IT Innovation Contest

A team-based contest for creative IT solutions

Invoice Consolidation & Cost-Re-allocation on subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) at UCSF

Proposal Status: 

Description of Project –

With the astronomical growth of university-provided wireless communication &/or cellular phone devices used for work over the recent years, and with each department separately managing/processing payment/tracking expenses associated with these disparately subscribed-services with various vendors, it appears providing the campus community an opt-in facility to have department-provided wireless communication and/or cellular phone service for their FTEs incorporated under a UCSF summary account-invoice and electronically/automatically recharged would benefit UCSF in cost-savings all around.  In addition, UCSF may also opt to leverage the anticipated volume increase to obtain optimal government-afforded pricing, too.


General Assumptions/Limitation –

  • IT department to offer an (opt-in) centrally managed service specific to routing service set-up  and processing of corresponding monthly recharges associated with the cost of subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) – utilizing pre-existing infrastructure (e.g., ServiceNow, BearBuy, MySoft Billing System, etc.);
  • Procurement service to obtain from central AP demographics of currently subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) on campus;
  • Procurement service to set-up an (appropriate) service vendor agreement with prospective/participating vendor;
  • IT department and Procurement service to collaboratively have prospective/participating vendor provide an equivalent monthly electronic bill media (intended as source bill data for recharge purposes);
  • IT department will be the ‘bearer’ of the cost-of-goods/service associated with these subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) – and, will process corresponding recharges to department-designated expense accounts monthly ( to recoup cost of service delivery).

Deliverables –

  • IT department to define a business process for submitting service subscription,
  • IT department to develop a facility to set-up/modify recharge profiles, electronically process monthly recharges associated with subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) under referred UCSF summary account-invoice, and provision an online reporting facility (within the pre-existing IT billing system infrastructure) for easy recharge reference, review, &/or reconciliation purposes.

Impact on UCSF’s mission and/or community –

Providing the campus community an opt-in facility to have department-provided wireless communication and/or cellular phone service for their FTEs incorporated under a UCSF summary account-invoice, electronically/automatically recharged, and an online reporting facility for easy recharge reference, review, &/or reconciliation purposes would benefit UCSF in cost-savings all around.  In addition, UCSF may also opt to leverage the anticipated volume increase to obtain optimal government-afforded pricing, too.


List of team members –

- Norman Tesorero

- Darin Clarke

- Maria Tam

- Grace S. Wong

- Bob Blair

- Dianne Holmes (prospective member – subject to notification/acceptance)

- James Shu  (prospective member – subject to notification/acceptance)

- Joanne Gould (prospective member – subject to notification/acceptance)



Estimated time devoted be each member –

- To be determined (TBD)


For staff: pre-approval documentation from your supervisor –

- Not available (at this time).



Centralizing management of this process certainly fits within the aims of OE if it results in simplification and cost savings for the departments.

Commenting is closed.