UCSF Center for Healthcare Value - Caring Wisely 2.0

Crowd-sourcing innovative cost savings ideas from the front lines of care delivery systems


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The UCSF Center for Healthcare Value (CHV) called for the best ideas to reduce inefficiencies and health care costs as Phase 1 of the Caring Wisely initiative. The top 10 ideas at each site were selected as "Hot Spots" for Phase 2, which will be a call for proposals from within the UCSF and SFGH communities to address the areas of interest identified from the winning ideas in Phase 1.

Ideas (172 total)


Supplies and Demand

Idea Status: 

Create an internal website maybe on Care links where departments can list and search for office or medical supplies that they need or have extras of.  Instead of ordering right away, employees or practice managers can see what might be available on the website.  Also, departments can list things they may be looking for,(i.e.

Wasted Oxygen

Idea Status: 

Our staff has noticed that in the operating rooms, when the procedure is finished, they take the patient to the recovery area and frequently leave the oxygen running at maximum on the anesthesia machine.  Some of these machines are left running all night (as evidenced by finding them going on weekends when no cases were done).  Not only does this waste gas, but creates a potential fire safety problem if the oxygen accumulates around anything combustible.


Clinical Labs Consolidation

Idea Status: 

UCSF operates the clinical labs for Parnassus and MZ and a separate lab at SFGH.  Given that the average age of clinical lab scientists is north of 55 and the fact that few are graduated in California each year, why not consider consolidating the labs Parnassus, MZ, SFGH and the new Benioff Hospitals?  This could increase efficiency and address labor pool shortages.

SFGH Invision issues

Idea Status: 

There are too many medical record numbers the same individuals.  Also the same medical record number may apply to individuals not belonging to that medical record number. I request files for my doctors and nurses and look up patient info for verification for reports or to request files and many times when I enter the number, more than one name appears. The other name/names are clearly not the patient I am requesting. Not only does this pose an issue with patient care, i.e.

Language based hospital units

Idea Status: 

Many patients, particularly at SFGH, are non-native English speakers.  Unfortunately, there few live translators available, and none after hours.   Translator phones are often few and far between or malfunctioning.  Furthermore, many patients are cognitively impaired or have hearing impairment, which makes the use of a translator phone difficult and ineffective.  Language barriers contibute to costs and adverse events: 1. Patient may misunderstand discharge instructions, leading to readmissions  2.

Risk scores for patients who are high risk for readmission before they are discharged

Idea Status: 

This idea will attempt to address readmission to the hospital by identifying which patients are at high risk for readmission before they leave the hospital or before they are transferred from an ICU to a step down unit. The hypothesis for this idea is that if we are able to calculate a risk score for readmission and intervene early for those patients with a high risk score either before the patient leaves the hospital and after they are discharged from the hospital or ICU unit, the rate of readmission will go down with more targeted interventions.

APEX intergration of Confidential Morbidity Reporting

Idea Status: 

All physicians in California are legally required to report any disorder "characterized by a lapse in consciousness" to the Department of Public Health, who in turn notify the Department of Motor Vehicles. The goal is to make sure that people with seizures, cardiogenic syncope, etc. are treated appropriately before they resume driving. Whether mandatory reporting really reduces patient morbidity is an area of active debate in the neurology community. However, the law is clear - physicians' failure to report these diagnoses in a timely fashion may lead to significant liability, should the pa

integrating healthcare systems

Idea Status: 

The following is for SFGH specifically. As a family medicine resident, I am in the unique position of acting as an OB gyn, pediatrics, emergency medicine, and, of course, family medicine resident. Because of this I am exposed to learning various different electronic medical records which do not always talk to each other that well(LCR, ECW, watchchild, pulsecheck). Each department uses the system in a different way - pediatrics uses ECW and sometimes LCR, the ob department uses watchchild and LCR.

Send AVS ( After visit summary) to some patients via MyChart instead of printing it

Idea Status: 

All patients are given print out of the after visit summary. I often write detailed patient instructions and have often found that patietns would forget the details of instructions ( even though it was written down and a print out was given). I think its often misplaced after few days. Many physicians often get Mychart  questions after few weeks about the issues that were written down on the AVS but patients forgot because they lost the AVS.

Mechanism of commenting/signing off on APEX Scanned Documents in Media Manager without having to print out on paper

Idea Status: 

UCSF System:  Would like an APEX IT fix for documents (labs/scans/progress notes) scanned into APEX: the overall move is to have them imported through eFax to avoid paper printing.  However, there is not a mechanism to comment or sign off on the documents in Media Manager (i.e.
