Caring Wisely FY 2023 Project Contest

Patient Protection Program (PPP Bins)

Proposal Status: 
  • ABSTRACT - One paragraph summary of your proposed initiative – Limit 1500 characters (with spaces)

Every day, nurses are at risk. Since becoming a new nurse, I noticed a gap in our safety nets and this proposal seeks to address that. The Patient Protection Program (PPP) seeks to reduce costs, protect patients, and protect nurses. This program aims to implement PPP bins in every patient room and inside every medication room. The PPP bins will collect medication labels that are used to scan in and identify the 6 rights. These labels currently only go in 2 places: trash or sharps bin. Neither is a sufficient disposal method. When nurses choose to throw these labels away in the garbage, there is a high risk of HIPAA violations occurring. When thrown in the sharps bin, the cost to process these medication bags and medication labels is incredibly costly to the hospital. Having a PPP bin where these labels and bags can go ensures patient protection and can decrease costs through recycling measures. 

  • TEAM - Core implementation team members and titles

Sharps collectors would collect both sharps bins and PPP bins during their rounds. Nurses would throw labels into the bins as they do their medication passes.

  • PROBLEM - Background of the problem.  What is the cost associated with this problem?  Why address this problem now? What is the current condition?

Costs of the problem include increased sharps disposal costs, and increased plastic bag costs. I want to address this now because I am new and want to help the hospital. 

  • TARGET -  What is the goal?  What are the expected benefits, both qualitative and quantitative?

Goal: nurses utilize the bins. Sharps costs go down. Plastic bags get reused. Labels get properly disposed of/shredded. Qualitative benefits: increased safety for patients, increased ease for nurses, and lower chances of HIPAA violations. Quantitative benefits: decreased sharps costs, decreased plastic bag use costs.

  • GAPS - Why does the problem exist?  Describe system issues; technological gaps; educational gaps

No proper disposal space.

  • INTERVENTION - Describe your proposed intervention and rationale for the approach. Describe your practice setting and target population (e.g. department, unit, clinic, patient characteristics, diagnosis group, procedural group, provider characteristics, staff characteristics, etc.). Describe potential barriers to implementation. What are the possible adverse outcomes that may occur that may affect the quality of care and patient safety as a result of your proposed intervention?

Placing PPP bins in every room and every medication room. Suitable for any unit giving medications. Barriers to implementation include: staff adherence, HIPAA approved shredders for the plastic labels.

  • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS-Note: EHR modifications are NOT required for a winning proposal


  • COST - Estimated baseline costs to the health system and projected savings from the proposed project

The cost of processing sharps waste.

  • SUSTAINABILITY - If successful, how will this intervention be sustained beyond the funding year?  Who are the key UCSF process owners?

The bins are resistant to wear and tear, similar to sharps bins. 

  • BUDGET- Line-item budget up to $50,000 - 

  1. Cost of bins

  2. Salary of newly hired sharps/label disposers

  3. Printing of signs

  4. Email notice to all employees and education directly on the unit


Sedation Suite for hem/onc procedures (LPs and BMAs) in Oakland

Proposal Status: 
  • PROPOSAL TITLE: Create sedation suite (either in Hem/Onc Treatment Room or PICU) for BCH Oakland
  • PROJECT LEAD(S): not sure if anesthesia, surgical services or oncology should lead
  • ABSTRACT - One paragraph summary of your proposed initiative – Limit 1500 characters (with spaces) Establish a sedation suite where either anesthesia or PICU attending uses Propofol only for light sedation for Oakland hem/onc/BMT patients requiring lumbar puncture or bone marrow aspirate/biopsy.  This is standard in most pediatric hem/onc centers around the country (including San Francisco/Mission Bay I believe)
  • TEAM - Core implementation team members and titles
  • PROBLEM - Background of the problem.  What is the cost associated with this problem?  Why address this problem now? What is the current condition?  Currently Oakland pediatric Hem/Onc/BMT patients get their LPs and BMAs done in the OR.  OR Block time is very limited and does not always correspond with dates that therapy is due.  Patients (most of whom are 1-10 year old leukemia patients) repeatedly having to wait/remain NPO for extended periods of time.  The OR is extremely inefficient in terms of flow and there are limited resources (rooms, RNs, techs, anesthesiologists) so turnover is very slow.  Hem/Onc provider time also wasted waiting for turnover.  The delays are the #1 complaint lodged by parents of these patients.  The problem has gotten worse in recent months with OR room remodeling and loss of many of our anesthesiologists
  • TARGET -  What is the goal?  What are the expected benefits, both qualitative and quantitative?  Reduce wait time and turnover time for pediatric onc patients who have mutiple procedures throughout their treatment
  • GAPS - Why does the problem exist?  Describe system issues; technological gaps; educational gaps.  No champion to push for creation of designated space for these procedures. inefficiency built into the current system
  • INTERVENTION - Describe your proposed intervention and rationale for approach. Describe your practice setting and target population (e.g. department, unit, clinic, patient characteristics, diagnosis group, procedural group, provider characteristics, staff characteristics, etc.). Describe potential barriers to implementation. What are the possible adverse outcomes that may occur that may affect quality of care and patient safety as a result of your proposed intervention?  Same as abstract
  • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS Note: EHR modifications are NOT required for a winning proposal
    • What are the clinical problems you are hoping to solve with APeX?
    • What APeX tools (patient lists, reports) or workflows (orders, documentation, alerts) are you using now to achieve this goal? How would you want these modified?  Might need to create a new "location" within Apex since procedure would no longer be in OR.  Probably something already exists since this is the current model at Mission Bay campus
    • What new APeX tools/workflows do you think you need to achieve the goals of your project? none
  • COST - Estimated baseline costs to the health system and projected savings from the proposed project.  I don't have the means to estimate these costs but the current system causes so much extra manual manipulation and coordination that there would be savings from making the system more efficient
  • SUSTAINABILITY - If successful, how will this intervention be sustained beyond the funding year?  Who are the key UCSF process owners?  Once established the sedation suite would perpetuate itself 
  • BUDGET - Line-item budget up to $50,000 - Briefly identify key areas of the project that will require funding, e.g., salaries, software, printing, etc

UCSF Clean Air Initiative

Proposal Status: 
  • PROPOSAL TITLE:  UCSF Clean Air Initiative
  • ABSTRACT - Form an air quality plan to monitor CO2 and airborne particles, demonstrate quantified improvements in ventilation, meet California standards for air exchanges per hour (ACH) and make standard across UC campuses.  This will: 
    • Improve clinic access 
    • Improve health equity 
    • Reduce hospital-acquired conditions and infections 
    • Reduce staff sickness absences
  • TEAM - Occupational Health, nominating Ralph Gonzales 
  • PROBLEM - We are in an ongoing airborne pandemic and there will be future pandemics to be faced.  Costs incurred will be any necessary upgrading of HVAC systems/mechanical ventilation, installing CO2 monitors in each UCSF space with accessible online dashboard, additional air cleaning hepa filters where required.  COVID reinfections carry cumulative health risks, nosocomial infections should be eliminated.  Protect UCSF staff and patient health, short and long term, saving thousands of dollars and expanding accessibility for patients. Becoming a leader in addressing air quality now will demonstrate UCSF's commitment to health excellence.  Currently there are onsite staff testing COVID positive potentially spreading to other staff members and patients. 
  • TARGET -  The goal is to reduce staff and patient onsite COVID infections by controlling the air quality and ventilation of closed spaces, an essential measure for the prevention of aerosol risk situations.  Expected benefits will be reduced staff sickness hours, a healthy workforce with improved moral knowing air quality is being improved for their benefit, reduced nosocomial infections/length of patient stays, patients upon knowing of UCSF air quality standards seeking out UCSF for their care. UCSF will be ready for the next anticipated airborne pandemic and increasing frequency of climate change events
  • GAPS - The problem exists because while there are CA state guidelines for air quality they are not being implemented. People need to be educated how improving air quality is an achievable goal that has many health benefits, not only in an airborne pandemic, but also in an environment of increasing frequency of forest fires caused by climate change polluting the air, their long term effects are not yet understood.  Like our society expects clean drinking water standards, we should expect clean air standards.
  • INTERVENTION - Evaluation of indoor spaces to assess what air cleaning intervention is required. When the online CO2 dashboard is operable, any CO2 measurement above a threshold of 800 ppm should lead to action in terms of ventilation/air filtering and/or reduction of the number of people admitted to a space. Staff have access campus wide to online CO2 dashboard, patients have access to clinics/patient areas. The only potential barrier to this project would be the initial cost which would be offset over time by reduced staff sickness absences and any potential lawsuits brought by patients for nosocomial infection. There are no negative adverse outcomes to cleaning the air, only positive.   
  • COST - I can only estimate the baseline costs to the health system will be recouped in projected savings from the proposed project
  • SUSTAINABILITY - Once the system is implemented there will be the cost of air filter replacement/regular functional assessments.  Unsure of key process owners. 
  • BUDGET - Line-item budget up to $50,000 - CO2 monitors for indoor UCSF spaces, set up of online CO2 monitoring dashboard with staff & patient access, additional air cleaning hepa filters where required (rooms without adequate mechanical or natural ventilation).

Reduce/mitigate congestion in hallways to ensure quick access for patient beds

Proposal Status: 
  • PROPOSAL TITLE: Reduce/mitigate congestion in hallways to ensure quick access for patient beds
  • ABSTRACT - An updated hospital policy to help ensure routes and pathways are clear for surgical/transport teams when moving patients through the hospital.
  • TEAM - Medical and Engineering/Contractors
  • PROBLEM - Elevators 3 and 4 are currently the only elevators large enough to accomidate a hospital bed with patient and medical team.  If the medical staff are moving a patient from one location to another within the hospital, they may come across the engineering staff or contractor/s with an extended containment cart in the hallways leading up to and away from elevators 3 and 4.  This creates a pathway too narrow for the hospital bed to go through, and requires the engineers/contractors to hastily pack up and move the cart out of the way to allow passage for the bed and medical team.
  • TARGET -  Create a policy and proedure to mitigate the congestion of hallways when a medical team transport is being conducted.
  • GAPS - The hallways are physically too narrow to allow a containment cart as well as a hospital bed in the same location.
  • INTERVENTION - Proposal to create or amend policy for medical team to send a runner through the intended route that the proceeding medical team and patient will be taking.  This will give any staff with large obstructions in the way some heads up time to move equipment out of the way ahead of time and allow medical staff the opportunity to quickly and efficiently move to their intended destination. 
  • COST - $0
  • SUSTAINABILITY - The medical team charged with patient transport will be the key process owners of this policy.  
  • BUDGET - No additional funding is required.

Chemotherapy video education modules

Proposal Status: 
  • PROPOSAL TITLE:  Video modules for Chemotherapy Teaching

ABSTRACT –To assemble chemotherapy video education modules that can be tailored to each patient. Topics would include chemotherapy medications, managing side effects and medication use, lifestyle changes, activity, nutrition and support. Patients can view the modules with family members or caregivers. The videos can be accessed as often as needed and can be done in increments suitable for each patient and at anytime.

  • TEAM – nurse education/triage for each oncology department
  • PROBLEM - time consuming for nurse teaching, insufficient staffing to meet triage needs in real time while many hours a week are used for one on one chemotherapy teaching.
  • TARGET -  goal is for consistent education with patients being prepared to start chemotherapy, not being delayed to start chemo due to no appts being available and for daily messages to be addressed timely
  • GAPS - different nurses provide better teaching, on call fill in staff can take longer to complete, does not allow patients to review all the information again as this is a one time appointment.
  • INTERVENTION - create videos on various topics
  • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS links to different videos for patients to access
  • COST -cost of creating videos, would not need to be updated as these would be standard teaching and management of common side effects, clinic may be able to have less fill in staff time on a day to day basis, appointments would not be cancelled if staff shortage, can keep up to the demand for patients who need chemotherapy teaching without delays, patients start chemotherapy better prepared, potentially better management of side effects, less calls to the clinic, decrease risks of needing emergency management care. 
  • SUSTAINABILITY -clinic manager and staff
  • BUDGET - creation of videos

Rethinking the waitlist for patient care to optimize direct care and reduce “waste”

Primary Author: Christie Lin
Proposal Status: 

Patient waitlists for therapeutic services is a significant problem in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences that has become exacerbated with the pandemic.  This problem is reflective of the broader challenges to access mental health services within our community and field. Waitlists are costly for everyone involved in the health system. They are problematic for both patients and clinical care teams. For the healthcare system, waitlists are the result of limited access to care. Patients can be on the waitlist for a duration of up to one year, particularly in our division where the demand for care is higher than the number of available providers. Waitlists leaves patients without care from the UCSF health system, resulting in prolonging symptoms that  place them at-risk for increased symptom severity and the need for more intensive or prolonged care in the long run. For the clinical team, the time and effort spent in managing the waitlist results in lost productivity and provision of active patient care efforts that negatively impacts every team member from the administrative to the direct care team. Therefore, this proposal aims to reduce the “waste” associated with waitlists for clinical services with a brief care model for families on the waitlist: Bridge Program.

Improving the Discharge Process for LEP Surgical Patients

Proposal Status: 

Closing the Gap: Improving the Discharge Process for LEP Surgical Patients

Project Lead(s): Ryuta Fukuda, RN; Darcy McCarty, RN; Karen Trang, MD; Hannah Decker, MD; Alison Baskin, MD; Logan Pierce, MD; Elizabeth Wick, MD

Executive Sponsor: Pat Patton


Approximately 22% of adults in the United States speak a primary language other than English, and limited English proficiency (LEP) has been correlated with barriers to accessing to surgical care, increased risk of related adverse events, worse patient care experiences, and difficulty understanding of discharge instructions. Furthermore, LEP patients are more likely to have multiple other socioeconomic vulnerabilities, including employment, medical-legal assistance, health insurance, public benefits, lower health literacy, poorer housing quality and food insecurity. As we strive to ensure equitable surgical care is delivered to all, understanding the challenges, and developing mitigation plans for surgical patients with LEP is critical. At UCSF Health, about 11% of patients undergoing surgery have LEP and, while interpreter services are readily available and for the most part, utilized, evaluation of basic discharge metrics (LEP surgical patients discharge on average 1 hour later than non LEP counterparts) as well as informal discussions with nurses and providers suggests an opportunity for improvement.


This work is critical for multiple UCSF Health missions, including (1) quality and safety, (2) health equity (3) efficiency and financial strength (4) learning health system. Ultimately, if we can collectively improve in this area, beyond enhancing our performance on the True North Pillars, the UCSF general surgery and hopefully all surgical services will be national leaders in communication, surgery and the LEP patient.



Department of Surgery: Elizabeth Wick, MD (Professor), Ian Soriano, MD (Associate Professor); Alison Baskin, MD, MPH (PGY 2 resident); Karen Trang MD (research resident and clinical informatics fellow); Sophia Hernandez, MD (PGY2 Resident) Hannah Decker, MD (Research Resident) Alexis Colley, MD, MPH (Research resident); TBD project manager

Department of Medicine: Logan Pierce, MD (Assistant Professor; medical informatics); Lev Malevanchik, MD (Assistant Professor)

Department of Anesthesia: Solmaz Manuel, MD

UCSF Health: Ryuta Fukuda, RN, Unit Manager 13L (and interim Unit Manager A5/6 MB); Darcy McCarty, RN, Assistant Unit Manager 13L, Toni Workman RN, DNP, Director Capacity Management, TBD RN 13L; Misti Meador, RN, Case Management; Nancy Huang PharmD Pharmacy; Shirley Darwish, RN PREPARE

Executive Sponsor: Pat Patton, Chief Nursing Executive, UCSF Health



Improved operational efficiency and health equity are two priority areas for UCSF Health. Discharge timeliness data for LEP surgical patients lags that of English-speaking surgical patients across all languages. On discussion with the resident teams, frequently discharge instructions are either not provided translated into the patient's preferred language or translated with Google translation with questionable accuracy; there is no standard format or expectation. Instructions provided only in English mean that they can not be referenced later by the patient and family when questions arise. Providing patients written and verbal discharge instructions is in alignment with pre-existing UCSF practices to support all learning styles. Frontline nurses share that discharges can be delayed waiting for a family member who speaks English and cannot come during the day.


Importantly, more than 50% of the adverse events in surgery are diagnosed after discharge. Safe management requires patients and their families to recognize deviations from average recovery early and re-engage with their surgical team for management (“rescue”). After discharge, the burden of identifying adverse events is borne by the patient and family, and it is the healthcare system's responsibility to ensure that they are equipped to do this.



Over the past few years, to accommodate high capacity, particularly at the Parnassus Campus, emphasis has been placed on improving the efficiency of the discharge process. Early discharges on the surgical floors enable efficient daily operating room throughput. Even a one-hour delay in discharging a patient translates into extra recovery room minutes for another patient, which then cascades to additional operating room minutes for another patient. Operating room holds are costly and must be avoided both to improve value as well as ensure that highly specialized daytime teams can be leveraged for the most complex operations. Timely discharge of surgical patients also enables cohorting of patients on surgical floors, a practice that allows patients to benefit from specialty nursing as well as ease stress on provider teams. The efforts directed at timely (before noon) discharges have been productive over the past few years -- 13L is a high performer unit, but LEP patients have lagged. It is essential that we address this disparity.


This work is critical for multiple UCSF Health missions, including (1) quality and safety, (2) health equity (3) efficiency and financial strength (4) learning health system. Ultimately, if we can collectively improve in this area, beyond enhancing our performance on the True North Pillars, the UCSF general surgery and hopefully all surgical services will be national leaders in communication, surgery and the LEP patient.


Timely discharge of surgical patients is essential to maintain throughput through the operating rooms as well as enable cohorting of patients on surgical floors, a practice that allows patients to benefit from specialty nursing as well as ease stress on provider teams.


While 7.8% of the patients on the general surgery service have LEP, LEP patients are common on the surgical services at UCSF with some of the highest rates on CT, vascular and transplant (~12%).




We aim to eliminate the gap in discharge by noon percentages between LEP and non-LEP surgical patients and ensure that 90% patients discharged with the top 5 most common general surgery and surgical oncology diagnoses receive discharge instructions in English and their preferred language.



Data demonstrates discharge inefficiencies are consistently noted in LEP surgical patients at UCSF, with under 12% of LEP patients being discharged before noon (compared to 17.5% of English-speaking patients). The data is corroborated by frontline providers and nurses reporting frequent challenges with accurate discharge instructions, coordinating with family members and last-minute changes. This is prevalent on 13L (top) as well as all units (bottom).







With this caring wisely proposal, we aim to improve the efficiency and quality of the discharge process for surgical patients with LEP.


To achieve this goal, we will:

Aim 1: Understand the Current State and Identify Opportunities for Improvement

We will use a combination of approaches to understand the current state, including interviews with key stakeholders (patients and families, nurses, social workers, case managers, and providers) and observation of LEP and non-LEP surgical patient discharges. While the focus will be on the 24 hours around the time of discharge, there may be an opportunity to better anticipate needs preoperatively (for scheduled operations) or earlier in the hospital stay (for urgent/emergent operations); therefore, before identifying the 2-3 potential small tests of change, we will convene stakeholders along the continuum of surgical care for 1-2 sessions to further review findings and ensure all opportunities for improvement are considered.


Aim 2: Improve Language Concordant Standardized Discharge Instructions

We will work collectively (incorporating the perspective of provider and nursing teams as well as patients and families) to develop a strategy to standardize discharge instructions for common general surgery and surgical oncology procedures. One approach may be to have a core set of instructions that applies to multiple procedures with specific additional modules for conditions like wound care, drains, ostomies etc. Whatever the agreed-upon approach, the instructions will be agnostic of the surgical attending, written at the 6th grade literacy level, and translated into Spanish, Chinese and Russian (the most common languages seen on the 13L). To ensure they are easily accessible to all providers, we work with the APeX clinical documentation team to embed them in the discharge navigator.


Aim 3: Implement 2-3 small tests of change aimed at mitigating a barrier to discharge identified in aim 1.

