UCSF Center for Healthcare Value - Caring Wisely 2.0

Crowd-sourcing innovative cost savings ideas from the front lines of care delivery systems

Utilizing SFGH Advice Line

Idea Status: 

At SFGH, children come to the ER at night for problems that could certainly wait until the morning when they can come to Urgent Care.  A refrigerator magnet with the number of the advice line to hand out to patients might allow more people to come to urgent care of the ER and reduce costs.


Parents of pediatric patients whose primary care provider is at SFGH are indeed provided a 24 advice line. At nighttime, phone calls are forwarded from the call center to the pediatric or family practice resident on who triages the call. Most phone calls can be managed without the pt coming in. If they are not a 6M pt, they must call the advice line of their respective community clinic. Silver ave health center has their own advice line for example. 

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