UCSF Center for Healthcare Value - Caring Wisely 2.0

Crowd-sourcing innovative cost savings ideas from the front lines of care delivery systems

UC sponsored health insurance program for per diem employees

Idea Status: 

As it stands now, per diem healthcare workers have to provide for their own private health insurance.  I would like to see a UC sponsored health insurance option catered to provide for our per diem healthcare workers, especially our per diem RN's.  Ideally it would be a win-win situation if well-devised and may possibly earn the University money as well as provide for the per diems.  I am not a financial expert, but there are many out there. 


It seems neglectful and unjust that our hardworking per diems be left to their own devices to pay costly out-of- pocket health insurance when the University could come up with a statewide program to look out for them.  They may be required to pay more than non per diem workers, but providing nothing to them is not just.  Especially to the nurses.

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