While preparing this proposal, solutions have been proposed to improve the discharge process for LEP surgical patients. However, given the diverse set of stakeholders and importance of considering all perspectives, we will identify 2-3 small tests of change based on the work completed in aim 1. We anticipate conducting each experiment for 2 months and expect each change will be an iteration of the previous. However, we are receptive to the idea that we may need to go back to the drawing board and pivot entirely. Ideas floated include arranging “appointment times” for discharge teaching with designated family member, staged discharge teaching, early completion of discharge paperwork for LEP patients with close communication between 13L and provider teams. But, importantly until we convene all stakeholders, we don’t want to “solution.”


We will develop a simple dashboard to proactively identify LEP surgical patients on 13L and monitor agreed-upon performance metrics. This will be essential for rigorously evaluating each test.


The work will be integrated into the 13L UBLT leader rounds as well as daily huddles and shared in the weekly general surgery provider meetings. Anticipated barriers include time, resistance to standardizing workflows, dissemination of information and clunky workflow but we believe that, with time, the transdisciplinary collaboration between the provider team and frontline nursing as well as leadership support, we will be able to improve. Beyond the impact of improving the discharge process for LEP surgical patients, enabling surgical resident and frontline nurses to closely collaborate via dedicated non-clinical time has the potential to promote broader enhancements in safety culture and teamwork on the unit that will positively impact all patients.



Aim 1: July-August-September

Aim 2: August-September-October (may need to adjust later in the year, pending aim 3)

Aim 3: October-November-December (Test 1); January-February-March (Test 2); April-May-June (Test 3)

Sustainability and Spread Planning: May-June



  1. What are the clinical problems you are hoping to solve with APeX?
    1. Discharges instructions are frequently in English or translated by Google, limiting the accuracy and utility of discharge instructions for patients and families with LEP. Discharge instructions are an important reference for both RN teaching as well as for patients and families to references in the event of complication at home.
  2. What APeX tools (patient lists, reports) or workflows (orders, documentation, alerts) are you using now to achieve this goal? How would you want these modified? 
    1. Using many personalized dot phrases for discharge with translation by Google with questionable accuracy.
  3. What new APeX tools/workflows do you think you need to achieve the goals of your project?
    1. We are hoping to develop 3-5 discharge instructions for common general surgery and surgical oncology procedures that are in English, Spanish, Chinese and Russian.
    2. To increase ease of use, we would like to embed them in the General Surgery SVC discharge navigator


COST – We estimate the cost for the work to be ~$50,000. Many of the personnel involved in the project will donate their services or are funded by other projects that are very much aligned with this work (H. Decker, R. Fukuda, D. McCarty, E. Wick).


SUSTAINABILITY - Collectively, this work will take critical first steps to improve the discharge process for LEP patients undergoing surgery. Likely, we may also identify opportunities that could have a positive impact on non-LEP surgical patients. Spreading new practices to all patients could make transitioning from “special project” to routine care easier. Given that discharge by noon is a regularly followed metric, with strong performance on 13L, we will explore the potential of adding discharge by noon by LEP vs non-LEP to the 13L metrics to ensure the work will have additional visibility. We will leverage the 13L UBLT and the newly founded Perioperative Quality and Safety Council for both spread beyond the Department of Surgery and accountability. We have also include experienced champions from hospital medicine and anesthesia (Lev Malevanchik and Solmaz Manuel) to ensure that our efforts align with other departments, reinventing the wheel is avoided and we can breakdown silos.

Furthermore, we have assembled an outstanding trans-disciplinary team, with engaged executive sponsorship, that has the potential to ensure alignment with UCSF Health throughput efforts (and avoid re-inventing the wheel), facilitate the spread and if needed, address barriers encountered.

The proposed work will occur in conjunction with related work in surgery including further supporting the sustainability of the work:


(1) UCSF surgical resident GME incentive project to create and pilot language concordant discharge instructions from 3-5 common general surgery procedures at Parnassus.



  1. 1.      Gift cards to acknowledge patient and provider participation in interviews and focus groups (25 @ $40/card = $1,000)
  2. 2.     Translation Services ($5,000)
  3. 3.     Stipend for resident leaders ($6,000)
  4. 4.     Party to celebrate achieving interim and final goals ($1,000)
  5. 5.     Non-clinical time for stakeholders to attend 2 – 2 hour sessions to ($10,000)
  6. 6.     TBD RN from 13L 4 hours per week to interview patients and families, collaborate on interventions, educate and train unit ($15,000)
  7. 7.     Logan Pierce, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Clinical Informatics, Department of Surgery, data and analytics (5% effort, $12,000)





Pediatric cardiac surgery coordinator for weekends

Proposal Status: 
  • PROPOSAL TITLE: Pediatric cardiac surgery coordinator for weekends
  • PROJECT LEAD(S): Pediatric cardiac surgery NP's, coordinator for surgery
  • EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Department of Cardiac-Thoracic Surgery
  • ABSTRACT - Providing a cardiac or surgical team member to help navigate the out-patient and family on the weekends, from the front door to the surgery pre-op and waiting areas. Provide answers and act as liason throughut the procedure.
  • TEAM - Carol M. Costello, RN Pedi OR; E. Echavarria,RN pediatric cardiac surgery coordinator
  • PROBLEM -It has often ben witnessed that the family and patient arriving in the early morning are directed to an empty surgical waiting area or held in the security department as the pre-op and intake areas are not staffed on the weekend. My suggestion is they meet a point person, available the night before, who meets them at the front door of the hospital the morning of surgery. This contact person will stay with family through till the moment their child goes into surgery and offfers support and instruction on where to wait and what to expect through the day. The cost of providing this person is dependent on wether it is a full time or part time, on call position.
  • TARGET -  The goal of this proposal is to eliminate confusion and instill increased confidence in admitting a pediatric cardiac patient for surgery.  In addition, the benefit to the patient experience will be altered to reflect a higher level of care model with uninterrrupted personal attention, which can often be over looked on the weekends.
  • GAPS - Ibelieve this scenario has developed due to the increasing cardiac surgical patient load as well as patients coming from many destinations state-wide and nationally.   
  • INTERVENTION - The need for this proposed intervention has come to the attention of pediatric surgery personel as we have often had to find families that have been deposited in the hospital waiting area- an area that is NOT staffed on the weekends. The pediatric cardiac surgery team is involved in getting the operating room prepared for high acuity and lengthy procedures; very often this can not be interrrupted to locate family and someone less qualified or over-wualified is asked to find the family and bring them to the surgical suite.
  • The provider will be a nurse who is well versed in the cardiac surgery service, able to provide answers and support to the family throughout the in-take process day of surgery.I do not foresee potential adverse affects with this implementation, only the increase in patient and family experience of a very high stress and acute procedure.
  • COST - The estimated value of this service can not be qualified as it is experience based.
  • SUSTAINABILITY - If successful, this service can enhance and increase the level of care provided by the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital cardiac-thoracic surgery division leading to national recognition as a leading in patient care, ecperience, and outcomes.
  • BUDGET - On call or part-time position. UCSF volte phone for inter-hospital use throughout UC systems.

Improving pediatric emergency care access with an integrated telemedicine solution

Proposal Status: 

PROPOSAL TITLE: Improving pediatric emergency care access with an integrated telemedicine solution
PROJECT LEAD(S): Daftary, Rajesh; Baker, Peter (Chris); Whitelaw, Kevin
EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): Grupp-Phelan, Jacqueline; Colorado, Yahaira

ABSTRACT: We propose a pilot telemedicine program that will facilitate real-time support of referring facilities seeking to care for, consult on, or transfer pediatric patients needing pediatric emergency care.  Requested funding will enable the staffing of a telemedicine shift that will also be able to serve real-time surge needs and reduce the number of emergency department patients left without being seen.  A dedicated, staffed position that is simultaneously supporting both UCSF BCH sites (Oakland, San Francisco) can help improve emergency department (ED) efficiency, reduce error, and improve perception of care for patients already in either ED.

TEAM: Pediatric emergency medicine faculty, UCSF Telehealth


UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals (BCH) are quaternary care centers that provide comprehensive pediatric emergency and critical care support to community hospitals.  Children at outlying hospitals who need care beyond local capability are transferred to either children’s hospital for further care.  These transfers account for about 5% of overall ED volumes.  Data between 2020-2023 suggest that some portion of these transfers need only a physician assessment and can be discharged home afterwards.  At our children’s hospitals, 23-33% of patients transferred from community hospitals are discharged after ED evaluation and do not require admission.  Between 7-9% of patients transferred by flight (fixed-wing or rotor) are discharged after ED evaluation.  This data suggests that assessment by a pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) physician may be all that is needed to provide comprehensive care to a patient.  National evidence replicates these findings and suggest that up to 25% of patients who are referred from community hospitals to a pediatric emergency department are discharged without any additional testing.  There is an opportunity to reduce unnecessary transfers.

Some facilities, after discussion with a PEM physician, determine that a patient does not need to be transferred.  Access Center data indicates that at least fifty calls per month are from EDs requesting advice without transfer; these calls are beneficial by supporting local medical decision making and allowing for a patient to be cared for without costly transfer.  However, these calls are currently an uncompensated service our EDs provide.  PEM physicians answering these calls during clinical shifts experience interruptions in care for patients in the department, reduced efficiency, and challenges in providing timely support to hospitals requesting clinical support.

Inefficiencies delay care for children needing assessment, testing, and treatment in the ED.  Further, the pediatric EDs have been impacted by difficult to anticipate surges in patient volumes, especially during the 2022-2023 respiratory season.  It has been challenging to rapidly upstaff when needed, and prolonged wait times, especially for low acuity patients has resulted in highrates of patients left without being seen (LWBS) (8.7% of patients in the BCH Oakland ED, 3.5% in the BCH San Francisco ED [2022]). Nationally, most EDs aim for a LWBS between 1% to 2% or less.  High ED volumes also limit our ability to accept patients who need our care.  During the winter respiratory surge, there were several times when patients on high levels of respiratory support could not be accepted due to lack of capacity.  High rates of LWBS and turning away transfers reflect a failure of our pediatric EDs in their mission to provide care, especially to those most vulnerable.  It also reflects a failed opportunity for UCSF to establish itself as the preferred destination for children needing care in our region any beyond.


We aim to pilot a telemedicine intervention that, during staffed hours, will:

1)    Provide a real-time platform supporting clinicians without access to in-house pediatric specialty and subspecialty care

  • Convert at least 10%emergency department referral calls to video

2)    Better differentiate which patients need transfer to a specialty hospital versus who can be treated in-place

  • Reduce current rate of transfers resulting in discharges by 10%

3)     Reduce interruptions to clinical care:

  • Offload 100% of incoming access center calls to telemedicine clinician instead of PEM physicians providing bedside care

4)    Assess feasibility of a telemedicine provider in triage during high volume hours

  • Provide four hours of coverage per week during peak volume times

5)    Improve patient satisfaction by improving efficiency and reducing prolonged wait times in the emergency department


Telemedicine has already been implemented in a patient-facing offering for many primary care pediatric clinics.  Additionally, telemedicine is utilized by adult neurology to provide consultation to critical-access and community hospitals.  Nationally there is a growing number of PEM programs that offer ED-to-ED telemedicine services, but none currently exist in the Bay Area.  Implementation has been hindered by lack of investment.  Without funding to provide clinical coverage for a telemedicine role, it has been difficult to test feasibility of a telemedicine offering, distribute dedicated telemedicine devices to community partners, or present a reliable alternative to our current workflow of clinical support by telephone only – often resulting in delays in care and overuse of transfers.


As a pilot study, we will engage the top 10 community hospitals responsible for ED-to-ED referrals for each site (Oakland and San Francisco).  Partner hospitals will be briefed on the capability of the PEM telemedicine service and be asked to complete a needs assessment survey.  UCSF PEM faculty, nursing, and staff will also complete a feasibility assessment survey.  These data will identify opportunities and barriers to implementation.

During the implementation phase, PEM physicians will staff a daily telemedicine shift and provide at least five days of coverage per week.  They will be compensated based on a set base rate with additional payment for calls that exceed a minimum number.  During these shifts, the PEM telemedicine physician will be the point of contact for all incoming calls from the Access Center.  During intake, if it is deemed that a video consultation would be beneficial, callers will be prompted to join a predesignated video conference channel (Zoom).  When calls are not being answered, the PEM telemedicine physician will staff a video conference channel that is linked to triage rooms at both pediatric EDs.  In this role, they will assist nursing with initial management decisions, including diagnostic testing, thereby reduce delays for patients needing such testing.

During this pilot phase, we aim to understand the feasibility of implementation of this service line, with a particular interest in staffing needs, community partner barriers to engagement, and impact to care provided to patients.  We will also use this information to develop a financial model that covers the operational costs of a permanent program.  Major barriers to implementation may be consistent staffing of telemedicine shifts, utilization of the service by community EDs, integration in the Access Center workflows, and duplication of efforts between nursing and physicians in triage.  Careful prework in the form of planned feasibility and implementation surveys can help reduce these barriers.

We do not anticipate adverse outcomes from this intervention.  A telemedicine service line is an added functionality to the care and support we already provide.  Community EDs who are not able to provide comprehensive care with telemedicine support will still be able to transfer patients to our pediatric EDs.  Telemedicine consultations usually lengthen time of interaction by five to ten minutes compared to phone consultation only and should not pose significant delay for patients needing transfer.  Patients already in the pediatric ED who are assessed in triage by telemedicine may experience higher rates of diagnostic testing by a physician who is not physically present to perform an evaluation, however any test ordered can be cancelled by the ED care team.


We can adapt the current APeX build to allow registration of patients and documentation of consultative services offered via telemedicine.  No additional build will be required for this role.


Savings calculation: During high-volume shifts, PEM physicians anecdotally report 10-20% of their clinical time is spent answering transfer telephone calls and providing advice.  By offloading this responsibility to a dedicated telemedicine physician, we can increase efficiency and improve patient throughput.  Further, patients who are transferred and discharged after evaluation in the emergency department slow overall throughput in the department and limit the number of patients that can be accepted who would ultimately need admission.  Finally, decreased efficiency in the ED results in longer wait times, which is correlated with increased LWBS.  Each LWBS results in lost revenue for the emergency department (facility and provider fees).  

Depending on the model of staffing needed to incentivize coverage, cost to staff one telemedicine shift per day will range from $600-$1200 ($600 minimum payment with four-hour provider in triage coverage, with an additional $100 per call received).

Other costs are likely to be derived from device procurement and distribution.  These devices will likely be one-time purchases but may require maintenance or replacement as they reach the end of their serviceable life span.  Devices would include a tablet or laptop computer for each partner site.


Ultimately, if the model proves feasible, we can implement a billing system that charges consulting hospitals a flat fee charged to the facility ($300 per call).  These fees can help offset the operational expense of staffing telemedicine shifts.  This billing system has already proven effective at other institutions (Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago).

 Process owners will be project leads within the UCSF Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine.


Staffing: $40,000 – provides 33-60 staffed days depending on call volumes.  It would be necessary to have at least eight weeks of funding support to allow sufficient time for community partner engagement.

Device procurement and distribution, support from UCSF Office of Telehealth: $10,000 – These funds can be reallocated to staffing costs if community partners are willing to use HIPAA complaint devices already on site (laptops, tablets, smartphones) and link to a pre-established Zoom channel managed by the department.


“Home Sweet Home”: Optimal Management of Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in Endocrine Consult Patients Transitioning From Hospital to Outpatient

Proposal Status: 

PROJECT LEAD: Elizabeth Holt, MD PhD, Professor of Medicine and Surgery and Director of Inpatient Endocrinology and Transition Care, Division of Endocrinology

EXECUTIVE SPONSOR: TBA and Suneil K Koliwad, MD, PhD, Chief Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, UCSF

ABSTRACT: Currently the UCSF Inpatient Endocrine Consult Service does not have a standardized protocol for managing diabetes in patients after discharge. Average wait for a follow up Diabetes Clinic visit at UCSF averages 32 days. The 30-day readmission rate for patients with diabetes on the medical service at UCSF is 8.2%, which is 32% higher than the national benchmark of 6.2%. With the Home Sweet Home initiative we aim to standardize and streamline the transition process from hospital to home, reduce disparities in available glucose monitoring technologies for patients at discharge, optimize communication with outpatient Diabetes Clinic providers and improve patient access to Diabetes Clinic APP's who will adjust insulin between discharge and Diabetes Clinic follow up. We aim to reduce disparities in access to Diabetes Clinic providers in the interval between discharge and first follow up visit.  We also aim to reduce the wait time substantially for outpatient follow up appointments in the Diabetes Clinic. Our goals with this initiative include improving patient safety and satisfaction and reducing risk of readmission for patients with diabetes. By being proactive about contacting all patients on insulin after discharge we aim to reduce disparities in diabetes management during the transition period caused by language barriers or lower health literacy. We expect these interventions can be generalized to other acute endocrine conditions and to other services beyond Endocrinology.

TEAM: Esther Rov-Ikpah RN-BC, MS, CDE, Meghan Talbert RN, CNS, CDE

PROBLEM: Diabetes is a chronic illness affecting 11.3% of United States adults or 37 million people nationwide, with a higher burden on those who identify as non-white or have relatively less education (A). One third of hospitalized adults have diabetes (B). Among those in the US with diabetes, approximately 30% use insulin alone or in combination with oral medications (C). Patients with diabetes have a higher rate of 30-day readmission than those without diabetes (up to 22.5 % vs 13.5%) (D), which in some cases is due to suboptimal glycemic control after discharge. Contributors to readmission in the first 30 days for all medical conditions include patients' inability to get to their follow up appointments, patients' not knowing how to reach their physician after discharge, lack of communication between inpatient and outpatient providers, and barriers related to language proficiency and health literacy (E).

TARGET: Goals of the Home Sweet Home initiative that align with the goals of Caring Wisely FY2024 include:

  • Reducing Hospital Readmissions
  • Improving Hospital Throughput and Reducing Excess Inpatient Bed Days
  • Improving Clinic Access
  • Improving Health Equity


  • Wait time to follow up Diabetes Clinic visit at UCSF after discharge from UCSF system hospitals currently averages 32 days.
  • The 30-day readmission rate for patients with diabetes on the medical service at UCSF is 8.2%, fully 32% above the national benchmark as detailed in the Abstract.
  • Glycemic control in patients immediately following discharge is often a "moving target" due to changes in contributing factors such as dosing of medications that impact blood sugars (e.g. steroids), diet, renal function, activity level and acuity of illness.
  • A supply of Freestyle Libre 2 continuous glucose monitor (CGM) sensors has already been secured by Dr. Robert Rushakoff from the manufacturer, Abbott, to offer to patients with diabetes who are followed by the endocrine consult service.  The sensor is placed at discharge by the Diabetes Education (CDE) team to allow closer monitoring of blood sugars at home.  In addition this device will alarm if glucoses are outside set parameters.  Use of this device requires the patient to download an app only compatible with a newer model smart phone or obtain the manufacturer’s reader to present the data.  The reader is not currently available free of charge, but costs $70-140 to obtain and may not be covered by insurance.  Thus patients with lower resources whose phones cannot use the reader app are unable to make use of the free CGM we offer. 
  • The inpatient Hospitalist Medicine service has a series of successful interventions for patients they discharge to prevent complications and readmission such as the Care Transition Outreach Program (CTOP) where patients are contacted after discharge to check for problems or questions. Currently there is no comparable formal system in place within the UCSF Endocrinology practice to track our patients with diabetes after discharge from inpatient medicine, surgery and OB/GYN while they await their Diabetes Clinic appointments. Currently management of our patients' glycemic control during the transition is handled on an ad hoc basis by the consult team with differences in approach from one fellow or attending to the next.
  • Patients with language, communication or health literacy barriers may be less likely to reach out for help during the transition period and may benefit from contact initiated by a Diabetes Clinic APP after discharge to ensure their glucose is in satisfactory range.
  • Given the current lack of a standardized protocol for monitoring blood sugars by the outpatient Diabetes team immediately after discharge and the month-long average wait for a follow up appointment, we postulate that hospital discharges may be delayed by the consult team to ensure glycemic control is fully optimized. We expect with a reliable standardized protocol for close follow up by the outpatient team during the transition period and with a decreased wait for follow up appointments the consult team will be willing to see patients with diabetes discharged from the hospital earlier.

