UCSF Center for Healthcare Value - Caring Wisely 2.0

Crowd-sourcing innovative cost savings ideas from the front lines of care delivery systems

better communication between admitting services at SFGH and primary care providers

Idea Status: 

All services should adopt the formated email the the family practice inpatient service uses. It clearly identifies who is caring for the patient, the admitting problem and the estimated length of hospitalization and who to contact. It allows you to email the resident(s) and use the info to plan for the post hospital discharge visit. The FPIS will add any person to the list at your clinic like a specified RN or scheduling person. It is simple. You can email Jack Chase MD who helped create it.

This is simply, costs no money, and provides better pt care. Please don't study it or have it die in endless committee meetings, just do it.

-Dan Wlodarczyk MD


Hey Dan - thanks for the shout-out!  I proposed the process we are working on, the link is http://open-proposals.ucsf.edu/chv-cw-2/ideas/idea/12861.  I'm hopeful that we will be able to roll out the next (better) version on March 1 with the feedback we received during our outreach meetings.

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