UCSF Center for Healthcare Value - Caring Wisely 2.0

Crowd-sourcing innovative cost savings ideas from the front lines of care delivery systems

Utilize the Electonic Medical Record for Billing Purposes

Idea Status: 

My suggestion is to have our Apex medical record talk to the billing department for nursing driven charges. Each day in Perinatal Services we lose a lot of money in revenue because nurses do not have time to act as billers. Nursing is busy providing excellent patient care then documenting this care but Apex will not talk to the charges department. The OB nurses then have to go back into the EMR to enter the charges they just documented about. As this activity is not critical for patient safety or patient care, it is often the piece that is not done in a timely manner or at all. I think this is a waste of nursing time and seems wrong to me that our electronic medical record cannot electronically speak to the charges but we have been told it cannot happen. Fixing this would result in a huge gain in revenue and could lead to better patient care as a competing activity would be off of nursings’ task list.

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