With the Home Sweet Home initiative, our goal is to standardize how patients followed on the UCSF endocrine consult service for diabetes on insulin are monitored and managed as they transition to home and await their next UCSF Diabetes Clinic visit. In addition we aim to reduce the wait time for their next clinic visit from the current average of 32 days to under 14 days. We will offer the Home Sweet Home intervention from the time of discharge until the first outpatient Diabetes Clinic visit to all patients who are at risk for changes in insulin requirement while they await their follow up visit in Diabetes Clinic. This includes patients with anticipated changes in medications that impact blood sugar (e.g. tapering steroids), diet, renal function, activity level and acuity of illness. In addition patients who are new to insulin use or otherwise deemed at risk by the consult team will be offered the Home Sweet Home intervention.

I. Standardizing the transition from inpatient to outpatient care:

  1. Preparation of patient prior to discharge with information and supplies for self-monitoring of blood glucose:
    • The Freestyle Libre home glucose meter provides glucose measurements via a disposable 14-day sensor applied to the skin that samples extracellular fluid.  Results are accurate enough to inform insulin dosing in most cases.  We will continue to supply every patient who is able to use one with a free 14-day CGM sensor at discharge.
    • The CDE team will apply CGM to patient and train patient in use of CGM on the day of discharge.
    • Patients whose smart phones can serve as CGM readers will have assistance from the diabetes educators with the necessary app download and its use.  Patients who do not have a compatible smart phone will be provided a free generic Freestyle Libre 2 reader paid for through Caring Wisely funds.
    • Patients who decline a CGM will be instructed to continue fingerstick glucose monitoring at a frequency recommended by the endocrine consult team
    • Patients going home with a CGM will have it set by the CDE team to alarm for high and low blood sugars.  All patients will be provided on discharge with blood sugar parameters that should prompt an immediate call to the clinic for advice.  This information will be provided in discharge paperwork and communicated verbally by the consult team to the patient and their supports with teach-back to ensure comprehension.

 2. Brief communication between consult team and outpatient UCSF Diabetes Clinic MD and APP at the time of discharge:  A simple templated Staff Message will be sent to the new or existing outpatient diabetes provider to ensure they are aware of the patient’s admission, the reasons for admission, insulin regimen and glucose monitoring plan at discharge, date of follow up visit and any issues to address at follow up. 

3. Clinic-initiated close telephone follow up while awaiting Diabetes Clinic appointment:

    • A phone call will be initiated by the APP from the Diabetes Clinic to all patients 1-2 days after discharge to get information on their glycemic control. APP will manage any needed insulin adjustments, following up with patient over the subsequent days as needed until their scheduled clinic visit. This may be billed under code 99091 for remote interpretation of physiologic data and constitutes 1.1 wRVU.
    • During the initial phone call from the APP the patient will be reminded of their upcoming clinic visit and any barriers to attendance will be addressed.

II. Decreasing wait time to Diabetes Clinic follow up visit:  We will block out slots in all Diabetes Clinic providers' schedules that are earmarked only for hospital follow up and cannot be filled more than 14 days in advance to allow quicker follow up than currently available. These encounters may be by video, phone or in-person. These clinic slots will be designed to accommodate an total of 2 patients per week initially. The number of earmarked slots will be adjusted with time as we monitor and respond to scheduling needs.

III. Data collection: Data for glycemic control during the transition period, wait time to follow up appointment and reduction in readmission rate will be collected from pre- and post-initiation of the Home Sweet Home initiative.

- Creation of a simple smart phrase template in Epic by the Project Lead to communicate at the time of discharge with the patient's primary outpatient Diabetes Clinic MD or APP with a copy to the APP who will be reaching out to the patient 1-2 days after discharge. This message will include major reasons for hospitalization, diabetes regimen at discharge, clinic follow up date, and issues needing follow up in clinic.
- Creation of simple smart phrase in Epic by the Project Lead to provide the patient with individualized glucose parameters that should prompt a call right away to the Diabetes Clinic and the Clinic's contact information. This will also include information on how to have a language interpreter join the call. This information will be added to discharge paperwork.

$72/generic version of Freestyle Libre reader for patients who do not have compatible smart phone.

One patient per week discharged from endocrine consult service will qualify for the generic Freestyle Libre reader.

Interventions to improve clinic wait time and communication with the outpatient Diabetes team after discharge should be easily sustainable if staffing levels are kept constant or increase. Cost of the CGM kit though the Abbott program may not remain free indefinitely. Our goal in collecting data about the benefits of the Home Sweet Home initiative is in part to assist in securing funding from the Health System to continue with Home Sweet Home after the Caring Wisely budget period is over.  We expect these interventions can be generalized to other acute endocrine conditions and to other services beyond Endocrinology. 

Cost of generic Freestyle Libre 2 CGM $72

Number of patients with diabetes discharged from the consult service per week who will qualify for the free CGM reader = 1

$72/week x 52 weeks = $3744/year


A. (accessed 2/28/2023)
B. (accessed 2/28/2023)
C. (accessed 2/28/2023)
D. Ostling, S., Wyckoff, J., Ciarkowski, S.L. et al. The relationship between diabetes mellitus and 30-day readmission rates. Clin Diabetes Endocrinol 3, 3 (2017).
E. Auerbach AD, Kripalani S, Vasilevskis EE, et al. Preventability and Causes of Readmissions in a National Cohort of General Medicine Patients. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(4):484–493. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.7863


Improvement of Interoperability with pre-assessment screening of planned surgical candidates within UC system

Proposal Status: 
  • PROPOSAL TITLE: Improvement of  Interoperability with pre-assessment screening of planned surgical candidates within the UCSF system 
  • PROJECT LEAD(S): To be determined 
  • EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): Case management department 
  • ABSTRACT - As per diem case manager servicing the Mount Zion ortho campus, I, Charles Bell have found a common occurrence of patients admitted for planned procedures without adequate pre-operative screening or the communication of the results. The standard of care for all planned surgeries is for a pre-operative screening to occur with details such as support post-operatively, financial concerns (including insurance), transportation for post-discharge, and if indicated, discussions about options for home health, SNF, or acute rehab facilities. My experience is that documentation or discussion of mentioned standards is not addressed in the pre-operative screening or if it does the information is not available for the inpatient case manager to view. This lack of information collected or inability to view causes tremendous barriers to discharge planning, frustration with patients and families, burnout of inpatient case managers due to increased workload, increased length of stay, denial from insurance companies due to lack of medical necessity for continued stay, delay in appropriate treatment of patients and ultimately loss in revenue for the UCSF system. 
  • TEAM - Team members for the project would include the case management department both inpatient and outpatient.  Pre-screening individuals in the surgeon's office, physical and occupational therapist. Informatics department 
  • PROBLEM - The problem is the failure to create interoperability between systems at UCSF to allow for inpatient, outpatient teams, and the surgeon's offices to communicate effectively.  I would imagine the cost of this problem to be tremendous.  Maybe to be in the millions of dollars on a yearly basis. I believe that addressing poor utilization of resources to maximize revenue is always something to be looked into for the betterment of the system. 
  • TARGET - To create interoperability with the use of existing technologies for the betterment of patient outcomes and overall job satisfaction of employees.  I firmly believe that with a little effort, revenue can be maximized and patient outcomes and staff job satisfaction can improve dramatically 
  • GAPS - A problem exists due to the lack of interoperability between existing technologies. I believe that creating simple lines of communication with outpatient,  inpatient case management, and surgeon's offices would help to reduce gaps 
  • INTERVENTION - My intervention plan would be to create a workflow improving lines of communication between the surgeon's office, and outpatient and inpatient services.  This could be through the use of digital technologies such as Voalte or through the EPIC assessment tab.  In other words, information could be passed to the inpatient case managers once the prescreening of patients has occurred allowing for better planning.  This would include a population of planned surgeries for all campuses at UCSF.  Barriers to implementation would be buy-in from the staff potentially as initially, this would involve a change in workflow.  However, I believe that ultimately it would improve the work environment tremendously.  I do not anticipate any negative outcomes for patients from this proposal 
  • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS Note: I believe that UCSF has the technology in place to facilitate the transfer of this information between interdisciplinary team members.  i just believe that it is not being utilized. I believe the problems solved here will be happier staff and patients due to a decrease in stress levels from better planning. In addition, research has shown that the increased length of staff for inpatient status increases the risk of nosocomial infections. 
  • Why does the problem exist? Poor utilization of resources 
  •  Describe system issues; technological gaps; educational gaps with APeX?  I believe that lack of education about good discharge planning is part of the issue.  Once practitioners understand the dynamics of great case management then they will see improvements in the workflow through the utilization of technology 


  • COST - I believe the financial gain from improvements would be tremendous.  Surgical services are the highest income for hospital systems and any improvement in workflow would show tremendous gains. I do not believe the financial cost of implementation would be costly.  This is a problem that I believe could be solved without complex interventions. UCSF has the existing staff and technology in place.  
  • SUSTAINABILITY - I do not believe further funding would be necessary as key players in implementation are already in the plan
  • BUDGET - Line-item budget up to $50,000 -  There could be the potential for adjustment in digital technology systems such as Voalte or other EPIC adjustments. 

Assessment of Efficacy and Safety of a Standardized Continuous Pulse Oximetry EHR Order

Proposal Status: 


Assessment of Efficacy and Safety of a Standardized Continuous Pulse Oximetry EHR Order



Nirav Bhakta

Aida Venado Estrada



Adrienne Greene

Joshua Adler


ABSTRACT - One paragraph summary of your proposed initiative – Limit 1500 characters (with spaces)


Continuous pulse oximetry (CPO) allows for real-time monitoring of oxygen saturation and heart rate 24 hours a day in hospitalized patients. For patients at risk of respiratory decompensation, CPO can lead to early intervention and prevention of medial events. However, many technical and biological factors contribute to noisy data. This noisy data creates false alarms, leads to alarm fatigue, and distracts attention from real desaturation events. In the absence of professional society guidelines, clinicians currently order and discontinue CPO at their discretion. Appropriate CPO utilization, reducing over- and under-ordering, can improve safety and reduce cost.

Our aim is to implement a CPO order in the EHR with standardized durations based on specific indications and developed by expert consensus from several specialties at UCSF. We will track efficacy and safety outcomes every month—number of CPO hours per patient per admission and number of escalation events (rapid response and ICU transfers), respectively.

Our multidisciplinary team, the CPO clinical care model group, started working on this learning healthcare system initiative in August 2022. To understand the problem, we reviewed the literature and interviewed clinicians and frontline providers. To understand the current state of efficacy and safety, we partnered with the DOM Data Core to extract data from the EHR. We will use this information to set targets for our intervention.  


TEAM - Core implementation team members and titles

Aida Venado Estrada, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, co-physician lead of CPO clinical care model group

Nirav Bhakta, Associate Professor of Medicine, co-physician lead of CPO clinical care model group

Adriane Crouse, Assistant Unit Director | 8 South & 12 South TCU, co-lead of CPO clinical care model group

Madeline Chicas, Quality Analyst, Adult Quality Improvement

Andrea Ratti, Director,  UCSF Health - Physician Services

Logan Pierce, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Hospitalist & Physician-Informaticist at UCSF Medical Center


Nader Najafi, Associate Professor of Medicine, directs the Division of Hospital Medicine’s Data Core

PROBLEM - Background of the problem.  What is the cost associated with this problem?  Why address this problem now? What is the current condition?


In response to delayed recognition of respiratory decompensation in patients on continuous pulse oximetry (CPO), CMO Dr. Adrienne Greene created a clinical care model group to develop guidelines for CPO use at UC Health.  A goal of this guidance is to reduce both over- and under-ordering of CPO. CPO monitoring for low-risk patients increases alarm burden and the risk of missed signals in patients at risk. CPO monitoring stewardship (appropriate utilization) can contribute to prevention of patient safety events. CPO overuse also has the potential to contribute to delirium and fall risk as well as increase monetary costs to the hospital system.


Our interview of 15  clinicians at UCSF revealed that 100% use CPO to monitor for desaturation, 50% use CPO as a surrogate for a higher level of care, 64% agreed CPO is overordered, >70% felt CPO is not discontinued appropriately and left longer than needed, >50% favor developing an Apex order set to guide ordering and discontinuation of CPO, and 36% refer to nursing as guidance of when to discontinue CPO.


Our interview of 11 frontline staff at UCSF revealed that the burden of alarms is unsafe and there is alarm fatigue. Guidance for providers on when to order and discontinue CPO is needed. CPO is used by providers as a surrogate for “someone is watching the patient”. Formal training for RNs and PCAs on proper probe placement and troubleshooting would be beneficial.


The guidelines will be employed to develop APeX orders that will be required to start CPO. We are partnering with clinicians here and ZSFG, who already have a CPO orders (in part based on the currently used Parnassus telemetry orders), to create new CPO orders that we aim to be the same in both hospitals. This project will reduce variability in practice for improvement of patient outcomes and reduction of cost.


TARGETWhat is the goal?  What are the expected benefits, both qualitative and quantitative?


We will assess efficacy as hours on CPO per patient per admission, and safety as number of escalation events (rapid response and ICU transfers). Our goal for FY2024 is to reduce number of hours on CPO per patient per admission by 30% compared to FY2023, keeping escalation events equal or lower than in FY2023.


As a qualitative benefit of reducing CPO hours per patient per admission we expect a reduction in alarm burden (e.g., false alarms). Another benefit expected is reduction of cost to the hospital system, which we will try to quantify.


GAPS - Why does the problem exist?  Describe system issues; technological gaps; educational gaps


The ability to order CPO increased dramatically in the Moffitt-Long hospital with the centralization of telemetry and CPO through wireless technology. This change was not paired with guidance on which patients can benefit from CPO. As trainees advance and graduate, and as new physicians and APPs are hired, non-systematic efforts to improve use are not sustainable. Alarms are evaluated by telemetry techs in a centralized room on the 6th floor of the Moffitt-Long hospital. Alarms meeting certain criteria are shared with the nursing team on the floor with the patient via Voalte and through telephone calls. The primary clinical teams do not receive these alarms and are therefore do not have a direct incentive to use CPO more wisely.


Furthermore, there are no professional society or institute guidelines for the use of inpatient CPO. In contrast, guidelines from the American College Cardiology are available for telemetry. The clinical care model guidelines and APeX orders will fill these educational gaps.


(CPO remains decentralized at Mt. Zion and Mission Bay but the educational gaps filled by this project remain the same.)


INTERVENTION - Describe your proposed intervention and rationale for approach. Describe your practice setting and target population (e.g. department, unit, clinic, patient characteristics, diagnosis group, procedural group, provider characteristics, staff characteristics, etc.). Describe potential barriers to implementation. What are the possible adverse outcomes that may occur that may affect quality of care and patient safety as a result of your proposed intervention?


Our target patient population includes all hospitalized patients in UC Health.


Potential barriers to implementation:


Possible adverse outcomes: Respiratory decompensation events may occur in patients that do not meet the guidelines’ standard indications for CPO.


We will engage the Data Core to extract data for both efficacy and safety outcomes at Parnassuss. Prior work on telemetry at UCSF, and for which existing computer code and expertise is available for modification, increases the feasibility of the proposed project. We will continue work on the implementation of the new CPO orders with a potential discontinuation alert.


Given that CPO orders in Epic similar to what is being proposed have already been in use at ZSFGH for a number of years, this project has a low risk of failure. Harmonization of the orders at UC Health and ZSFGH will demonstrate scalability.


PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS Note: EHR modifications are NOT required for a winning proposal


What are the clinical problems you are hoping to solve with APeX?

Currently, CPO is ordered without an indication or duration. This leads to instances of CPO being in place right up until the time of discharge, which is just one example of CPO overuse. The new APeX orders will require an indication and a duration.



What APeX tools (patient lists, reports) or workflows (orders, documentation, alerts) are you using now to achieve this goal? How would you want these modified?

What new APeX tools/workflows do you think you need to achieve the goals of your project?


COST - Estimated baseline costs to the health system and projected savings from the proposed project


SUSTAINABILITY - If successful, how will this intervention be sustained beyond the funding year?  Who are the key UCSF process owners?


The work of the CPO clinical care model group is already underway and part of a larger effort to improve CPO at UC Health that is supported by the CMO (Adrienne Greene), CCO (Joshua Adler), and Dean (Talmadge King). Therefore, there is executive and clinical leadership support to keep the project going.


BUDGET - Line-item budget up to $50,000 - Briefly identify key areas of the project that will require funding, e.g., salaries, software, printing, etc


Funding for Data Core $12,000 (one time cost)

Drs. Bhakta and Venado Estrada already have salary support through the medical center for this project, which increases the feasability and reduces the requested budget.


A Proof-of-Concept Pilot Ride Share Voucher Program to Reduce Transportation Barriers and Primary Care Visit No Shows among Medically Complex Patients

Proposal Status: 

PROJECT LEAD(S): Jane Jih, MD, MPH, MAS and Atrejo "Trey" Patridge, NP, UCSF Health Mount Zion Division of General Internal Medicine General Medicine (DGIM) Practice

EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): Adele Anfinson, Eric McNey

ABSTRACT: The overall health of our patients is linked to their social and economic conditions, and access to transportation is integral to well-being and delivery of patient-centered primary care. By providing some of our most vulnerable patients with reliable transportation, we believe we will advance the health of our patients by improving continuity of care with their primary care team and could reduce the need for unnecessary visits to the ER, reduce avoidable hospital readmissions, and improve patient satisfaction with the healthcare system. Leading up to this project, our team has been iterating on an approach to implement a transportation voucher program for patients that have a high no show rate and transportation barriers to engage in primary care. The main goal of this proposal is to implement a ride share voucher pilot for a subset of DGIM patients that have a high no show rate, screen positive for transportation barriers and have medical complexity that require follow up in the UCSF Health Mount Zion Division of General Internal Medicine General Medicine Practice every 2-3 months. This work would provide the proof-of-concept and allow us to assess if the ride share voucher results in increased follow up, reduced no shows and improved patient experience as well as the financial implications of this work for UCSF Health that could make a persuasive case to UCSF Health Primary Care Services administrative leaders to extend this program beyond the proof-of-concept pilot.

* Jane Jih, MD, MPH, MAS co-project lead, general internist, Associate Professor of Medicine, Co-Director of UCSF Multiethnic Health Equity Research Center, Physician Champion for Social Determinants of Health in UCSF Primary Care Services
* Atrejo "Trey" Patridge, NP, co-project lead, nurse practitioner at UCSF Health Division of General Internal Medicine
* Tiffany Chinn, project coordinator
* Sara Abrahams, MD, UCSF Primary Care Resident (PGY-2) who is conducting her Resident Scholarship Project as part of this proposal

PROBLEM: In our pilot work leading to this application, 13% of DGIM patients screened for transportation barriers self-identified as having transportation issues that affect their ability to obtain medical care. Transportation barriers greatly impact patient access to healthcare and impact their health. Many patients surveyed report missing medical appointments due to transportation barriers. The downstream effects to patients of missing primary care visits can result in increased utilization of the ER, after hours calls to the clinic, worsening health conditions, and reductions in overall health status. Increased utilization of healthcare beyond the primary care setting often leads to increased health care costs for the patient and the health care system.

Transportation barriers disproportionately affects people of color, those that do not speak English (particularly Spanish-speakers), older adults, individuals with less education, and those with lower incomes. These are also individuals with the worse healthcare outcomes, and therefore, in greatest need of intervention to address transportation challenges. Currently, there are very limited resources and solutions available for patients with transportation barriers to have this need addressed, particularly for patients that do not meet the strict eligibility criteria for Paratransit. When it comes to public transportation, many of our patients choose not to rely on it for reasons like personal safety concerns with riding crowded buses, having to take more than one bus/train to clinic, or trouble navigating directions due to language barriers.

1) Can providing ride share vouchers reduce no shows? We will use quantitative data by looking in the electronic health record to determine the number of in-person visits completed in the pilot and the number of visits that utilized round trip ride share vouchers. We will also use the electronic health record to assess any changes in chronic disease care (including blood pressure, hemoglobin A1c, medication adherence) and any pre- and post-changes to healthcare utilization including emergency room visits and urgent/acute care visits.

2) Does providing ride share vouchers improve patient experience? We will use a blended quantitative and qualitative approach. For all patients, we will conduct a brief pre- and post-pilot survey to assess their impressions of the pilot project including questions from the patient-oriented Press Ganey UCSF Health Survey including:
-Our practice's sensitivity to their needs
-How well staff cared about patients as a person
-How well everyone at UCSF Health worked together to care for patients
-Likelihood of recommending our practice to others
At the end of the pilot project, we will also conduct brief interviews with a subset of patients in the pilot to ask about how the ride share affected their chronic disease care and how it impacted their experience as a patient in the practice as well as areas to improve or work on.

