1. Project Title:A scoreboard based smartphone App of self-managed physical moving activities for office workers (Authors: Yi-Chang Li, Chia-Yu Lien and Austin Shieh, Date:Augest 3, 2012. For more information, please read the final submission which has been attached in the PDF format on Aug 3, 2012, 11:20 am)
2. Description of project
How much physical activity do you need? CDC suggests work your way up to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or an equivalent mix of the two each week. (http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/physical_activity/index.html)
What is moderate activities? What is vigorous activities? and what activities can be tracking by GPS on a smartphone?
Moderate: While performing the physical activity, if your breathing and heart rate is noticeably faster but you can still carry on a conversation — it's probably moderately intense. Examples include walking briskly* (a 15-minute mile), light yard work (raking/bagging leaves or using a lawn mower), light snow shoveling*, actively playing with children, and biking at a casual pace*.
Vigorous: Your heart rate is increased substantially and you are breathing too hard and fast to have a conversation, it's probably vigorously intense. Examples include jogging/running*, swimming laps, rollerblading/inline skating at a brisk pace*, cross-country skiing*, most competitive sports (football, basketball, or soccer), and jumping rope.
Note: * means the activity can be tracked by a GPS on the smartphone
We present a scoreboard app for office workers in UCSF on the smartphone with AGPS. Following users are included: medical professionals in UCSF hospital, as well as students, staffs and faculty in UCSF campus. User will get the score for moving exercises, such as walking, running, skating, running and cycling. A score is reported to user on a weekly basis (thru Monday to Sunday). User will receive a score remind a day (e.g. before 8pm). On Sunday, user will get a summary report and will be encouraged by a symbol of completion if he/she reaches above the baseline (CDC suggestion of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or an equivalent mix of the two each week. ) If his/her score is under baseline, a reminder will be also sent to the smartphone to encourage him/her exercise more in the next week.
Notice: This app is not designed for an office worker who likes exercises.It is for an office worker may use "no time" or "too busy" as a excuse and not move at lease above the baseline. Score is calculated based on the intensity and the time of moving activities. The score formula will be opened after Aug 10.
3. Deliverables
An iPhone or an Android App will be delivered by free downloading on Apple's Appstore or Google's Market. The app will benefit on UCSF office workers or campus members to improve their fitness. The app will be opened to public free download when the program is well-tested by UCSF users.
Time bond depends on final scope and requirements.
4. Impact on UCSF's mission and/or community (Expected Contribution of this project)
This project is expected to have a little contribution as one of the pilot studies to prevent individual to become a pre-type-2-diabetes. Physical exercise is a key component of lifestyle modification. The modification can help individuals prevent or control type 2 diabetes (Fowler, 2010). Although diet is probably more important in the initial phases of weight loss, incorporating exercise as part of a weight-loss regimen helps maintain weight loss and prevent regaining of weight (Klein et al. 2004; Bassuk and Manson 2005).
Internet techonologies and mobile technologies introduced innovative way to improve individual fitness and prevent health problems (such as Faghri et al., 2008; Fukuoka et al. 2010, to name a few).
UCSF has been well known by academy and community because of its history and leadership in innovation and a vision of a cure in diabetes. The app presented in this project is a pilot study for presenting an innovative tool in type 2 diabetes prevention. However, the app will not track all kinds of physical activities but moving because of the limitation of GPS capability. After implementation and test of our app, future study is expected to have a pilot trail for evaluating the effectiveness for individual with type 2pre-diabete.
5. List of team members and their roles
(1) Yi-Chang Li, Visiting Assistant Professor, Institute for Health and Aging, School of Nursing, UCSF (team leader and part-time programmer)
(2) Chia-Yu Lien, Master students, School of Nursing, UCSF (as a team member to adapt carlorie conversion and develop a scoreboard for this project)
(3) Austin Shieh, EECS undergrate student, UC Berkeley, (as a team member and a part-time programer in this project
6. Estimated time devoted by each team member
Equal devotion is made by each team member.
7. For staff: pre-approval documentation from your supervisor
No staff at this time
8. Current progress
The calculation formula for calculation of the score got in each moving activity is under revision by Chia-Yu Lien. Figure 1 demonstrates our prototype which is under construction. Red spot represent the position of individual who is using our app. Orange circle means the distance of half a mile within the individual access.
Please see the figure in our MS word format file attached below.
1. Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Herrmann SD et al. 2011. Compendium of Physical Activities: A Second Update of Codes and MET. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 43(8):1575-1581.
2. Bassuk SS and Manson JE. 2005.Epidemiological evidence for the role of physical activity in reducing risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease,Journal of Applied Physiology,99(3):1193-1204.
3. Faghri PD Omokaro C. Parker,C. Nichols,E. Gustavesen S. and Blozie E. 2008. E-technology and Pedometer Walking Program to Increase Physical Activity at Work,Journal of Primary Prevention,29(1):73-91.
4. Fowler MJ. 2010. Diagnosis, Classification, and Lifestyle Treatment of Diabetes.Clinical Diabetes. 28(2):79-86
5. Fukuoka Y, Vittinghoff E, Jong SS, Haskell W. (2010). Innovation to motivation--A pilot study of mobile phone intervention to increase physical activity among sedentary women. Preventive Medicine, 51(3-4), 287-289
6. Klein S, Sheard NF, Pi-Sunyer X, Daly A, Wylie-Rosett J, Kulkarni K, Clark NG .2004. Weight management through lifestyle modification for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: rationale and strategies: a statement of the American Diabetes Association, the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, and the American Society for Clinical Nutrition. Diabetes Care 27:2067–2073
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We are welcoming a app
An interesting concept, but
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This certainly changes the
Dr. Terrazas Thank you so
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I feel this app can be very
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