Description of Project –
With the astronomical growth of university-provided wireless communication &/or cellular phone devices used for work over the recent years, and with each department separately managing/processing payment/tracking expenses associated with these disparately subscribed-services with various vendors, it appears providing the campus community an opt-in facility to have department-provided wireless communication and/or cellular phone service for their FTEs incorporated under a UCSF summary account-invoice and electronically/automatically recharged would benefit UCSF in cost-savings all around. In addition, UCSF may also opt to leverage the anticipated volume increase to obtain optimal government-afforded pricing, too.
General Assumptions/Limitation –
- IT department to offer an (opt-in) centrally managed service specific to routing service set-up and processing of corresponding monthly recharges associated with the cost of subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) – utilizing pre-existing infrastructure (e.g., ServiceNow, BearBuy, MySoft Billing System, etc.);
- Procurement service to obtain from central AP demographics of currently subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) on campus;
- Procurement service to set-up an (appropriate) service vendor agreement with prospective/participating vendor;
- IT department and Procurement service to collaboratively have prospective/participating vendor provide an equivalent monthly electronic bill media (intended as source bill data for recharge purposes);
- IT department will be the ‘bearer’ of the cost-of-goods/service associated with these subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) – and, will process corresponding recharges to department-designated expense accounts monthly ( to recoup cost of service delivery).
Deliverables –
- IT department to define a business process for submitting service subscription,
- IT department to develop a facility to set-up/modify recharge profiles, electronically process monthly recharges associated with subscribed wireless communication &/or cellular phone service plan(s) under referred UCSF summary account-invoice, and provision an online reporting facility (within the pre-existing IT billing system infrastructure) for easy recharge reference, review, &/or reconciliation purposes.
Impact on UCSF’s mission and/or community –
Providing the campus community an opt-in facility to have department-provided wireless communication and/or cellular phone service for their FTEs incorporated under a UCSF summary account-invoice, electronically/automatically recharged, and an online reporting facility for easy recharge reference, review, &/or reconciliation purposes would benefit UCSF in cost-savings all around. In addition, UCSF may also opt to leverage the anticipated volume increase to obtain optimal government-afforded pricing, too.
List of team members –
- Norman Tesorero
- Darin Clarke
- Maria Tam
- Grace S. Wong
- Bob Blair
- Dianne Holmes (prospective member – subject to notification/acceptance)
- James Shu (prospective member – subject to notification/acceptance)
- Joanne Gould (prospective member – subject to notification/acceptance)
Estimated time devoted be each member –
- To be determined (TBD)
For staff: pre-approval documentation from your supervisor –
- Not available (at this time).
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Centralizing management of