3) How does a ride share voucher pilot for patients with high no show rate, high medical complexity and transportation barriers affect the clinician experience? We will conduct brief interviews with a subset of clinicians who had their patients participate in the pilot to gather their impressions of ride share program and its impact on delivering primary care to a vulnerable population of patients.

4) What is the financial impact of providing ride share vouchers on the clinical revenue generated? To support our proof of concept, we will determine if it is to the financial benefit of Primary Care Services to have a patient complete a primary care visit and receive the revenue that visit generates, minus the costs incurred to supply a roundtrip ride share for a patient, vs the revenue lost when a patient no-shows to a visit.

GAPS: Qualitative interviews of DGIM patients with transportation barriers identified a number of issues including lack of automobile access, transportation costs, safety concerns with public transportation, and unreliability of arranging taxi rides using taxi vouchers, to name a few, many resulting from structural inequities and racism. Transportation barriers disproportionately affect older adults, non-English speaking patients, and those with multiple complex medical conditions. Paratransit has strict eligibility criteria based on disability and functional status and is therefore limited to only a small portion of patients. Patients have expressed dissatisfaction with public transportation for reasons that include safety concerns, having to take more than one bus/train to get to a medical appointment, and unpredictable schedules. Patients have also expressed frustration with taxi vouchers, with some reporting challenges scheduling rides due to language discordance, scheduled rides that never show up, and even an inability to get an operator on the phone when calling to schedule. Rideshare apps have also traditionally relied on the user to have a smartphone, and to interface in English.

INTERVENTION: The main goal of this proposal is to implement a ride share voucher proof-of-concept pilot for a subset of DGIM patients that have a high no show rate, screen positive for transportation barriers and have medical complexity that require follow up in DGIM every 2-3 months. This work would provide the proof-of-concept and allow us to assess if the ride share voucher results in increased follow up, reduced no shows and improved patient experience as well as the financial implications of this work for UCSF Health that could make a persuasive case to UCSF Health Primary Care Services administrative leaders to extend this program beyond the proof-of-concept pilot.
Working with clinicians and clinic leadership including practice and nurse managers, we will enroll 60-70 medically complex adult patients into the pilot project and offer then ride share vouchers for all DGIM visits over 6-9 months (anticipate up to 3 visits per patient on average). The eligibility criteria for patients to participate are: a) high no show rate (25%+) to DGIM General Medicine Practice visits in the last year; b) screened positive for transportation barriers (screening question in APeX in the social determinants of health wheel: in the past 12 months, has lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments or from getting medications?); and c) have chronic disease burden necessitating follow up every 2-3 months as identified by trend of prior visits and/or primary care clinician referral. Patients will also be ineligible or unable to use Paratransit services.

Potential barriers to implementation include patient buy-in. Leading up to this application, we conducted a pilot randomized controlled trial of 46 patients who had a higher no-show rate at DGIM. Patients in the intervention group received a mailed reminder letter of their upcoming visit and a taxi voucher with the letter explaining the purpose of the voucher and how to use it. Only two individuals in the intervention group used the taxi voucher. Follow-up calls of the patients in the intervention arm of the pilot trial informed us that many that received a taxi voucher by mail were suspicious – even though we explained in the letter why we had mailed the taxi voucher, they hadn't expected their doctor's office to mail them a taxi voucher. We expect to avoid this skepticism with our proposed project as our administrative colleagues, internal staff members who our patients interface with regularly, will be the ones to call patients and arrange rides using the UberHealth rideshare platform. Language discordance may also pose a potential barrier to some patients, which is why we have opted to partner with UberHealth, which offers notifications to riders in 14 different languages. And patients who have traditionally found technology to be a barrier to accessing transportation will find that, unlike traditional rideshare apps, having a smartphone is not a requirement to using the service, as the feature allows patients with any cellular phone that receives text messages to participate, and those without a mobile device can use a landline phone that accepts incoming calls.

Adverse outcomes are likely few. Patient safety throughout the duration of a patient's rideshare trip is of the utmost concern to us. Our staff will have the ability to track rides, share rides alerts with a patient's trusted contacts, and we will survey patients about their experience with the ride.

PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS: An APeX dashboard/indicator that shows the number of missed and completed visits at DGIM for a chosen time period would help us identify patients with the higher no show rates to achieve the goals of this project and support future work to address no shows. Currently, APeX provides us a patient's percent no-show rate for all visit types across all of UCSF for the patient's entire time of care at UCSF.

COST: The cost savings of this pilot is unclear. A goal of this proposal is to evaluate the financial impact of providing ride share vouchers on the clinical revenue generated. As part of the project, we will calculate the clinical revenue generated from a completed visit, minus the costs incurred to supply a roundtrip ride share for a patient versus the revenue lost when a patient no-shows to a visit.

SUSTAINABILITY: This project will provide proof of concept and the potential financial model to make such a program permanent and supported by UCSF Health. In speaking to administrative leadership of UCSF Health Primary Care Services, UCSF Health Primary Care Services is very interested in learning if this type of intervention could be cost neutral or generate revenue that would be otherwise lost if patients no showed for their visit as well as the patient satisfaction and potential for downstream health outcomes and clinician satisfaction. Primary Care Services has expressed support in this work and potentially scaling up the intervention if it is cost neutral or revenue generating.

Salary support
• Project co-lead Jane Jih, MD, MPH, MAS. $9,617 (0.3 calendar months)
• Project co-lead Atrejo "Trey" Patridge, NP. $9,600 (stipend)
• Project coordinator: Tiffany Chinn, BS. $11,464 (1.2 calendar months)
• Practice Coordinator Champions (To Be Named): $4,000 to support 2-3 practice coordinators. Since these activities are not yet part of the job description for a practice coordinator, we will offer quarterly gift cards in appreciation of the added role and responsibilities.

Uber Health Ride Share Rides. $14,819. For up to 70 patients, we estimate to $70 for each round-trip ride share per patient per visit and estimate up to a total of 210 round trips (up to 3 round trips per patient).

Patient participant incentives. We request funds in the amount of $500 to be used to as an incentive to recruit 25 patients ($20/patient) for in-depth post-project interviews to evaluate the project and its effect on patient experience and chronic disease care.

UCSF Data Network Recharge (if required) $53.
Computing and Communication Device Support (CCDSS Premium Rate) (if required) $66.

Improving Operating Room Efficiency

Proposal Status: 


            Improving Operating Room Efficiency


            MB Triad, Nathan Schwab, Joyce Chang, Jina Sinskey


            Amy Lu


Operating room (OR) delays result in wasted resources by increasing unused OR time, which can potentially decrease OR utilization. This can lead to increased staffing costs (e.g. pay for traveling nurses, after hours coverage), which is especially challenging in the setting of national healthcare staffing shortages. Improving OR efficiency can provide an opportunity for us to optimize such wasted resources and improve morale by increasing professional satisfaction for all perioperative team members. Separate highly reliable teams work together to take care of our patients and while improving efficiency is important, we do not want to compromise patient safety and quality of care. Thus, we plan to address OR efficiency in a systematic, coordinated fashion across our multidisciplinary perioperative teams. We propose three areas of focus to improve perioperative efficiency: (1) Improving first case on time starts (FCOTS), (2) Improving OR turnover times (TOT) and (3) Minimizing non-operative OR time. Our project will identify and map the causes of delays and identify strategies to maximize efficiency and safety by targeting these causes. Our hope is that this will help address UCSF Health’s current financial challenges by (1) improving operating room utilization and (2) reducing the use of agency and contract staff and resources. This will also allow UCSF to increase patient access to surgeries and enable patients to receive more timely care.  Teamwork and communication will be critical to the success of this project.


  TEAM – 

Joyce Chang – Anesthesia MBE1am

Lee-lynn Chen – Anesthesia Triad Lead

Sharon Gleeson – Nursing Triad Lead

Arturo Luna – MB Hospitality Services

Nathan Schwab – Preop/PACU Nursing Manager

Jina Sinskey – Associate Chair of Well-being

Mika Varma – Surgeon Triad Lead



  • OR delays result in wasted resources in the form of OR time and staffing costs for the nursing and anesthesia teams.
  • OR inefficiencies are a driver of burnout as evidenced by a recent faculty well-being survey of anesthesia and surgical faculty. Quicker OR turnovers while prioritizing patient care has emerged as a priority for perioperative faculty morale.
  • Currently at Mission Bay, an average of 41% of first cases start at the scheduled time with an average delay time of 10 minutes. Mean OR turnover times (i.e., time between surgeries) are 41 minutes with a median of 42 minutes.
  • Although overall OR utilization from July 2022 to January 2023 is 73%, utilization decreases after 3 pm to 52%, since time at the end of the block grid tends to be less utilized because it is difficult to fit an extra case in if it runs past the grid. This represents an opportunity to increase OR utilization after 3 pm by being able to schedule additional cases in the grid.
  • Overtime labor costs for 2022 were unavailable at the time of this submission.


  TARGET -  

Our goal is to (1) increase the number of FCOTS to > 80% and decrease average first case delay time to 5 minutes and (2) decrease mean OR turnover times (TOT) to 30 minutes. This would result in a total annual time savings of 14,326 minutes due to FCOTS improvements and 16,428 minutes due to TOT improvements. By addressing OR delays, we will also be addressing a documented barrier to anesthesia and surgery faculty satisfaction, which will hopefully mitigate burnout due to OR inefficiency. We will also increase access to surgical care for our patients.


  GAPS – 

We have begun to document and collect delay reasons for FCOTS, with the most common reasons thus far in being lack of surgical consent (8.9%), lack of surgical history and physical note (4.4%), and surgeon unavailability (3.7%). However, objective data and presentation of this data is lacking. While the nursing team documents the delay reason, but it is not discussed with the rest of team, which is a missed opportunity for improvement. In addition, there is no current data on TOT delay reasons. Delays cause frustration and erode the morale of the perioperative team members. In the past, previous efforts to endorse a workflow have met resistance and have not been coordinated across perioperative stakeholders.



We would like to further characterize the delay reasons for FCOTS and TOT and modify existing workflows to reduce inefficiently utilized time. We have met with multiple stakeholders in the perioperative area to see how we can best coordinate our efforts. For example, we have met with stakeholders from the environmental services and anesthesia tech support teams, who have suggested ways to improve advanced communication when OR turnovers are needed to help reduce TOT. We plan to provide individual feedback on personal performance (automated reporting, weekly/monthly). We are also planning to provide team-level incentives for reaching our FCOTS and TOT goals (e.g., acknowledgement, gift cards, food). Our target population are the surgery teams, anesthesia teams, nursing teams, and support staff. To ensure adequate patient safety, we will monitor the incident reporting system for possible adverse safety outcomes.



  • HAIKU (Apex mobile app) can notify the surgery team and anesthesia team when patients arrive in the preoperative area.
  • We will utilize a communication platform (i.e. Voalte) to provide real-time communication and notification of barriers to proceeding with the surgical case.
  • We will improve ICANDOS notification visibility to all team members, including a notification when all criteria are met for the patient to enter the operating room.

  COST – 

Based on the minutes saved from addressing FCOTS (14,326) and TOT (16,428) delays, we could potentially add an extra 172 cases per year based on an average case time of 196 minutes. The average revenue per case is $42K with a contribution margin of $14K. We realize that we cannot directly translate the saved minutes into additional cases and revenue. However, overlaying the saved minutes with the decreased OR utilization after 3 pm suggests that the opportunity exists. By improving FCOTS and TOT, we could potentially then fit one additional case at the end of the day. We estimate one additional case per day would lead to an additional 200 cases per year (40 weeks x 5 days), or $2.8M in revenue. Decreased overtime costs for nursing (intraoperative and postoperative care) and anesthesiologists represent another opportunity for cost savings.




Perioperative triad leads at each campus will provide day-to-day leadership and help implementing interventions to address FCOTS and TOT delays at all UCSF sites.



$50,000 will be split between:

  • IT support (i.e. Voalte or other communication technologies)
  • Reporting efforts to create automated reports
  • Incentives to team members for reaching target goals
  • Project management support







First Case On-time Starts

41% of first cases start on time.  Of the 59% that start late, they are delayed an average of 10 minutes.  There are 12 ORs, 5 start on-time. If the 7 late rooms start 10 minutes earlier for each business day in FY24, that would create 288 hours (17,280 minutes) of additional OR time.  The average case at MB-A is 196 minutes.  If every minute could be utilized, there would be room for 88 more cases.  However, we know that you can’t fit a case into every available minute across multiple ORs.  Somehow, these minutes would need to be aggregated into a block of time that could accommodate a case. 

If the target is 80% of rooms start on time and the average delay is 50% of baseline (5 minutes), the incremental time generated would be 14,326 minutes

[9.6 rooms on time, 4.6 more than now, saving 10 minutes each (4.6*10*247= 11,362).  2.4 rooms start 5 minutes late, saving 5 minutes each (2.4*5*247= 2,964). 14,326]


Turnover Time

Average is 42 minutes across 1,369 cases (36% of total).  If you assume the same % of cases have turnover and save 12 minutes, you would free up 16,428 minutes, enough for 84 more cases if every minute could be utilized.


However, as with the FCOTS, you cannot fit a case into small increments of time.  These increments would need to be aggregated somehow to make a large enough block to accommodate another case.


The chart below is from the Periop KPI dashboard and shows the average TOT minutes at Mission Bay adult by service.  As you know, this metric only measures surgeons who follow themselves and there is a 60 minute cap.

















Trach me home: decreasing length of stay in patients with tracheostomies through a high fidelity simulation training program

Proposal Status: 


Between 2021 and 2022, 22 children received tracheostomies at UCSF, with an average length of stay (LOS) of ~180 days. Discharge for this population is a complex process, including arranging for medical equipment, home care nursing, and training caregivers, which can all lead to delays in discharge and prolong hospital stays. While it's not always possible to control the lack of medical equipment and nursing, we can have an impact on caregiver training. Children who have undergone a tracheostomy require intensive caregiver education, and despite multidisciplinary team efforts, home caregivers may experience fragmented care and communication during the transition from hospital to home1,2,3,4. A study found that the second most common cause of discharge delays were due to caregiver training delays, with a median range of discharge 41 days after they were deemed medically stable2. Other studies have reported similar findings highlighting the challenges of the transition from actively supporting a critically ill patient to physically providing primary care, which can be emotionally complex and involve a steep learning curve 3,4,5.  An early caregiver training program has the potential to reduce inpatient LOS and healthcare costs5,6. The primary aim of this project is to reduce LOS by enacting a high fidelity simulation training program integrated with bedside education for caregivers with the secondary goal of reducing readmission rates and improving caregiver competency. 



    • Department of Pediatric Pulmonology: Kelly Kim (project lead), Sanaz Vaziri (project lead), Ngoc Ly (Executive sponsor) 

    • Inpatient Respiratory therapist lead: David Woolsey 

    • Outpatient Respiratory therapist leads: Minh Huynh, Crystal Diaz, Phyllis Moore 

    • Clinical Nursing Coordinators: Jeannie Chan (ICN), Shelley Diane (PICU)

    • ENT: Pamela Chan  


PROBLEM – Delays in caregiver education lead to delays in discharge. 

Although the number of patients who are trach/vent dependent may not be substantial, their intricate care needs and extended hospital stays create a considerable burden on the healthcare system. A study has shown that the average cost to the hospital for caring for a single child requiring a tracheostomy and prolonged mechanical ventilation is > $600,000 for the initial admission7. Previous studies, and most intensive care providers’ anecdotal experience, take note of the lengthy admissions and slow progress of this patient population toward discharge1-3. These patients also have high rates of complications and hospital readmissions, and the financial costs and resources utilized that are associated with caring for them can be a large burden to the health care system7,8

 Per hospital policy, tracheostomy and ventilator patients can only be housed in the intensive care units (PICU, CICU, ICN). During high-census periods, the lack of available inpatient beds can lead to the diversion of critically ill patients, canceled surgical procedures, or postponement of scheduled admissions. As a result, reducing the length of stay in a safe manner has become even more crucial. We can effectively alleviate some of the strain on hospital resources and make more beds available for those who need them. This will ultimately benefit both patients, families, and the hospital system.

 As soon as the need for chronic ventilation has been established, a family care conference is held with the multidisciplinary team and caregivers to discuss the intricacies of a tracheostomy. Approximately 1-2 weeks later, the tracheostomy is performed and the first tracheostomy tube change is completed 7 days post-surgery. Caregivers have a checklist of skills they need to complete prior to discharge. Typically, the teaching process begins 2-3 weeks after the first tracheostomy tube change due to various factors including scheduling difficulties, learning difficulties, language barriers or lack of familiarity/apprehension with tracheostomies; reasons commonly seen at other institutions. Teaching can also be interrupted due to medical instability, which usually occurs at multiple points during admission.  Teaching also takes place using a low fidelity simulation doll. Many caregivers feel that the doll does not simulate a real tracheostomy or provide a realistic understanding of tracheostomy care. Many caregivers continue to feel discomfort with teachings prior to discharge and require re-education and additional support which often leads to discharge delays. 

 The transition from hospital to home can also be very stressful for families resulting in 26%–30% of tracheostomy-dependent children readmitted within 30 days post discharge, with a subset of these readmissions seen in patients with caregiver delays in teaching. Furthermore, we found that a significant number of readmissions might have been avoidable with quality care at home. Caregivers frequently report feeling unprepared and uncomfortable caring for their children and their medical devices at home despite receiving training in the hospital. As a result, they have a low threshold to seek care for their children through the ED or hospital, with subsequent impact on their children’s health outcomes.

 In patients with tracheostomy and ventilators, standardizing discharge processes has been shown to decrease overall length of stay and readmission rates without jeopardizing patient safety. Baker et. al reduced mean overall length of stay by 42% after interventions including education materials, chronic ventilation road map for caregivers, team-based care coordination, and high-fidelity simulation trainings. While our institution has some of these in place, we have identified certain areas in caregiver education and documentation of discharge readiness which can contribute to reducing length of stay. 


TARGET: reduce length of stay in the ICU by minimum of 7-10 days. Secondary target: improve caregiver confidence, reduce readmission rates 

The primary aim of this initiative is to reduce the length of stay in the ICU by a minimum of 1 week by enacting a high fidelity simulation training program which will start even prior to insertion of a tracheostomy. Our secondary aims are to reduce readmission rates and improve caregiver competence in tracheostomy care through simulation training both inpatient and outpatient which we also predict will have an impact on reducing length of stay and readmission rates.

There are many discrepancies in standard discharge education for parents of pediatric tracheostomy patients which lead to lack of caregiver knowledge, and variations in quality of life in the home environment. Caregiver anxiety related to the tracheostomy can also lead to improper care and increased risk of complications which can also lead to increased readmission rates. While caregivers receive training on emergency scenarios, it's important to acknowledge that such situations may not be as common in a hospital setting. This can limit their exposure to true emergency management, which may make them feel less confident or capable. In studies where simulation training was enacted, it resulted in increased caregiver competence in routine tracheostomy care and emergency scenarios9. A high fidelity simulation doll has the ability to control the stoma size so that learners can practice on realistic tracheal tube insertion and emergency scenarios such as simulate a false passage, mucus plugs, abnormal breathing patterns, and cardiopulmonary arrest. With high fidelity simulations, caregivers were also able to attain proficiency in the necessary skills without having to repeatedly practice on their child and had the flexibility to practice on the simulator at their own convenience6. Providing realistic experiential learning introduced families to the stress they will face at home and unmasks false confidence, allowing for review and targeted re-education prior to discharge. Research has confirmed that repetitive caregiver education improves survival rates, decreases frequency and lengths of hospital stays, readmission rates, and decreases complications and costs for these children4,5,6,10

Beyond just financial benefits, providing care for these patients at home can have important psychological and developmental benefits. Long hospital stays can disrupt the family unit and impede a child's development. 

