UCSF Center for Healthcare Value - Caring Wisely 2.0

Crowd-sourcing innovative cost savings ideas from the front lines of care delivery systems

Review Complete Proposals

Cost Reduction Initiatives in QT Monitoring

Idea Status: 

A substantial number of medications have been described to prolong the QT interval, which can predispose patients to potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmias. When patients are prescribed medications known to prolong the QT interval, a 12-lead ECG is often ordered at baseline and at regular intervals to monitor for QT prolongation.  The resultant patient charge per 12-lead ECG for recording and interpretation by a cardiologist is approximately $500.

Integrated Skilled Nursing Facility at UCSF

Idea Status: 

Every day (particularly on weekends and holidays) patients on the Medicine service have clinically improved and are ready for discharge, yet remain in the hosptial because of difficulty in finding an appropriate skilled nursing facility where they can continue their rehab.  Each non-indicated day in the hospital needlessly costs thousands of dollars, occupies provider time that could be spent caring for acutely ill patients, and subjects patiens to many of the harms and infection risks that we know exist in the hosptial setting.  Many other hospitals (including SFGH) already have integreate

Geographic Admitting

Idea Status: 

Currently at UCSF medicine patients are distributed to different floors and wings of the hospital with no consideration given to which primary team will be managing the patients.  This results in providers moving from one floor to another and back and forth between Moffitt, Long, and the ICUs on rounds and later in the day when providing patient care activities.  In many other teritiary care institutions across the United States, medical teams have a designated wing or floor where their admissions are automatically placed.  Not only does this streamline rounds, it also allows for providers

Standardizing Location of Advance Care Planning Documentation in the EMR

Idea Status: 

Can apply to both UCSF Medical Center and SFGH.  SFGH is hampered to a greater degree given the lack of an integrated EMR system.  Efforts should be taken to standardize the location of advance care planning documenation in the EMR.  Often a great deal of time may be taken by providers to obtain ACP documentation, but then there is no standard place or processes around documenting such materials.  Or if there is a place, processes and practice are not standardized to ensure that information is recorded in a reliable fashion and location.  This leads to inaccessibility of important informati

Reducing multiple medical record number being assigned to a patient

Idea Status: 

At SFGH it is common for a patient to be assigned several diffierent medical records and there is minimal efficiency with which information is merged into one record or that it is made clear a patient may have additional infomation (including testing and imaging results) under another medical record number.  This leads to expensive tests, and images potentially being repeated since providers are not aware the results are listed under a different medical record.  There are also clearly possible ramifications for patient safety as well.

Redesigning the workqueue to increase efficiency

Idea Status: 

I work with the Cancer Genetics group here at UCSF. I triage, on my own, up to 300 unscheduled referrals at a time which is a large amount. I handle the workqueue alone and feel that we should address the way that referrals are sent to allow patient coordinators to sort referrals and create folders for organization.

Reducing unnecessary/excess culture processing for ascites

Idea Status: 

Issue: To evaluate for possible intraabdominal fluid infection in pts with ascites, providers typically will send cell ct/diff and cultures (innoculated in aerobic/anaerobic blood culture bottles).  However, a positive culture representing true infection in the absence of the cell count revealing >250 PMNs is quite rare (often representing inadvertent contamination).  As the cell count is typically processed within a few hours, a provider will know the whether a pt meets cell count criteria for bacterial peritonitis: if it has <250 PMNs, this rules out infection in th

Reducing paper waste and more efficient time use

Idea Status: 

I work for the Cancer Genetics group within the UCSF health system. As genetics groups we are asked to send a paper letter to our patients detailing the clinic note. This means we send up to 80 letters a week. The time it takes to fold each individual letter, and the amount of paper we waste sending it out, could be redirected if there was a way to securely e-mail the patients these letters via Apex.
