Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Demonstration Projects 2025

Crowdsourcing ideas to bring advances in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence into real-world clinical practice.

A Learning Healthcare System, as envisioned by the Institute of Medicine and the NIH Collaboratory, aims to bring new knowledge quickly into the healthcare delivery system, including advances in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.   

This is the second call for UCSF’s Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Demonstration Projects - “AI Pilots” - aimed at advancing UCSF as a Learning Healthcare System, sponsored by UCSF and UCSF Health Leadership. This also represents the fourth institution-wide Call for Proposals for Learning Health System Demonstration Projects. 

Funded project teams will receive investigator salary support for 1 year (up to 10% effort for project lead(s) starting July 1, 2025), with an option to extend for a second year, depending upon project progress.  

To aid in the development and improvement of proposals, "office hours" will be offered throughout Phase 1 and 2, for open discussions around possible projects and submissions. Office hours will include a data scientist and a data engineer from the Health AI team to help scope and refine project goals and the APex Enabled Research (AER) team to discuss feasibility. Additionally, during Phase 2 (Open improvement), the UCSF community can comment, follow and like proposals while researchers may refine their proposals.

  • March 3rd - April 6th , 11:59pm: Phase 1 - Open Submission
    • Develop and submit a 3-Page Proposal and a Letter of Support
    • Subscribe to email updates to view new proposals and comments
  • April 7th – April 18th , 11:59pm: Phase 2 - Open Improvement
    • Browse proposals and comment to improve others' proposals 
    • Review comments on your own proposal and revise if you like 
  • May 15th: Announcement of selected projects
  • July 1st: Funding period begins
Open Submission

Proposals (1 total)

Displaying 1 - 1