Once these children are home, there is a high risk for mortality and readmissions. Ensuring close follow-up care and giving caregivers the opportunity to continue education and training while outpatient can also be instrumental in helping families re-learn skills and reducing readmissions8



Traditionally, home tracheostomy and ventilator management is taught via a combination of didactic instruction and bedside skills demonstration. However, the current approach to teaching these skills is inconsistent and highly dependent on the caregivers' schedules, as well as the availability of nursing and respiratory therapists. Typically, most of the tracheostomy care occurs during the day. If caregivers are unable to be at the bedside due to work commitments, childcare, or long distances from home, this becomes a missed opportunity. On preliminary chart review, about 20% of our tracheostomy/ventilator patients in 2021-2022 were noted to have training delays identified in their notes (in line with similar studies). In a subset of these patients, the third caregiver did not start training until 1-2 weeks prior to discharge which may not provide sufficient time for them to become fully comfortable with the teachings and care. 

Caregivers receive education on how to care for the stoma, detect signs of infection, suction secretions, change the tracheostomy tube, and manage potential airway emergencies. For some pediatric patients, home mechanical ventilation is also required, necessitating additional education. At times, teaching is carried out using a low fidelity simulation doll. While using this type of doll for training may be useful, it may not always provide a comprehensive and accurate representation of the intricacies involved in tracheostomy change or care. This could pose challenges for many families, as they may not be able to fully achieve the desired, life-like effects they aim for, potentially limiting the value of the training. As a result, they may struggle to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained to actual situations, underscoring the importance of using effective training tools to enhance patient care.



 By adding a high-fidelity simulation mannequin to interventions that are already implemented, start training even prior to insertion of the tracheostomy, and implement an outpatient re-education on emergency scenarios, we hope to optimize tracheostomy education. 

 Typically, there is a 3-4 week period between the initial discussions surrounding tracheostomy and the first post-surgical tracheostomy tube change. This presents an ideal opportunity to start making an impact through training. By starting an early tracheostomy education program using a high-fidelity mannequin, caregivers will have a better understanding of the intricacies of the tracheostomy, which can speed up the learning and education process. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on both the length of stay and caregiver confidence which in turn can reduce readmission rates. The NICU, PICU and CICU are homes to many of our patients with tracheostomies.  The mannequin has the benefits of being portable and will be able to move between the units. The simulation tracheostomy dolls offer an opportunity for caregivers to practice the skills they have learned during the pre and early post-operative weeks when they are unable or hesitant to practice on their child. They also have the opportunity to practice these scenarios throughout their child’s stay and have the ability to work on specific areas they are uncomfortable with at their own pace.

 Current interventions already in place: 

    • Weekly rounds with multidisciplinary team- ENT, Pulmonary, RT, and OT

    • Trach/vent monthly meeting group 

    • Outpatient monthly trach/vent clinic with ENT, OT, RT and Pulmonary- started March 2022

    • Dedicated NP in place for inpatient and outpatient trach/vent patients

    • Low fidelity simulation doll to practice trach care on 

 Phase 1: prior to placement of a tracheostomy

    • Family meeting takes place with multidisciplinary team. Tracheostomy binder outlines the necessary information and a roadmap which contains a comprehensive checklist of competencies that caregivers must complete prior to their child's discharge 

    • Learning at the bedside- caregiver becomes familiar with tracheostomy and supplies, introduction to the tracheostomy doll and trach teaching begins

    • Identify upcoming training dates for teaching 

 Phase 2:  Post tracheostomy surgery, Prior to the first tube change (up to post op day 7)

    • Caregivers continue to learn skills on high fidelity mannequin through demonstration and practice. The goal is for each caregiver to complete at least one trach change, change trach ties, and suctioning prior to phase 3

 Phase 3: after 1st tracheostomy tube change- prior to discharge

    • Learning at the bedside continues. Caregivers practice skills they acquired with the high fidelity simulation doll like tracheostomy tube changes and suctioning on patient. Simulation doll present to continue practicing skills caregivers feel they need more practice on.

    • Practice emergency scenarios on high fidelity doll which allows for more realistic scenarios such as abnormal breathing patterns, cyanosis, cardiopulmonary arrest. Mannequin also allows simulation of difficult airway and changes in stoma size. Debriefs following each scenario allowing for questions, skill-building and emotional outlet

    • Repeat scenarios monthly throughout stay promoting increased competency and confidence in skills 

Phase 4: Discharge readiness

    • Demonstrate comfort and skills competency

    • Evaluation of the caregivers ability to perform hands-on skill in 24 hour room in with observation from nursing and respiratory care staff.

 Phase 5: Post discharge

    • Follow up in-person appointment in trach/vent clinic where caregivers will continue to practice emergency scenarios on high fidelity simulation dolls as a refresher. Usually seen every 3 months 

    • Telehealth appointments with trach/vent NP within a month after discharge 



Currently our competency checklist is in our tracheostomy binder which sits by patient bedside. Integrating the tracheostomy binder into Apex would allow the team members to track progress on teaching and discharge readiness. 



 We anticipate a one time expense of ~$48,000 which will support the costs of a high fidelity simulation mannequin. 

The projected savings: 

    • Traditional direct hospital charge cost associated with ICU admission is estimated to be around $5,500 daily. This is only focusing on direct costs. 

    • Decreasing ICU stay by minimum of 7-10 days: $38,500-$55,000 in direct costs saved per patient

    • If we anticipate that 20% of our tracheostomy patients will have caregiver delays (in accordance with the literature and chart review), by enacting this high fidelity simulation program with the other interventions already in place, we estimate that the total costs savings for reducing LOS by minimum of 7-10 days for 5 patients will result in a reduction of  $192,000-275,000 for the hospital system

    • We are not counting  the substantial resources provided daily from respiratory therapists and nurses along with other costs from nebulized medications administered (at least 2-3 medications given twice a day), imaging, blood work, OT and PT therapies, and administering feeds 

    • Availability of ICU beds prevents admission diversion and last minute cancellation of surgical cases reducing risks and downstream costs.


Currently we have multiple interventions in place already implemented that standardizes the discharge process and will help sustain this beyond the funding year. 

    • Educational materials will be in place to help guide respiratory therapists regarding simulations. Respiratory therapists already provide the bulk of tracheostomy teaching and using a high fidelity simulation doll can be easily integrated

    • Identifying days for training at the beginning of tracheostomy discussions will be incorporated in the skills checklist 

    • There is a tracheostomy taskforce group that has been established who is already working on standardizing and improving the discharge process which decreasing variations in care practices

    • Dedicated nurse practitioner who follows inpatient and outpatient tracheostomy/ventilator patients

    • Tracheostomy rounds take place weekly with the multidisciplinary team

High fidelity simulators do not require a lot of maintenance and have the ability to move between units. High fidelity simulators can also be effective in providing training to other healthcare professionals including nurses, respiratory therapists and residents/fellows 



SimBaby: $41,000 (
SimPad Plus: $1,000: operating device used to control Laerdal manikins and simulators enabling simulations to be run easily and effectively. 
LLEAP License $3,100 License Key providing access to Manual Mode, Automatic Mode, and Log Viewer Application
Laptop (patient monitor) $2150


  1. Sobotka SA, Foster C, Lynch E, Hird-McCorry L, Goodman DM. Attributable Delay of Discharge for Children with Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2019;212:166-171. doi:
  2. Sobotka SA, Hird-McCorry LP, Goodman DM. Identification of Fail Points for Discharging Pediatric Patients With New Tracheostomy and Ventilator. Hospital Pediatrics. 2016;6(9):552-557. doi:
  3. Graf JM, Montagnino BA, Hueckel R, McPherson ML. Children with new tracheostomies: Planning for family education and common impediments to discharge. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2008;43(8):788-794. doi: 
  4. Cross D, Leonard BJ, Skay CL, Rheinberger MM. Extended hospitalization of medically stable children dependent on technology: a focus on mutable family factors. Issues Compr Pediatr. Nurs 1998;21:63 – 84. 
  5. Baker CD, Martin S, Thrasher J, et al. A Standardized Discharge Process Decreases Length of Stay for Ventilator-Dependent Children. Pediatrics. 2016;137(4). doi:
  6. Wooldridge AL, Carter KF. Pediatric and Neonatal Tracheostomy Caregiver Education with Phased Simulation to Increase Competency and Enhance Coping. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2021;60:247-251. doi:
  7. Rogerson, C. M., Beardsley, A. L., Nitu, M. E., & Cristea, A. I. (2020). Health Care Resource Utilization for Children Requiring Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation via Tracheostomy. In Respiratory Care (Vol. 65, Issue 8, pp. 1147–1153). Daedalus Enterprises.
  8. Kun, S. S., Edwards, J. D., Davidson Ward, S. L., & Keens, T. G. (2011). Hospital readmissions for newly discharged pediatric home mechanical ventilation patients. In Pediatric Pulmonology (Vol. 47, Issue 4, pp. 409–414). Wiley. 
  9. Prickett K, Deshpande A, Paschal H, Simon D, Hebbar KB. Simulation-based education to improve emergency management skills in caregivers of tracheostomy patients. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2019;120:157-161. doi: 
  10. Caloway, C., Yamasaki, A., Callans, K. M., Shah, M., Kaplan, R. S., & Hartnick, C. (2020). Quantifying the benefits from a care coordination program for tracheostomy placement in neonates. In International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Vol. 134, p. 110025). Elsevier BV.
  11. Watters KF. Tracheostomy in Infants and Children. Respiratory Care. 2017;62(6):799-825. doi:



Reducing Painful Procedures in the Intensive Care Nursery

Proposal Status: 
  • PROJECT LEAD(S): Katelin Kramer, MD
  • EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): Elizabeth Rogers, MD
  • ABSTRACT : Painful procedures are performed frequently in the Intensive Care Nursery (ICN), especially in preterm infants. There is a breadth of evidence that repeated painful procedures and blood draws cause harm in preterm infants. This includes increased rates of anemia, blood transfusions,1 and hospital acquired infections in the short term, and delays in cognitive development, abnormal pain processing, increased white matter injury, and higher future risk of anxiety and depression in the long term.2,3 Although many procedures are warranted, unnecessary screening tests are common. Other NICUs have shown success  reducing labs and procedures using QI methodology. For example, Klunk et al reduced routine labs by 27% over 2 years, which equated to a decrease in 8L of blood drawn and savings of over $250K.4 Another center developed the “POKE” program to reduce painful procedures. This QI initiative was associated with reduced “POKES” by 50%, ~$940K per year in cost savings, decreased LOS by 2 weeks, and virtual elimination of HAI, including CLABSI and VAP.5 We aim to decrease routine painful procedures in preterm infants, with a goal to eliminate waste and reduce harm for our most vulnerable patients.
  • TEAM:
    • Project lead: Katelin Kramer, MD (Neonatologist)
    • Executive sponsor: Elizabeth Rogers, MD (Neonatologist; Director, Prematurity Programs)
    • Project manager: Bridget Yeatts (Quality Program Manager)
    • CNS: Jeannie Chan, MS, RN, NNP, CNS and Gabby Byers, MSN, CNS, RNC-CIC
    • Nursing leadership: Jen Gantz, MSN, RN, RNC-NIC, Jordan Davis, PhD, MS, MPH, RN
    • Nursing: Joy Quilatan, RN, LC
    • NNP: Laurel Pershall, NNP
    • Parent Liaison: Diana Rogosa, Hailey Hibler
    • Background of the problem: Infants in the ICN are exposed to 8-17 painful procedures per day, with the highest rates in the lowest gestational ages.6 This includes frequent lab draws, IVs, and radiographs. Frequent labs precipitate anemia and increase the need for blood transfusion. Blood draws and pokes for IVs also increased the risk of hospital acquired infections. More importantly, in the long term, repeated painful procedures have a deleterious effect on cognitive and motor development, somatic growth, and pain processing, particularly when performed in the first weeks of life. Studies have shown that repeated painful procedures in the preterm infant is associated with decreased white matter volume and injury on brain MRI.2 There an association with long-term mental health problems, including anxiety and depression.3
    • Cost associated: Unnecessary labs and procedures are not only associated with neurodevelopmental harm, they also represent waste in the health system and unnecessary direct cost.
    • Urgency of the Problem: Recently published and unpublished QI work at other centers have shown a reduction in painful procedures and a subsequent improvement in outcomes and cost savings. Additionally, the UCSF Mission Bay ICN is currently wrapping up a successful QI initiative called NEOBrain aiming to improve neurodevelopmental care in preterm infants with increased parental involvement and early skin to skin care. The established QI team would like to continue QI work in this realm and tackle this important problem; however, we need more resources to do this.
    • Current condition: It is likely that we perform procedures and screening labs that are not always necessary for patient care. For example, one review showed that clinical interventions in response to a blood gas occurred in only 8% of infants <28 weeks’ gestation.7 In our ICN, infants born < 28 weeks receive an average of 1245 lab orders and 35 x-rays per infant per admission. We do not have a framework for judicious blood draws and procedures, and often labs and XRs are done per routine, at times without clinical indication. Based on review of local data and published QI literature, we believe this is an opportunity to eliminate waste and reduce harm for our most vulnerable patients.
  • TARGET: We aim to reduce painful labs and procedures by 20% for preterm infants born < 34 weeks’ gestation by June 2024. We expect to improve clinical outcomes for preterm infants, including less anemia, fewer blood transfusions, reduced incidence of infection (CLABSI, sepsis). We anticipate significant direct cost savings by reducing labs, x-rays, and IVs. As a trickle-down effect of this initiative, other centers have also shown reduced length of stay (up to two weeks in one study). Even a modest reduction (~3 days) would result in substantial cost savings and increased throughput in the often impacted ICN.
  • GAPS: Currently, there is no system to track painful procedures in the ICN. Despite these being important interventions in preterm infants that may cause harm and waste, we do not document each poke in the EHR. We do not quantify skin breaks, which is a limitation when assessing infection risk and neurodevelopmental harm. We are not monitoring the amount of blood draws and labs ordered and do not currently track if they are clinically necessary. We have protocols for routine screening labs, such as POC glucose, serum bilirubin, and nutrition monitoring labs that may be outdated. We often do labs as a “panel” when we are only interested in a single lab value. We do hundreds of POC glucose checks in preterm infants throughout the hospitalization, many of which are outside of a protocol and or done PRN without a consistent approach, and many during the particularly vulnerable early weeks of life.  We do not utilize transcutaneous bilirubin as a screening tool for jaundice in the ICN, although this is may have utility preterm infants and used in other NICUs throughout California.8,9 Finally, there is a gap in knowledge about the harms and necessity of painful procedures, with no formal educational materials on this subject or guide to inform care decisions while minimizing painful procedures.
    • Setting/Intervention: We plan to form a multidisciplinary QI team to address this problem and reduce the rate of painful procedures. The team will include disciplines in the UCSF Mission Bay ICN, including neonatologists, neonatal nurses, RTs, NNPs, hospitalists, PT/OT, neonatal fellows, pediatrics residents, and parent liaisons. Our target population is any infant admitted to the ICN (inborn or outborn within 3 days of birth) delivered < 34 weeks’ gestation. Using a tailored Apex report, we plan to review baseline data including volume of labs by lab type and x-rays in this population. We will also audit overall pokes in this population by monitoring IV sticks and blood draws. Using core QI methodology and Lean approach for improvement, we will determine key drivers for a high rate of painful procedures and identify targeted interventions. In an initial analysis, interventions will likely include unit-wide education campaign, updated protocols for screening labs and lab panels, updated guidelines for glucose monitoring and standard weekly/daily labs, education, and protocol for use of transcutaneous bilirubin. There will likely be value in EHR modifications to track data and prompt judicious blood draws.
    • Barriers: We foresee barriers with buy-in to this initiative, especially in an ICU with critically ill patients where there is often a mindset of frequent monitoring. There also may be difficulty achieving a consensus on which screening labs and procedures are deemed necessary which may lead to inconsistency. Additionally, ongoing data collection will be difficult, particularly with pokes or skin breaks, without an updated system for tracking this metric and will require new workflows for bedside staff.
    • Possible adverse outcomes: With reducing screening labs, we want to make sure we are not missing clinically important lab values that may require intervention. We will therefore monitor for increase in extreme lab values which may be associated with our interventions.
    • What are the clinical problems you are hoping to solve with APeX? Monitoring of labs, procedures, and skin breaks to make targeted interventions to reduce painful stimuli and improve neurodevelopmental care.
    • What APeX tools (patient lists, reports) or workflows (orders, documentation, alerts) are you using now to achieve this goal? How would you want these modified? Currently using an existing Apex report for only inborn infants <28W for all lab orders and XR orders during hospitalization. This report gives a general sense of lab frequency, but has a narrow population and lacks the granularity needed to target interventions and track outcomes.
    • What new APeX tools/workflows do you think you need to achieve the goals of your project? We need a new Apex report to identify patients (<34 weeks, inborn or admitted within 3 days), monitor individual labs, monitor # of blood draws, monitor # skin breaks overall. Would need updates to nursing flowsheet to document noxious stimuli and skin breaks, likely included in a section which can include other aspects of optimal neurodevelopmental care.
  • COST: The bulk of anticipated cost is for necessary protected time for project champions to design and implement the initiative. Other costs include materials for campaign dissemination/education and probable purchase of transcutaneous bilirubinometers if this practice change is approved by ICN leadership. The projected savings to the health system are significant, and include direct savings from reduction in labs and procedures, in addition to possible trickle down effects such as reduced LOS and hospital acquired infection, as shown in other centers doing similar QI efforts.4,5
  • SUSTAINABILITY: With updated protocols for screening labs and procedures, we anticipate sustained improvement in our outcome as clinical practice will have changed. We anticipate a culture shift in decision making about painful procedures. We will plan for ongoing data collection and monthly meetings after the initial year for maintenance of the project and close tracking of outcomes. The project leads (neonatologist, neonatal nurse practitioner, nursing leadership, QI project manager) will own the process. Finally, if successful, we believe this initiative could be scaled to other units, including the BCH Oakland NICU, who already has an interest in neuroprotective care as a member of the CPQCC NEOBrain collaborative.
    • Salaries for project champions: 10% FTE for Project Leader (Neonatologist), FTE for NNP lead, RN lead - ~$40,000
    • Materials/education: Protected time for staff education, advertisement, video, educational materials/flyers. Potential purchase of transcutaneous bilirubinometers - ~$10,000


  1. Widness JA, Madan A, Grindeanu LA, Zimmerman MB, Wong DK, Stevenson DK. Reduction in red blood cell transfusions among preterm infants: results of a randomized trial with an in-line blood gas and chemistry monitor. Pediatrics. 2005;115(5):1299–1306
  2. WalkerSM. Long-term effects of neonatal pain. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019;24(4):101005
  3. Valeri BO, Holsti L, Linhares MB. Neonatal pain and developmental outcomes in children born preterm: a systematic review. Clin J Pain. 2015;31(4):355–362
  4. Klunk CJ, Barrett RE, Peterec SM, et al. An Initiative to Decrease Laboratory Testing in a NICU. Pediatrics. 2021;148(1):e2020000570. doi:10.1542/peds.2020-000570
  5. McGlothlin J.P., Crawford E., Wyatt J., et al., Poke-R - using analytics to reduce patient, In: Proceedings of the 10th international Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering systems and Technologies, 2017, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 362–369, doi:10.5220/0006174603620369.
  6. Cruz MD, Fernandes AM, Oliveira CR. Epidemiology of painful procedures performed in neonates: a systematic review of observational studies. Eur J Pain. 2016;20(4):489–498
  7. Carbajal R, Rousset A, Danan C, et al. Epidemiology and treatment of painful procedures in neonates in intensive care units. JAMA. 2008;300(1):60–70
  8. Nagar G, Vandermeer B, Campbell S, Kumar M. Reliability of transcutaneous bilirubin devices in preterm infants: a systematic review. Pediatrics. 2013;132(5):871-881. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-1713
  9. Bhatt DR, Kristensen-Cabrera AI, Lee HC, et al. Transcutaneous bilirubinometer use and practices surrounding jaundice in 150 California newborn intensive care units. J Perinatol. 2018;38(11):1532-1535. doi:10.1038/s41372-018-0154-3

Deployment of a Machine Learning risk model to optimize post discharge support to decrease unplanned readmissions. 

