UCSF Center for Healthcare Value - Caring Wisely 2.0

Crowd-sourcing innovative cost savings ideas from the front lines of care delivery systems

rethink how we help patients that call the wrong dept.

Idea Status: 

For whatever reason patients will occasionally call the wrong department, this is usually already frustrating for the patient who has had to sit through the intro to the wrong department and when someone does pick up they’re told to call a different number or they’re sent to the trunk line to start from the very beginning. Instead of doing that we can use the tools available to us (ORGR, the global Directory, and even the internet). By creating a more direct path by simply getting them to the department they want. This will also free up others who would have had to do the same thing, keep the patient from having to explain themselves to multiple people, and lower the stress of the patient so that they don’t spend the first part of their conversation with the person in the correct department discussing how difficult it was trying to reach them.

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