Name of Project Lead:
Samuel Solis, Collaborators TBD
Brief Project Description, including Feasibility and Anticipated Impact:
The Osher center offers many public classes and Telehealth Visits with a variety of different opportunities for healing in the home as more of society has transitioned to an online format. With the post-covid norm for social classes transitioning to zoom there grows a larger divide between the tech savvy and analog inclined patient.With the classes ranging from free to a couple hundred dollars there is a variety of different barriers patients may face to gain access. The Community Care Fund (CCF) provides financial assistance to economically disadvantaged individuals to enroll in the Osher Center’s online mindfulness classes.However, people may not have the necessary support to apply for financial assistanceto access these fruitful programs.This proposed project aims to help patients directly with the entire process of applying for financial assistance, enrolling for classes, and installing programs like Zoom. We will create materials to help patients understand how to apply for the CCF Fund, why certain documentation is required, and how to complete the application.We will also support people byenrolling in these coursesandprovide technical support if needed. Enhancing Digital literacy for patients will significantly improve their ability to navigate, evaluate, and digest information from our public online classes and further explore other online avenues for integrative health care. The creation of materials to support patient literacy can be adapted for the Osher Center public classes frompreexisting instructional materials on how to navigate online health care.
Budget: $20,000
Covering material creation and staff persons time to help with enrollment in person or virtual
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I love the idea of offering
I love the idea of offering additional support as we broaden our telehealth and remote offerings.
In your Phase 2 submission,
In your Phase 2 submission, please discuss evidence of the need for this program. If there is high need for this program, consider partnering closely with clinic and with the CCF program staff for easy of coordination and access to patients who could utilize this service. Please also address the long term sustainability of this program and provide clear budget justification for the funds requested.