Proposal Status: 

ABSTRACT - UCSF’s 30-day unplanned readmission rates of 9-11% over the past several years is above the target of being in the top decile of peer Academic Medical Centers. There are several readmission reduction programs at UCSF, but enrollment is driven by patient insurance or primary care provider rather than risk of readmission. Our proposal is to use a Machine Learning (ML) model to predict risk of unplanned readmission for patients after discharge from UCSF, and to use this model to enroll high-risk patients into targeted discharge support programs. Our goal is to reduce 30-day unplanned readmissions by 15%. Currently, all Accountable Care Organization patients discharged from UCSF are enrolled in a discharge support program through the Office of Population Health (OPH) that provides an average of one phone call per week in the first month after discharge. If this proposal is selected, we would identify a subset of ACO patients at high-risk for readmission and leverage existing OPH infrastructure to design and provide higher-touch post-discharge support to these patients. Adjusting our ML model to match the resource constraints for this high-touch program, we plan to set our model at a sensitivity of 70%, and a positive predictive value of 17%. Over the course of one year, we estimate we can prevent 63 unplanned readmissions in this small pilot ACO population. This equates to savings of 403 bed days, resulting in nearly $1.2 Million/year of additional contribution margin from backfill. If successful, we aim to expand use of this model beyond ACO patients to the 28,000 annual discharges at UCSF, which would multiply the above benefits five-fold. 


  • Xinran Liu, MD, MS, FAMIA. Assistant Professor, Division of Hospital Medicine. Director of Clinical Informatics at SMMC. Associate Program Director, Clinical Informatics Fellowship. Director, GME Clinical Informatics and Data Science Pathway. 

  • Timothy Judson, MD, MPH. Assistant Professor, Division of Hospital Medicine. Medical Director of Care Delivery Transformation, Office of Population Health. Medical co-Director, Adult Care Transitions, UCSF. Physician Informaticist, Center for Digital Health Innovation.  


  • Gina Intinarelli, RN, MS, PhD. Vice President and Chief Population Health Officer at UCSF Health. Associate Chief Nursing Officer, Institute for Nursing Excellence. Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs, UCSF School of Nursing 

  • Adrienne Green, MD, SFHM, FACP. Chief Medical Officer, Adult Services. VP Regulatory and Medical Affairs. Professor of Clinical Medicine, Division of Hospital Medicine. 


  • Anoop Muniyappa, MD, MS. Assistant Professor, Division of Hospital Medicine. Associate Director of Population Health Analytics. Physician Informaticist, DOM Data Core.  

  • Stephanie Rogers, MS, MPH, MD. Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics. Associate Chief of Clinical Geriatrics Programs, UCSF. Co-Medical Director, Adult Transitions, UCSF. Medical Director, UCSF's Age-Friendly Health System. 

  • Michael Helle, NRP/CCP, FP-C, MHA, MBA. Director Clinical Programs, Office of Population Health.  

  • Ahmed Alaa, PhD, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley/UCSF Computation Precision Health Program. 

UCSF’s 30-day unplanned readmission rate has been between 9% and 11% for several years, and we have been unable to achieve our readmissions target – to be in the top decile of peer Academic Medical Centers. Readmissions are not only harmful to patients and their families, but are also financially detrimental to the health system, resulting in millions of dollars of penalties, including through the federal Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP). Approximately 8 of 100 beds at UCSF are occupied by readmitted patients, worsening capacity and ED overcrowding issues, and preventing UCSF from accepting transfers of tertiary/quaternary patients. The readmissions rate is also an important national quality metric that impacts the rankings and reputation of UCSF Health.  

There are currently several programs in place to support patients after discharge to prevent readmissions. However, enrollment into these programs is determined by factors like the patient’s health insurance and primary care provider, rather than by their risk of readmission.  

We propose to apply a Machine Learning (ML) model to risk stratify individual patients after discharge based on their unplanned readmission risk, and then use that risk stratification to drive enrollment in targeted post-discharge support interventions. By doing so, our goal is to decrease the 30-day unplanned readmission rate in these patients by 15%. Similar interventions in the literature have resulted in 10-25% reductions [1,2].  

UCSF has not previously used readmission prediction algorithms or scores to drive enrollment in discharge support programs for three primary reasons. First, published readmission prediction scores (such as the LACE score and HOSPITAL score) have not performed well in the highly complex population of patients served by UCSF. Second, until recently, UCSF did not have HIPAC, which is necessary infrastructure to operationalize modern ML models. Third, many discharge support programs are open to only subsets of patients, such as those in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), without regard to readmission risk.  

The proposal team has already developed a Machine Learning model that can effectively predict the risk of unplanned readmissions for individual patients after discharge at UCSF. The model is designed to run daily, on all adult patients discharged the previous day. The model will output a “yes” or a “no” for whether or not that specific patient is high risk to have an unplanned 30-day readmission event (based on set sensitivity and positive predictive value [PPV] thresholds), as well as the risk score itself. In addition, the model will display the top reasons why the model made that individual patient prediction (see figure 1, attached). 

An initial model was built using deidentified data from the Information Commons [3], after which a prototype model was created using identified data from APeX’s Clarity database specifically tuned to the 30-day unplanned readmission definition used at UCSF (Vizient). The model incorporates data including demographics, social determinants of health, utilization, procedures, labs, vitals, and EHR orders. 

The prototype model built with Clarity data currently demonstrates an AUC of 0.749, and AUPRC of 0.250 on the validation set. The model’s performance on the hold out test set (data from 2022, not used for any model training or tuning) is very similar with an AUC of 0.738 and AUPRC of 0.245. The consistency in performance across the validation and test set suggests that the model will be able to generalize well to new data and is not overfit to the validation set. The top performing features in the model can be seen in figure 2 (attached). The precision-recall (PR) curve from the test set can be seen in figure 3 (attached). These results are consistent with the performance of machine-learning models at other US health systems [4-7]. All of the features in the model were designed so that they would be available the day after discharge. We have confirmed that this is working as intended. 

Metrics such as AUC and AUPRC should ideally be translated to sensitivity (recall) and positive predictive value (precision) to better evaluate potential clinical utility [8]. To do this, we need to determine what threshold to set the model to. The PR curve in figure 3 demonstrates all possible values for precision and recall based on possible thresholds. One important factor to account for when selecting the threshold to use is resource capacity. The downstream clinical workflow that we propose to support patients at high risk for readmission (detailed later in proposal) is limited in how many patients it can manage per year - estimated under 3000 patients. We have chosen a threshold that results in a recall of 70% and precision of ~17%. This achieves the goal of enrolling less than 3000 patients into our intervention program, and maintains a reasonably high recall and precision.  

Specifically, in a population of 100,000 ACO patients, we estimate there would be 6,000 discharges per year, of which there would be ~600 readmissions. With a set recall of 70% and precision of 17% for predicting a patient to be high risk, approximately 2470 of those patient discharges will be classified as high risk for readmissions. We estimate that we can prevent 63 unplanned 30-day readmissions annually within this small ACO population. Please see the below confusion matrix and outcome metrics for more details. 

Case positives 
Case negatives 
Test positives 
Test negatives 

Anticipated sensitivity: 70% 
Anticipated cases that test positive: 2470 (41% of all patients) 
Anticipated PPV: 17% 
Anticipated FPR: 38% 
Anticipated NPV: 95% 
Anticipated specificity: 62% 

In testing the model above, we have gained several insights that can help us not only improve the model further, but also refine the downstream clinical workflows that result from the model’s predictions. 

  1. In the time interval since Caring Wisely round 1, we have added a large number of additional features into the model. This includes: national and state ADI indexes, outpatient utilization prior to hospitalization, # of days on antibiotics, # days of on pressors, if the patient required ICU level care, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), PMH groupers based on CCI, and whether or not the patient had PCP appointments set up at the time of discharge. Despite the addition of these features, the model's performance only improved slightly. We suspect that adding additional structured features will have similarly limited impact. This is an insight from Dr. Ahmed Alaa, who is a faculty member in the joint UCSF/Berkeley Computational Precision Health Program. Dr. Alaa will be joining our team as a ML subject expert. Based on his experience, he suggests that we add other modalities of data such as clinical notes, as there might be important information captured in case management, occupational and physical therapy, physician, or social work notes that are not available as structured data elements. This will be our main area of focus in terms of next steps to refine the model further.  

  1. In reviewing the results of the model, we noticed that there seemed to be multiple discrete cohorts of patients. For example, patients with the highest predicted risk scores tend to have very high prior utilization, be middle-aged, and medically complex. The group of patients with the 2nd highest predicted risk scores tend to be among the oldest, with the highest medically complexity, but have lower prior utilization compared to the group with the highest predicted risk scores. Based on this insight, we believe it makes sense to study these cohorts further to determine whether they may benefit from different types of post-discharge support interventions. 

If this program is selected, we will start by using the model on a subset of ACO patients (~100,000) who are already eligible for discharge support programs through the Office of Population Health (OPH). In the current state, all of these ACO patients are enrolled in a program that offers an average of one call per week for the first month after discharge. In the future state, patients who are high risk for readmission would be enrolled in more high-touch programs, involving intensive care support from a multidisciplinary team. These protocols would be developed by OPH leadership in collaboration with the Caring Wisely team, and the Medical Directors for Adult Care Transitions. We are excited by the opportunity to partner with the Caring Wisely team and leverage their expertise in program design, lean-thinking, process improvement, and implementation science to develop and implement these novel workflows. Some specific areas where Caring Wisely support and funding will help accelerate our initiative forward include: 

  1. Explore additional features to add to the model that have not been tried yet 

  1. Review cohorts of patients identified by the model that have different levels of risk, and design possible interventions and workflows that are best suited to address the needs of the different cohorts. 

  1. Collaborate to develop a strategy for how we enroll patients into post-discharge support programs in a way that is both equitable for patients and maximizes benefit to the health system. 

  1. Collaborate to create an infrastructure that will allow us to monitor, study, and improve this care model.  

  1. On the financial side, the funding support from Caring Wisely will be critical to the success of this initiative. The funding will be partly used to help build the reports in APeX that are necessary to enable these new workflows, as well as offer salary support for team members so that they have time to design and implement these highly complex and multidisciplinary workflows.  

Our ultimate goal, should the initial pilot be successful, is to expand the use of this model to all patients discharged from a UCSF hospital, matching higher risk patients with higher touch discharge support programs. However, that would necessitate additional FTE in population health, so is not included in our cost/benefit calculations.  

There are two key technical barriers to implementation. One is being able to pull all of the relevant data from Clarity, on a daily basis, to a secure environment where it can undergo the necessary processing steps, and then be run through the model to generate outputs. Fortunately, UCSF has HIPAC, which is built for this exact purpose, and we hope to leverage HIPAC and its standards and policies to implement the model. All of the code to pull and process data from Clarity has already been written, which will significantly decrease the time needed to accomplish this integration. The DSI team, which manages HIPAC, has expressed their support for this work, especially if it is selected as a Caring Wisely awardee. A second barrier is to take the outputs from the model, and then send them back to APeX where they can be used. If our proposal is selected, we plan to use the Caring Wisely funds to build the necessary interfaces and reports with the help of the APeX interface team. 

The main adverse outcome that the proposal team wants to prevent against is the situation of having the model propagate and/or magnify disparities and inequities among vulnerable patient populations. To prevent this risk, the proposal team plans to test the model’s performance across different racial/ethnicity groups and insurance classes. If there are disparities in model performance across these groups, we would either try to modify the model at the global level to see if we can correct these disparities, or customize the model to have different thresholds for different patient populations so that the model’s performance is uniform across these populations.  

The goals of implementing this machine learning model are (1) to identify patients at high risk for readmission and (2) use that risk prediction as one of the components to drive enrollment into discharge support programs, so as to better allocate discharge support resources toward the goal of decreasing unnecessary readmissions. In order to achieve these goals, we will need to create an APeX report of patients identified as high risk for readmission. This will be used by OPH and Case Management to track and provide additional support to these patients after discharge.  


Costs to the health system: All costs are covered within the budget below.  

Savings/benefits to the health system 

Immediate financial benefit:  

  1. Increase contribution margin from backfill: By preventing moderate acuity readmissions in this small ACO pilot population, we anticipate saving 403 bed days, which we expect to lead to additional contribution margin of nearly $1.2 Million/year. 

Number of ACO patient discharges in pilot 


Number of readmissions expected 


Number of readmissions captured in ML model 


Readmissions prevented  

63 (15%) 

Average bed days per readmission 


Bed days saved 


Backfill revenue per bed day* 

$             2,937

Net impact 

$      1,184,198 

*This calculation assumes backfill with a mix of both T/Q and non-T/Q patients, and accounts for ALOS and insurance adjustments.  

Other immediate benefits: 

  1. Reduce ED overcrowding: Although this is difficult to predict based on available literature, we would anticipate that this proposal would result in a 5% absolute reduction in ED revisits, or 300 prevented ED visits per year, decreasing ED overcrowding. 

  1. Improve quality of care: UCSF publicly reports its readmissions metrics, and they are a commonly cited quality metric. An improved readmission rate could help further improve the already excellent reputation of UCSF for providing world-class care. 

Long term benefits 

Note: Calculations for this section are based on the long-term assumption that after demonstrating net financial benefit of this model, we would be able to apply it to all discharged patients, rather than just those in ACOs. Based on the literature, we predict that that by better determining which patients to target with discharge support programs, we can improve 30-day unplanned readmission rates by 15%, from 9.7% during the last fiscal year to 8.25%. This would have several benefits: 

  1. Decreased Hospital Readmission Reduction Program penalties: UCSF has been penalized under the CMS HRRP each of the last 8 years. The median penalty in the past 3 years has been approximately $1 Million. If we can selectively enroll high-risk patients into discharge support programs, particularly for conditions covered in HRRP, we anticipate UCSF would outperform the expected readmission rate in the 6 conditions that are part of this program, eliminating that penalty. 

  1. Increased backfill revenue for general population: If we can demonstrate net financial benefit using this model, we can advocate for additional resources for population health teams to be able to enroll high risk non-ACO patients into discharge support programs, which would multiply the benefit of this program five-fold.  

Incorporating readmission risk score will become part of standard work for patient enrollment into key discharge support programs within the OPH, and leaders in this space (GI, MH, TJ, SR) will champion this practice going forward, and hope to expand this practice further to all UCSF patients. 

From a technical side, once the ML model is deployed in HIPAC, and the interface to deliver its results into APeX is built, there should be minimal technical upkeep needs to keep this pipeline intact. However, the model’s performance will need to be observed regularly (e.g. every 6-12 months), as ML model performance can degrade over time as trends in diseases, workflows, and patient characteristics change. The model will likely need to be updated at some regular interval, although this would be a good opportunity to improve the model as well. These updates will need significantly less resources than the initial build, and the proposal team is committed to doing so. 

APeX Interface team - $15,000 to build interfaces in APeX to display model results in APeX 
Salary support for technical work (algorithm optimization, integration): $20,000 
Salary support for operational work (oversee report building, protocol creation in OPH): $15,000 

Works Cited 
[1] Romero-Brufau S, Wyatt KD, Boyum P, Mickelson M, Moore M, Cognetta-Rieke C. Implementation of Artificial Intelligence-Based Clinical Decision Support to Reduce Hospital Readmissions at a Regional Hospital. Appl Clin Inform. 2020 Aug;11(4):570-577 
[2] Wu CX, Suresh E, Phng FWL, Tai KP, Pakdeethai J, D'Souza JLA, Tan WS, Phan P, Lew KSM, Tan GY, Chua GSW, Hwang CH. Effect of a Real-Time Risk Score on 30-day Readmission Reduction in Singapore. Appl Clin Inform. 2021 Mar;12(2):372-382. 
[3] Luo AL, Ravi A, Arvisais-Anhalt S, Muniyappa AN, Liu X, Wang S. Development and Internal Validation of an Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Predict Readmissions in a United States Healthcare System. Informatics. 2023; 10(2):33.
[4] Huang Y, Talwar A, Chatterjee S, Aparasu RR. Application of machine learning in predicting hospital readmissions: a scoping review of the literature. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2021 May 6;21(1):96.  
[5] Eckert C, Nieves-Robbins N, Spieker E, et al. Development and Prospective Validation of a Machine Learning-Based Risk of Readmission Model in a Large Military Hospital. Appl Clin Inform. 2019;10(2):316-325. 
[6] Ko M, Chen E, Agrawal A, et al. Improving hospital readmission prediction using individualized utility analysis. J Biomed Inform. 2021;119:103826. 
[7] Schiltz NK, Dolansky MA, Warner DF, Stange KC, Gravenstein S, Koroukian SM. Impact of instrumental activities of daily living limitations on hospital readmission: an observational study using machine learning. J Gen Intern Med. 2020;35(10):2865-2872. 
[8] Liu X, Anstey J, Li R, Sarabu C, Sono R, Butte AJ. Rethinking PICO in the Machine Learning Era: ML-PICO. Appl Clin Inform. 2021 Mar;12(2):407-416.

Supporting Documents: 

The Wave of the Future: Using Long-Wave Infrared Thermography to Prevent Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries

Proposal Status: 


Executive Sponsor:

Arthur Dominguez Jr., DNP, MSN, RN, CEN

Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer of Adult Services

Project Lead(s)

Inpatient Wound and Ostomy Care Team (Parnassus Campus)

Team Manager: Jonathon Holte, MSN, RN, CWON

Team Members:

Skyler Bivens, BSN, RN-BC, CWOCN

Diane Sandman, MSN, FNP, CWOCN

Rachel Daniels, BS-N, RN, CWON

The inpatient wound and ostomy team is part of the clinical practice and research branch of the

Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation, under the direction of Hildegarde (Hildy) M.

Schell-Chaple, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CCNS, FAAN.


Background:Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPIs) are the most common preventable hospital acquired condition. Impact on the UCSF Health system includes increased cost of care, increased readmission rates, and increased length of stay. Critically ill patients and patients with darkly pigmented skin are disproportionately affected by HAPIs, contributing to increased morbidity and mortality in these populations. At UCSF, the highest HAPI incidence is in the MSICU. Thermal imaging is a quantitative, objective, and non-invasive tool to detect early development of pressure injuries before visible signs are present. Objective:Utilize thermal imaging for early detection of pressure injuries to improve patient outcomes and provide equitable care for patients with darkly pigmented skin. Method: Modeling a study by Koerner et al. (2019) UCSF will implement thermal imaging in the MSICU for all new admissions as an adjunct to nursing skin assessment to identify temperature changes in high-risk anatomical locations indicating early pressure injury development. Earlier detection allows prompt initiation of targeted measures to prevent progression of injury and ensure community acquired pressure injuries are not incorrectly attributed to UCSF as HAPIs. Impact: Reduced incidence of HAPIs in the ICU, improved patient outcomes and satisfaction, preservation of revenue for the health system related to patient care costs, non-reimbursement, and litigation associated with HAPI development.


Pressure injuries are the most commonly occurring preventable event in the hospital setting and are among the five most common harm events to reach patients. Every year in the United States, over 2.5million people are affected by pressure injuries, and approximately 60,000 patients die as a consequence of pressure injury development and associated complications. Pressure injuries contribute to increased lengthof hospital stay, increased readmission rates, and higher costs of care. In addition to the physical impacts of pressure injuries including pain, delayed recovery, disfigurement, and infection risk, there is also a detrimental emotional impact for patients and families. The development of hospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) is a quality-of-care indicator for a health system, which can affect Magnet recognition status, as well as public perception of patient safety at the institution. HAPI development additionally leads to an increased risk of litigation.

The National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) determined that the cost of patient care for a singlepressure injury is between $20,900 - $151,700, and that the annual cost of pressure injurycare in the United States is $26.8 billion. In FY2022, UCSF had 203 hospital acquired pressure injuriesfor the adult inpatient population. According to the NPIAP data, the estimated financial impact to the UCSF Health system for FY2022, is $4.24 -$30.8 million in annual costs. These figures do not account for potential additional costsassociated with litigation or non-reimbursement. The NPIAP reports that there are approximately 17,000 lawsuits annually that are directly related to pressure injuries, and that it is the second most common claim following wrongful death (NPIAP, 2019). Additionally, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, pressure injuries are considered “never events,” which can lead to non-reimbursement.

