applied Research (IHEAR) program to extend eligibility to DACA recipients and undocumented learners. This pilot initiative aims to explore the feasibility of identifying and recruiting learners to fill these spots, including identifying the number of eligible DACA predoctoral candidates and developing effective outreach strategies.

Ayurvedic Yoga to Expand Depression Care

Project Idea Status: 

To expand and enhance options for depression care in our cultually diverse patient population, I would collaborate with Mt Madonna Institute of Yoga to develop three Ayurvedic yoga instructional videos. Each video would contain a yoga sequence for treating Vata, Pitta or Kapha type of depression. Videos could be shared with patients individually or within Osher group medical visits and public classes.

S.U.P.E.R.A: Spanish Skills GMV for Patients in Active Cancer Treatment

Project Idea Status: 

Twelve percent of Latinx patients, including 3.7% of monolingual Spanish speakers receive care at UCSF’s Cancer Center with limited language concordant and multicultural support. S.U.P.E.R.A. is a virtual Spanish Skills Group Medical Visit (GMV) that is being developed in the Psycho-Oncology department in collaboration with faculty in the OCIH. This initiative leverages evidence-based cognitive behavioral interventions to assist Spanish-speaking cancer patients in navigating active treatment.

Expanding Access to Guided Imagery Meditations to Increase Patient and Caregiver Wellbeing

Project Idea Status: 

Guided imagery is an evidence-based intervention for anxiety, insomnia, trauma and post-operative recovery [].

Integrating Health Equity into Osher Collaborative Faculty Fellowship Curriculum

Project Idea Status: 
Project Title: Integrating Health Equity into Osher Collaborative Faculty Fellowship Curriculum
Names of Project Lead(s) and Key Team Members: Nico Henderson, Melinda Ring, Anand Dhruva
Brief Project Description, including Feasibility and Anticipated Impact (150 words maximum):
