CTSI Annual Pilot Awards to Improve the Conduct of Research

An Open Proposal Opportunity

Most Commented Proposals

RandomizationCentral.org: an open-source, web based randomization portal to support RCTs for the global research community

Proposal Status: 

Rationale: An effective randomization system is crucial to the design, conduct, and analysis of any randomized controlled trial (RCT).

Overcoming hurdles to patient-centered outcomes research

Proposal Status: 

The Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute is charged with facilitating informed choice by funding initiatives that create condition-specific registries designed to provide information necessary for patients to understand risks and expected benefits in terms of meaningful outcomes. Traditionally, registries require hiring personnel, not directly involved in the care of patients, to distribute surveys, review charts, fill in forms, and enter data into an offsite registry.

Evidence-based Inputs for Sample Size Calculations: A Web-based Application

Proposal Status: 

Rationale:  Inaccurate sample size estimation leads to research studies that enroll too few or too many study participants. The former can result in failure to demonstrate anticipated effects and the latter to excessive costs, due to overuse of research participants and personnel time. While there are several important components of a good sample size calculation – including a compelling research question, an appropriate outcome variable, and an efficient study design – here we focus on improving the accuracy of the quantitative inputs.

Broadband Multichannel Transmitters for Enhanced Metabolic MR Imaging

Proposal Status: 

1. Rationale

Surbeck Laboratory for advanced imaging at UCSF, is an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary laboratory that provides unique instrumentation, expertise, and infrastructure to enable the faculty, trainees and staff to carry out translational and clinical research utilizing the unique capabilities of high magnetic fields. Research at the Surbeck Lab has resulted in some of the most advanced MR instrumentation and expertise currently available and has been the source of critical technologies and methodologies in multiple areas of non-invasive biomedical research at cellular and molecular scale.

Column kit for analytical method development

Proposal Status: 

As a core pharmacology laboratory for Center for AIDS Research at UCSF, the Drug Research Unit (DRU) often encounters problems regarding column selection during memthod development. Here I propose to seek for funding to buy 25-50 analytical columns as a column kit for method development.

The Immunological Microbiome Project: Collaborative Microbial database for the prediction of disease and immunological research

Proposal Status: 

Rationale – The mammalian gastrointestinal (GI) tract contains hundreds of distinct species of commensal microbes under normal conditions, referred to as the ‘microbiota’.  Recently, it has been appreciated that the microbiota exists in a mutualistic relationship with the host immune system.

Translating an Effective Systems-Based Chlamydia Screening Intervention For Australian General Practitioners in New South Wales

Proposal Status: 

Rationale Chlamydia trachomatis remains the most commonly reported bacterial sexually transmitted infection among U.S.