Pressure injury identification can be confounded by delayed superficial or outward signs following injury occurrence. This is especially the case for deep tissue pressure injuries (DTPIs) which usually present approximately 48 hours following injury (Black 2018), however have been reported to appear anywhere from 1 to 7 days post-injury (Koerner et al. 2019). DTPIs are defined by the NPIAP as “Intact or non-intact skin with localized area of persistent non-blanchable deep red, maroon, purple discoloration or epidermal separation revealing a dark wound bed or blood-filled blister. Pain and temperature change often precede color changes. Discoloration may appear differently in darkly pigmented skin. This injury results from intense and/or prolonged pressure and shear forces at the bone-muscle interface”. In FY2022, UCSF had 72 hospital acquired DTPIs documented among adult inpatients. Using the most conservative estimate from the NPIAP, the cost to the health care system related to DTPIs in the fiscal year 2022 is more than $1.5 million. These estimates do not include additional lost revenue related to litigation or loss of reimbursement.


Earlier identification of skin and tissue damage promotes earlier intervention of appropriate interventions and better patient outcomes.The primary project goal is to detect tissue damage that is present upon hospitaladmission so that targeted, individualized care interventions can be implemented promptly to mitigate additional damage, and to correctly categorize the injury as present on admission and not hospital acquired. The use of long-wave infrared thermography (LWIT, or thermal imaging) will improve admission assessment and documentation, facilitate early pressure injury identification and intervention, and prevent inappropriately assigned financial responsibility for injuries present on admission that may otherwise have been classified as hospital acquired. This is especially important regarding DTPIs, for which signs of damage can take several days to appear to the surface of the skin following injury occurrence. DTPIs can present with either an increase or decrease in temperature compared withsurrounding skin/tissue, but are more likely to occur when temperatures are comparatively lower(Koerner et al. 2019). The use of thermal imaging technology provides measurable, objective assessment data compared to the traditional assessment methods of inspection and palpation alone.Quantitative benefits of implementation include reduction of HAPI rates, particularly DTPIs, reduction of costs/revenue preservationassociated with the care of HAPIs, prevention of the development of more severe pressureinjuries due to early detection, accurate temperature assessment tomonitor perfusion, inflammatory or ischemic status, and injury risk over time, as well asimprovement in the accuracy of injury assessment in individuals with darkly pigmented skin.Qualitative benefits include increased awareness of present on admission HAPIs/DTPIs amongstaff, avoidance of negative impact on patient/family mental health and stress associated with pressure injuries, preserved patient/family perception of care received and overall experience with the health system, improved patient/family satisfaction, as well as improved professional satisfaction and reduction of staff feelings of guilt related to a pressure injury occurring “on their watch”.


Standard practice for skin assessment includes visual inspection, palpation, and patient reports of pain, discomfort, or other sensory changes. The overall goal of skin assessment regarding pressure injuries is to promptly detect early abnormalities and implement preventive measures to mitigate skin and tissue damage and prevent progression to more severe injury (Black, 2018).

Visual assessment, especially early in pressure injury development, can be an unreliable method of detection, as pressure injuries are described as “bottom-up” injuries. Visual signs of pressure injury can be delayed following injury occurrence, which is especially the case for DTPIs, for which visual signs can take several days to appear following damage.

Another limitation of visual assessment is detection of early changes in individuals with darkly pigmented skin. Early signs of pressure injury such as erythema are more difficult to identify in darkly pigmented skin (Black, 2018). This is problematic as a decreased ability to identify early signs of pressure injury contributes to increased injury rates and more severe injury events among this patient population. According to the NPIAP 2019 Clinical Practice Guideline, several studies indicate that there is a higher rate of more severe pressure injuries (stage 3 and 4) among individuals with darker skin pigmentation, as well as higher mortality rates. It has also been reported that black patients have a higher pressure injury rate of 2.4% compared to 1.2-1.8% among other groups (Bauer et al. 2016). Due to challenges in visualizing pressure-related color changes in darkly pigmented skin, the NPIAP 2019 Clinical Practice Guideline includes the following statement: “when assessing darkly pigmented skin, consider assessment of skin temperature and sub-epidermal moisture as important adjunct assessment strategies.”

Palpation of the skin is performed to detect changes in texture such as induration, bogginess or temperature variations compared to adjacent tissue. As specified in the definition of DTPI, these changes may occur prior to visual changes. Despite the importance of assessing tissue temperature in early pressure injury identification palpation remains subjective, unreliable, and unquantifiable. The use of thermal imaging technology would mitigate variability in manual assessment to provide a reliable measure of temperature variations of the skin and underlying tissues. Using thermography to detect early temperature changes that occur before visible signs of damage would contribute to earlier implementation of intervention and prevention of injury progression.


The wound care team at UCSF Parnassus will implement the EHOB WoundVision Scout program, which uses LWIT to assess perfusion and metabolic activity beneath the skin to identify areas of damage before outward signs appear to the surface of the skin. WoundVision thermography detects temperature changes between injured skin/tissues compared to surrounding areas by visualizing emitted thermal energy in a noninvasive, noncontact, non-radiating method. The WoundVision Scout is a handheld, portable, FDA-approved device that captures visual and thermal images of skin, underlying tissues, and wounds via a combination of digital and long-wave infrared camera. Temperature assessment using the WoundVision Scout device has demonstrated reliability and reproducibility with intra- and interreader coefficients of variation of 1% and 2% (Langemo, 2017). Using relative temperature data, a quantitative measure of improvement or regression of a skin or tissue area can be assessed and monitored. Compared to the current standard of manual palpation for temperature assessment, the use of LWIT provides objective, reliable, and measurable data to identify temperature variations that indicate injury development.

Additionally, the 2021 NPIAP annual conference featured a presentation on the benefits of thermal imaging assessment in early pressure injury identification, especially for individuals with darkly pigmented skin (Black, Vargo, 2021).

HAPIs occur at higher rates among patients in critical care compared to patients in acute care units (Pittman et al. 2019). This is consistent at UCSF as well, with the highest HAPI rates occurring in medical-surgical intensive care units (MSICUs). This critical care area is the initial target population for WoundVision intervention, with the ability to scale to other care areas, such as cardiovascular ICUs and the emergency department. Implementation in the medical-surgical ICU will be modeled after a study by Koerner et al. (2019) during which all patients admitted to one of the institution’s ICUs were evaluated at time of admission using the WoundVision Scout device. The aim of this study, as would also be the goal of implementation at UCSF, is to identify temperature changes that indicate development of DTPI at the time of admission before visual signs occur. This will allow the hospital and its nurses to proactively initiate targeted care measures to prevent further development of injury, as well as to ensure that the injury is appropriately documented as present on admission. Anatomical locations at highest risk of DTPI development would be the focus of admission assessment with WoundVision Scout, including sacrum, coccyx, and calcanei with the addition of other areas as needed per individual patient risk factors.

Integrating thermal imaging technology into standard admission assessment practices will promote better patient outcomes, reduced incidence of harm events, and support revenue preservation for the health system related to patient care costs, non-reimbursement, and litigation associated with HAPI development.

Supporting Studies

The study referenced above by Koerner et al. (2019) took place in 2016 at Mt Carmel West Hospital over a 2-month period during which time 114 patients admitted to ICUs were assessed using WoundVision Scout over areas at highest risk of DTPI development, including bilateral heels, sacrum, and coccyx. During the two-month study, 12 areas of thermal variation were identified, two of which progressed to visual DTPI. Pressure injury prevention procedures had been implemented and are credited with preventing the development of additional visual DTPIs from occurring. Because the two visual DTPIs had been documented on admission, the pressure injury rate during the study period was zero with estimated total preserved revenue of approximately $194,860, which does not account for additional savings related to prevention of other visual DTPI development. A zero false-negative rate was also identified during the study, whereby none of the patients without areas of thermal variation later developed DTPIs. A related study conducted at Christus Trinity Mother Frances Health System in 2019 including 1701 patients demonstrated an 85% reduction in DTPI rates (19 fewer cases) over a 7-month period following implementation of WoundVision Scout during admission assessment (Jackson, 2019). Additionally, in a blinded prospective cohort study of 70 patients by Simman (2018), WoundVision Scout was used upon admission to a long-term acute care hospital and identified 4 areas of thermal variation that progressed to visual DTPIs. Estimated cost savings related to reimbursement loss were $172,720, not accounting for potential litigation costs that also may have arisen.

Additional Benefits to Patient Outcomes

The benefits of implementing WoundVision Scout in our health system extend beyond pressure injury identification and prevention. In addition to thermal assessment and photographic documentation, the WoundVision Scout also provides visual wound imaging to measure wound area. The use of LWIT for wound measurement provides more accurate and precise results compared to standard manual techniques, which is important in ensuring consistent measurements for comparison, as well as evaluating progress toward healing vs deterioration and possible need for treatment modification (Langemo et al. 2015).

Thermal imaging technology is also used in early detection of surgical site infection, another hospital acquired condition that contributes to increased length of stay, readmission rates, and costs. In a study by Shepard et al. (2013), it was calculated that the net loss in profits to Johns Hopkins Health System was between $4,147 and $22,239 per surgical site infection.

Additionally, LWIT can be used to assess perfusion as an indicator of viability of flap and graft sites, identify potential pending dehiscence of surgical incisions, and evaluate lower extremity perfusion before and after limb salvage procedures, including use as an indicator in determining the level of amputation to predict healing (Spence et al. 1981). Utility has also been demonstrated in screening for osteomyelitis, particularly among patients with diabetes (Chanmugam A et al., 2017). Furthermore, perfusion could be assessed pre- and post-op to identify potential injuries that may have developed in perioperative areas, especially surrounding high risk or prolonged procedures.


In a documented quote provided by the manufacturer (EHOB), $50,000 will include subscription to WoundVision Scout cloud software, the purchase of two handheld devices, device clinical training for staff, EMR integration set-up, and EMR integration subscription. Refer to the budget section below for detailed descriptions of each item, as well as standard cost values for each. 

Applying the lowest possible cost per pressure injury according to NPIAP ($20,900), and based on conservative estimates, this baseline cost is slightly higher than patient care costs the health system incurs related to approximately two hospital acquired pressure injuries, not including potential loss of reimbursement or litigation costs. The graph below demonstrates anticipated revenue preservation with a 10-30% reduction in HAPI rate in the first year of intervention, using the most conservative estimated cost per HAPI. Using the greatest estimated cost per HAPI, savings could increase sevenfold.


Following successful implementation of WoundVision Scout, the ongoing use of the system will be sustained by return on investment that is projected to substantially outweigh the cost of annual subscription to the software. Additionally, there is the potential for expansion to other hospital areas such as specialty ICUs, surgical departments, the emergency department, and other inpatient units, which could lead to even greater cost savings, increased prevention of hospital acquired conditions, and improved patient outcomes with the minimal upfront expense of purchasing additional handheld devices to link to the software.

Key process owners are the Inpatient Wound and Ostomy Team staff within the clinical practice and research branch of the Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation, under the direction of Hildegarde (Hildy) M. Schell-Chaple, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CCNS, FAAN. This program has been discussed with Dr. Young and Dr. Rosser of the plastic surgery service who have expressed interest in collaborating in its use.


The following quote with included products and services was negotiated with the manufacturer (EHOB). Confirmation documentation was obtained and can be provided to the review committee upon request. 

$50,000 to include:

1)      WoundVision Scout Cloud Software (standard value $34,000)

The 1-YR subscription license to the web-based, HIPAA compliant Scout Software Cloud includes integration with up to 5 Scout Imagers, unlimited users, unlimited data storage, free software upgrades, data hosting and software maintenance.

2)      WoundVision Scout Imaging Devices (standard value $18,000, per device $9,000 ea.)

The handheld visual and long-wave infrared imaging device works in conjunction with the Scout Cloud Software. The device purchase includes a 1-YR manufacturer warranty and preventative maintenance.

3)      WoundVision Scout Clinical Training for staff (standard value $2,000)

4)      EMR Integration Setup (standard value $10,000)

Setup and implementation of HL7 or SMART on FHIR EMR integration. Configuration includes inbound patient ADT from EMR to Scout Software and outbound patient images/data from Scout Software to EMR. Price is based on a minimum work effort of five days. If scope exceeds minimum work effort a separate agreement will be created.

5)      EMR Integration License (standard value $8,000)

A 1-YR EMR Integration Subscription License provides a RESTful web API to securely send and receive data between WoundVision and 3rd party HL7 compliant EMR systems. At minimum this license includes inbound patient ADT and outbound patient images/data.

Reducing disparities in lung cancer screening in vulnerable populations

Primary Author: Joan O'Mahony
Proposal Status: 
    • PROPOSAL TITLE: Reducing disparities in lung cancer screening in vulnerable populations 
    • PROJECT LEAD(S): Joan O'Mahony
    • EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): Laurel Bray-Hanin
    • ABSTRACT - 

    Findings from the National Cancer Institutes National Lung Screening Trial established that lung cancer mortality in specific high-risk groups can be reduced by annual screening with low-dose computed tomography (CT).  Access to these services can reduce inpatient/outpatient healthcare cost with patients being screened at an early stage.  Through community outreach, education, and the development of culturally relevant public health programs, greater support and awareness for screening can help to reduce disparities in screening, diagnosis, and treatment. This project proposal aims to partner with high risk patients, healthcare systems, and community providers to access screening services and offer resources (i.e. grant funding, surveillance, etc.) to high-risk patients in the absence of insurance or other appropriate funding source. If the patient does not fit the criteria, this proposal further aims to procure and utilize a system to track incidental findings to provide early lung cancer care, education, or intervention demonstrating a commitment to patient health and wellbeing. This project is in alignment with the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) 2022-2026 strategic plan to inform practice, optimize health, and advance health equity looking through the health equity, population and community health, prevention and health promotion, and systems and models of care lens. Using the center of excellence delivery framework, the Thoracic Surgery Oncology team would like to leverage this work to identify screening gaps, implement best practices, and support the patient and healthcare system positioning UCSF to become the epicenter for lung cancer screening for vulnerable populations in the Bay area.

    • TEAM - Shaterra Davis (RN Nurse Manager), Andrew Mullen (PA), Dr. Johannes Kratz (MD)
    • PROBLEM - Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States.  Although the incidence of lung cancer has decreased over the past decades, disparities in survival and treatment modalities have been observed for black and white patients with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. African Americans are one of the populations with a higher incidence and mortality for lung cancer. Like other cancers, most people with early stages of lung cancer do not have symptoms until the disease is well advanced.  Lung cancer can be cured if detected early with a proper screening method. Racial Disparities are predominant, as black males have the highest lung cancer rates of age- adjusted lung cancer incidence among all U.S. racial/ethnic groups, specifically 73.5 per 100,000, versus 63.5 per 100,000 white males.  This racial disparity in incidence persists in both smokers and never-smokers.  Black males also have the highest lung cancer mortality compared with other racial/ethnic groups and develop lung cancer at an earlier age. Black Americans with lung cancer were 15% less likely to be diagnosed early, 19% less likely to receive surgical treatment, 10% more likely to not receive any treatment, and 12% less likely to survive five years compared to white Americans. $23.8 billion was spent on lung cancer care in 2020.Approximately 1 in 4 lung cancer patients will be diagnosed in the earliest stage, when the disease is most treatable and the 5-year survival rate is much higher. In California, 1% of those at high risk were screened, which was significantly lower than the national rate of 6%. 29% of Black Americans with lung cancer in California did not receive any treatment, significantly higher than the rate of 22% among Black Americans nationally, and significantly higher than the rate of 25% among whites in California.
      Over the last five years, the early diagnosis rate in California did not change significantly, which is the opportunity for this proposal. 
    • TARGET -  Reducing disparities in lung cancer screening in high-risk patients by increasing access to CT scans in the community and outpatient setting for early detection lung cancer. Expected benefits include improved health and wellness and decreased incidence of patients diagnosed at later stages with lung cancer. 
    • GAPS - In 2021, the US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) expanded the eligibility criteria for low-dose computed tomographic lung cancer screening to reduce racial disparities that resulted from the 2013 USPSTF criteria for lung cancer screening recommendations. The recommended changes will nearly double the number of people eligible for lung cancer screening.  Among smokers diagnosed with lung cancer, 32% of African Americans versus 56% of whites were eligible for screening with the previous screening criteria. This recommendations are not being consistently followed, especially during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Radiology access (e.g. appointment availability), prioritization of more acute scans, lack of education and awareness of new guidelines, and insurance/financial barriers complicate the problem. 
    • INTERVENTION - The Thoracic Surgery Oncology clinic is an ambulatory outpatient clinic with 2 RNs, 2 APP, and 5 MDs who assess, diagnose, and treat all stages of lung cancer. The target population is African American and/or other adults at high risk for lung cancer. The proposed intervention would implement financial, clinical support, education, and advocacy for early lung cancer screening. Long term, we would like to purchase a Lung GPS program that can be integrated into apex system for incidental lung nodule findings as well as database for follow up and surveillance. Funding for CT scan screening for scans is the goal to help build a case for a longer term solution. Other interventions include patient & clinician education seminars and increased marketing. Long-term ideas include mobile units for screening in the community, equip satellite clinics in high risk areas to provide screening for lung cancer in the underserved community. Potential barriers include lack of funding to provide access to screening, lack of access to radiology. The possible adverse effect to the program is finding that with proactive screening, the volume will be high and there is not available funds to cover the volume for those without access to screening. Patient safety is promoted as we have the clinical support to see the patient. 
    • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS- Lung GPS surveillance software integration. Clinical problems to solve with APeX- screening, and system to keep track of patients with incidental findings or smaller nodules. APeX tools (patient lists, reports) or workflows (orders, documentation, alerts) are you using now to achieve this goal? None.
    • COST - TBD
    • SUSTAINABILITY - If successful, this intervention will provide the baseline for a ROI proposal to sustain the project and seek government funding to use in high-risk and vulnerable populations. The number of incidental findings and level at which cancer is found could provide quantitative support for funding beyond the funding year. Key UCSF process owners are the Thoracic Surgery team, radiology? APEX team?
    • BUDGET - Key areas of the project that will require funding include software, payment for CT scan, marketing and education material.  


Increasing Access to Equitable Care Among Medically Hospitalized Youth with Eating Disorders

Proposal Status: 

PROJECT LEAD(S): Sarah Forsberg, PsyD



Research and clinical trends at UCSF indicate gaps in health equity among youth diagnosed with eating disorders (EDs) who are publicly-insured or whose primary language is not English. Disparities in quality and access to care have increased during COVID-19; rising ED rates and medical severity have led to a higher hospital census and readmission rates nationally and at UCSF (with a four-fold increase in average daily census). Obstacles to equitable care include more limited resources for those who speak a language other than English, and lack of access to evidence-based treatments due to insurance barriers and lengthy waitlists. This is particularly concerning as anorexia nervosa has one of the highest mortality rates among psychiatric disorders. The gold standard treatment for youth with EDs is Family-Based Treatment (FBT), which is the treatment provided at UCSF to those with private insurance. FBT demonstrates higher rates of remission and lower cost to the individual and healthcare system (i.e., reduced hospital admissions, shorter treatment duration) compared to other treatments. Our team’s priority is to increase access to evidence-based care for all patients and families. As such, we aim to create and disseminate educational videos on FBT to patients, families, and allied health professionals to increase awareness, skills, and confidence to facilitate recovery at home. Second, we will ensure that all patients and families have access to written materials including After Visit Summaries in their spoken language upon discharge. Implementing this programming is feasible, scalable and has the potential to reduce rate of hospital readmissions, length of stay, and allow providers to reallocate time to direct patient care.

TEAM: Sarah Forsberg, PsyD, Rachel Kramer, PhD, Lisa Hail, PhD, Sharon Clifton, RN, Beth Saunders, RD, Sara Buckelew, MD, Molly Koren, LCSW, Lisbeth Chang, LCSW, Amanda Downey, MD, Erin Accurso, PhD


Eating Disorders (EDs) are associated with significant burden to the individual and caregivers, healthcare costs that are substantially higher than the general population, with the degree of disability and mortality risk equivalent to the pooled risk of various mental health disorders1. Elevated suicide risk and serious medical consequences lead to 77,000 hospitalizations and emergency department visits and 10,000 deaths yearly, with annual costs of $65 billion in health care expenditures, informal care, and lost productivity and efficiency.2 Waitlists for treatment have grown,3 rates of new ED onset,4 hospital admission and readmission have increased significantly during the COVID-19 era5 further burdening the system and exacerbating what is already an often-prolonged health condition.6 Inequitable access to specialized care has been longstanding—even prior to increased demands on the healthcare system—most heavily impacting individuals who are the most under-resourced, specifically publicly-insured7 youth of color, many of whose family members do not speak English. The UCSF Eating Disorders Program (EDP) provides critical inpatient medical services for many acutely ill adolescents insured by Medi-Cal who are often unable to access life-saving outpatient psychiatric treatment due to insurance barriers.

 Family-Based Treatment (FBT) is the first-line, gold-standard treatment for adolescent and young adult EDs, but the wait time to access FBT or specialized ED treatment is unacceptable. Typically, adolescents with private insurance wait for outpatient care following hospitalization for an average of 4-6 months. The wait is closer to 9 months for publicly-funded community-based services. The gap in care for adolescents insured by Medi-Cal whose caregivers do not speak English is even greater due to the absence of specialty care in most publicly-funded mental healthcare settings, such that providers are unable to refer these patients for appropriate follow-up care. In addition, these families do not have access to psychoeducational materials or discharge instructions in their preferred language, which may contribute to poorer treatment outcomes and increased caregiver burden. Further, compared with other medical and psychological concerns, ED treatment is more costly for Medicare patients8 and publicly-insured youth, who are more likely to be readmitted for psychiatric concerns than privately-insured youth9. It is imperative to address these inequities immediately to reduce rates of hospital readmission, cost to families and healthcare systems, and to reduce disparities in treatment outcomes.


The goal of this grant is two-fold. The most immediate aim is to improve equitable access to evidence-based resources to patients and families, with particular attention to publicly-insured youth with EDs given that treatment efficacy is reduced in this demographic group,7 and thereby reduce rate of hospital readmission and length of stay.4,5,9 These resources will specifically target caregiver self-efficacy by increasing knowledge and confidence, which is an established mediator of outcome in FBT.

Second, we aim to disseminate education to community physicians and other healthcare providers to improve identification, early intervention, and delivery of evidence-informed care. As such, this effort has the potential to reduce costs more broadly to families and the healthcare system by improving the timeliness and efficacy of interventions to prevent more severe outcomes and related hospitalization. 


There are several reasons for more frequent readmission and greater costs of care among youth diagnosed with ED with public insurance. The first being limited outpatient treatment options after discharge, as noted above. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the UCSF Adolescent Medicine Service experienced a four-fold increase in its average daily census.3 Given the UCSF-BCH system has also been exceedingly taxed by COVID-19 and other respiratory and influenza-related admissions, our capacity to provide care to all patients in need is limited, and our team has had to turn away individuals who meet our admission criteria, many of whom are eventually hospitalized with a higher degree of medical acuity, resulting in extended length of admission. This pressure on the healthcare system taxes providers who are unable to provide the same level of care due to an imbalance between resources and demand. These factors have the potential to impact those who are already the most under-resourced, for example, use of interpreters, may result in less thorough information provided, providers may have less time to ensure all caregivers are present when psychoeducation is provided, and less time to advocate for treatment and coordinate care. In addition, discharge planning is hindered for families who do not speak English because After Visit Summaries are not translated, as they are for the hospitalist services, and educational materials are more limited.10 As such, the system does not provide as many resources to youth who are already less likely to be discharged with appropriate and timely treatment referrals. Many of these individuals will continue to follow with PCPs in the community who have generally received very little training in the management of EDs, a trend that is observed in our care coordination. Given the importance of close medical monitoring, accurate education about weight restoration, and unique nutritional needs to promote reversal of dangerous vital sign abnormalities, it is paramount that providers are informed on best practices in care. Our team provides frequent consultation to community providers, a service that is highly valued but further diverts already limited resources from direct patient care.


This intervention is intended to improve quality of care for patients and families who are admitted to the Benioff Children’s Hospital Adolescent Medicine Service for treatment of medical complications of ED. While medically admitted, youth with ED are treated through collaborative care by Adolescent Medicine attendings, fellows, and residents, psychologists, social workers, dieticians, nurses, and PCAs. The team works to achieve medical stability for patients, establish interdisciplinary care (medical and psychological) post-discharge in line with evidence-based recommendations, and provide psychological support and an introduction to FBT during admission. Given limitations noted above, we will create educational videos in the languages most commonly spoken by our patient population. These videos will target identified mediators of treatment outcome in FBT, including reducing caregiver expressed emotion, increasing caregiver self-efficacy, targeting early weight gain/nutritional needs, and medical monitoring.  Funding will also support development of handouts, and translation of discharge summaries in the spoken language of families. PCPs will have access to all of these materials, in addition to a brief video tailored towards understanding the role of the PCP in FBT, and guidance on the medical management of EDs. Previous research indicates that educational videos for families admitted for a variety of medical concerns reduce readmission rates11–13 and are easily scalable to institutional, and community learners.12 We believe that there will be limited adverse outcomes related to introducing this intervention as it is an adjunct to routine care and will facilitate greater understanding in a scalable fashion. However, translation and transcription errors can occur and impact quality of care, with careful attention to cultural considerations. To minimize risk, we will establish a diverse patient and family community advisory board, integrating the wisdom of key stakeholders in the development and evaluation of video and written materials. We will also work closely with Interpreting Services and other UCSF partners to ensure accuracy of these materials prior to dissemination. Lastly, we will obtain quantitative and qualitative data on perceived acceptability, usefulness, and effectiveness after dissemination of materials to families receiving care on our unit.


The primary EHR modification will involve translation of AVS/discharge summaries. Educational video links will also be embedded with follow-up appointment instructions with a request that families watch these in preparation for their visit.


Direct baseline costs to the UCSF Health system include the longer average length of stay observed in FY23 (11.3 days) compared to FY22 (10.1 days) (representing an opportunity cost of 1.18 for the FYTD), and relative to national benchmark data. It is possible that these findings reflect downstream effects of the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in increased incidence of EDs alongside limited access to care. Similarly, FY23 is demonstrating a trend towards increased opportunity patient days (a 186% increase for the FYTD), impacting bed availability across the system. We aim to reduce length of stay (by a minimum of 1 day on average) and opportunity patient days to FY22 levels (-13.6%). Further, we anticipate a reduction in laboratory costs due to potential reduction in medical acuity (i.e., risk of electrolyte derangement). Providers will also have more time for direct patient care due to better preparing families and community providers to support continued recovery at home, thus less resources diverted to consultation outside of follow-up visits. Further, all of these changes will have downstream effects on provider burnout related to turnover and reduced clinical hours, which is associated with an annual economic cost of approximately $7,600 per employed physician.14


The development and production of these educational videos is an upfront cost. There is no additional cost for ongoing dissemination. Standard written materials will also be used continuously over time via AVS and MyChart messaging. Portions of the AVS are standard and can be easily translated. Additionally, community-based providers who access these videos will be able to circulate them to colleagues as well as their patients, expanding access to digestible, evidence-based information within UCSF and the broader community. The key process owners will be the clinical team creating and administering the videos initially. Following initial roll-out, these will be embedded in normal workflow and require no provider oversight.


  1. Video creating/editing: Creation of 5, 3-8 minute animated/white-board videos: $6,500/video x 5 = $32,500, partnering with UCSF video production team
  2. Translation/dubbing of videos: $2,000
  3. Material costs: $1,000 (photocopies, folders, stickers)
  4. Breakfast + lunch for day-long team retreat to generate video content: $40 x 8 attendees = $320
  5. Translation of Written Materials:  $0.20 per page, 3 x 1,500 words in 3 languages = $2,700
  6. Reimbursement for Patient/Family Community Advisory Board: $100 per family x 10 = $1,000
  7. Reimbursement for providing feedback post-intervention for a 5-minute survey on Qualtrics (first 30 families to participate) – $25 Amazon gift-cards x 30 = $750
  8. Translation of Qualtrics Survey: $0.20 per page, x 1000 words, in 3 languages, = $600
  9. Translations of Qualtrics Survey Responses: $0.20 per word x 250 words for 30 families = $1,500

 Total Budget: $42,370


1. van Hoeken D, Hoek HW. Review of the burden of eating disorders: mortality, disability, costs, quality of life, and family burden. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2020;33(6):521-527. doi:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000641

2. Streatfeild J, Hickson J, Austin SB, et al. Social and economic cost of eating disorders in the United States: Evidence to inform policy action. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2021;54(5):851-868. doi:10.1002/eat.23486

3. Bruett LD, Forsberg S, Accurso EC, et al. Development of evidence-informed bridge programming to support an increased need for eating disorder services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Eating Disorders. 2022;10(1):71. doi:10.1186/s40337-022-00590-1

4. Linardon J, Messer M, Rodgers RF, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M. A systematic scoping review of research on COVID-19 impacts on eating disorders: A critical appraisal of the evidence and recommendations for the field. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2022;55(1):3-38. doi:10.1002/eat.23640

5. Matthews A, Kramer RA, Peterson CM, Mitan L. Higher admission and rapid readmission rates among medically hospitalized youth with anorexia nervosa/atypical anorexia nervosa during COVID-19. Eating Behaviors. 2021;43:101573. doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2021.101573

6. Wonderlich S, Mitchell JE, Crosby RD, et al. Minimizing and treating chronicity in the eating disorders: A clinical overview. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2012;45(4):467-475. doi:10.1002/eat.20978

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Revitalizing Transfers: Creating an EHR-based admission and lateral transfer decision support tool to identify patients for transfer to non-Parnassus sites

Proposal Status: 

Revitalizing Transfers: Creating an EHR-based admission and lateral transfer decision support tool to identify patients for transfer to non-Parnassus sites


PROJECT LEAD: Timothy Judson, MD, MPH. Medical Director of Care Delivery Transformation, Office of Population Health. Medical co-Director, Adult Care Transitions, UCSF. Physician Informaticist, Center for Digital Health Innovation. Assistant Professor, Division of Hospital Medicine.



Adrienne Green, MD, SFHM, FACP. Chief Medical Officer, Adult Services. VP Regulatory and Medical Affairs. Professor of Clinical Medicine, Division of Hospital Medicine.

Michelle Mourad MD, Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs and Value, Department of Medicine. Clinical Informatics Lead, Center for Digital Health Innovation. Professor, Division of Hospital Medicine.

Brad Monash, MD, Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs, Division of Hospital Medicine. Professor of Clinical Medicine and Pediatrics


ABSTRACT: It is currently challenging to determine which medicine patients may be eligible for admission or transfer to non-Parnassus sites of care (e.g. Mount Zion, Saint Mary’s Medical Center (SMMC)). Admitting physicians must manually check clinical and social inclusion criteria and bed availability for each site, an inefficient process that may lead to suboptimal use of available non-Parnassus beds. The process of identifying medicine patients appropriate for lateral transfers is similarly tedious and because it is dependent on physician referral, it fails to capture a large proportion of potentially eligible patients. We propose creating 1) an EHR-based, admission clinical decision support tool to guide admitting physicians in determining the optimal site of admission for medicine patients, and 2) a workbench report to identify admitted patients appropriate for lateral transfer to a non-Parnassus site of care. The combination of these tools will reduce the time needed to identify and transfer appropriate patients, increasing use of unfilled, staffed beds at non-Parnassus sites. This will increase tertiary/quaternary bed availability at Parnassus, creating an estimated $1.79M/year in contribution margin by better matching patient acuity to the appropriate site of care.  This will also improve patient and provider experience of the admission and transfer process.



  • Toni Workman-Braden, DNP, RN, Patient Care Director of Capacity Management, Integrated Transfer Center, Patient Capacity Management Center
  • Maggie Jones MD, Associate Professor, Division of Hospital Medicine, Director of Swing Service and ED triage
  • Rashmi Manjunath MD, Assistant Professor, Division of Hospital Medicine, Director of Mount Zion Medicine Service
  • Raman Khanna MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Hospital Medicine, Medical Director of Inpatient Informatics at UCSF Medical Center
  • Jill Reynolds, Technical Program Manager, Patient Capacity Management Center


PROBLEM: This proposal is aimed at solving two related problems that contribute to capacity constraints at Parnassus, where inpatient capacity is currently over 90%.


First, when a medicine patient is being admitted from the emergency department, the Medical Officer on Duty (MOD) must decide where the patient should be admitted. There are currently three sites where hospital medicine patients may be admitted (Parnassus, Mount Zion, SMMC) with two additional sites (Hospital at Home and Chinese Hospital) being considered. The patient inclusion and exclusion criteria for each site is different (an example in Supplementary Materials), as are conditions necessary for acceptance, including bed availability and nurse staffing. Triaging physicians refer to frequently changing protocols and criteria to determine candidacy and manually confirm availability and acceptance at the receiving facility. This process of chart reviewing and seeking approval from multiple parties often takes 2+ hours from start to finish. This inefficient process may cause delays and lead to suboptimal bed usage, as some eligible patients are not identified and get admitted to Parnassus beds before they can be admitted to other sites.


Second, when Mount Zion beds are available, we aim to transfer lower acuity medicine patients from Parnassus. These patients typically have longer than usual length of stay (average 15.8 days), so transferring them can create significant capacity at Parnassus. Potentially eligible patients are currently identified based on referral from primary teams, and manually tracked on an APeX list by the Flow MD and MZ MD. This process is suboptimal for multiple reasons. First, referrals often do not yield enough candidates to fill available beds. When leadership has instead resorted to chart reviewing patients on the medicine census—akin to finding needles in a haystack of 180-200 patients – they have consistently identified more than double the number of potential MZ transfer candidates that were identified by referral.


TARGET: The goals of building these tools and implementing new workflows around medicine admissions and lateral transfer would be to:

  1. Increase tertiary/quaternary bed availability at Parnassus by increasing use of unfilled, staffed beds at non-Parnassus sites. Specifically, we aim to:
    1. Increase monthly average daily census at MZ by 1.0 in FY24 compared to FY23
    2. Reduce unfilled bed capacity at all non-Parnassus sites by 50% in FY24 compared to FY23
  2. Improve the provider experience by decreasing the amount of time that physicians take to identify and transfer patients to non-Parnassus sites
  3. Improve patient experience by decreasing ED boarding times and improving transfer efficiency

GAPS: The process of determining which medicine patients may be eligible for admission or transfer to non-Parnassus sites is currently manual and referral dependent. The UCSF Patient Capacity Management Center (PCMC) has developed tools to solve similar problems. For example, they have developed a report that uses objective criteria to determine whether a patient is appropriate for the discharge lounge, and have begun to identify surgical patients appropriate for lateral transfers from Parnassus to Mission Bay.Prior to the creation of the PCMC, there was no central group with visibility into all admitted UCSF patients that could be responsible for maintaining and overseeing such a tool.


INTERVENTION: We propose to work with the UCSF Patient Capacity Management Center to create two related tools and associated workflows to improve the process of admitting and transferring patients to non-Parnassus sites.

  1. Admission Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Tool: To better identify adult medicine patients on admission who are eligible for care at non-Parnassus sites (e.g. Mount Zion, SMMC, Hospital at Home), we propose an EHR-based, automated clinical decision support tool. This APeX tool would incorporate data from multiple sources to determine whether a patient meets inclusion and exclusion criteria for admission to a non-Parnassus site of care. This tool would capture data from discrete fields in APeX (e.g. insurance, home address, diagnosis, anticipated level of care) and via a short provider click-through form (e.g. need for telemetry or in-person specialty consultation). The tool will then incorporate real-time bed availability and staffing data, overseen by the Patient Capacity Management Center, to determine the recommended site of care. The MOD would use this tool prior to admitting the patient. If the tool recommends a non-Parnassus site of care, MOD would confirm assent from the patient and begin the admission process.
  2. Medicine Lateral Transfer Identification Report: We propose building a workbench report to improve the process of identifying potential patients for lateral transfer to Mount Zion (and Hospital at Home in the future). This would include APeX metrics that help determine eligibility for transfers, such as current consults, expected discharge date, case management disposition, telemetry use, and AMPAC score (a measure of mobility). The Flow Physician on Duty (and/or MZ MD) would use this list as a starting point for identifying eligible patients for transfer. The PCMC team would also view the list in real time to better manage patient flow. The list will also be able to be filtered by bed type so that if, for example, there is not hemodialysis capacity available at Mount Zion, patients needing hemodialysis can be filtered out.

These tools would be first built for use with Hospital Medicine patients, given the immediate need. The tools could then be replicated for other services. If successful at UCSF, the tools could be shared with affiliates, and adapted to be used for transferring T/Q patients from regional affiliates to UCSF.


We have considered possible barriers to project success. First, some data may need to be manually entered by the admitting physician if it is not available in a discrete field (e.g. overall clinical stability). However, that entry would be brief, and could ultimately be streamlined by adding new fields to APeX (e.g. a “clinical stability” field). Second, bed availability data will be key to project success. We believe the UCSF Patient Capacity Management Center will be able to maintain this information in near-real time, but this may be more challenging for non-APeX sites like St. Mary’s and may continue to require confirmation via Voalte. Third, providers must know to use the tool for it to be successful. Fortunately, change management would be simplified because only specific attending hospitalist roles hold the MOD pager, and the MZ hospitalist is primarily responsible for identifying lateral transfers (see workflow diagram figure 1). There is already a robust onboarding process for each of these roles, and service leadership would ensure these changes are reflected in future onboarding.


PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS: Described above in intervention section.


COST: Based on available data, we believe the average cumulative number of staffed, unfilled non-Parnassus beds is at least 2-4 per day. For example, the average daily census for hospital medicine patients at Mount Zion in 2022 was 14.2, which is 79% of the technical MD cap of 18 beds (though this may not account for MD/RN staffing changes that may increase or decrease this cap). This cap recently increased to 30 patients, which may increase the potential impact of this tool going forward. However even with that higher cap, the March ADC was 21.1. Similarly, median bed utilization at SMMC was 78% over the past 9 months.


Financial Benefit: Increase T/Q revenue. Using both the admission and transfer tools, we aim to increase tertiary/quaternary bed availability at Parnassus by increasing use of unfilled, staffed beds at non-Parnassus sites. Each time a low-acuity Parnassus patient is transferred to a non-Parnassus site, this Parnassus bed can be filled with another patient. Realistically, these open Parnassus beds may be filled with any type of adult patient. For that reason, in our calculations we use the contribution margin for all adult patients, not just T/Q patients. Specifically, we aim to:

  1. Increase monthly average daily census at MZ by 1.0
  2. Reduce the number of non-Parnassus unfilled, staffed beds by 50%

Financial impact

Estimated unfilled staffed non-Parnassus beds per day


Estimated reduction in unfilled staffed beds


Approximate contribution margin per bed day*


Additional contribution margin per day from filling 1.5 available beds


Additional contribution margin per year


*This calculation assumes backfill with a mix of all adult patients (not just T/Q patients)


Other benefits of this project would include:

  1. Benefit Hospital at Home: These tools would be integral to the success of future capacity-building programs such as Hospital at Home, which rely on proactive patient identification for both admission and lateral transfer. These tools could decrease the need for additional FTE to be hired for the purpose of patient identification in Hospital at Home. 
  2. Decreased physician transfer/admission work, (resource-intensive workflows visualized in tan boxes in Figure 1, with plan to replace with much more efficient tool in green) resulting in:
    1. Increased clinical productivity and billable activities (e.g. admission hospitalist/MOD can conduct History and Physical’s instead of spending time on triage). This benefit is difficult to quantify in the absence of a dedicated time study, so we did not include this in the value calculation above.
    2. Increased provider satisfaction (e.g. inc. time for teaching instead of coordinating transfers)
    3. Improved patient outcomes, safety and experience (e.g. by allowing MZ hospitalists to focus on discharge education rather than identifying transfers)
    4. Potential to decrease ED boarding: While there are other confounding factors, more efficient use of non-Parnassus beds could decrease ED boarding, ED LWBS rates and PACU boarding.
    5. Empower the PCMC: This tool would increase transparency of clinical acuity and admission characteristics, allowing the PCMC to prioritize which non-Parnassus beds to fill first, and giving them more data regarding the number of patients potentially eligible for lateral transfer.

SUSTAINABILITY: These tools would require some upkeep by service directors and the APeX team to reflect changes in clinical criteria for admission to non-Parnassus sites. We have support from Hospital Medicine service leaders, PCMC leadership, Department of Medicine leadership, and the Chief Medical Officer of Adult Services, so are confident the tools would become part of standard work for admissions and transfers.



  • APeX modifications: $25k
  • Technical project management support: $5k
  • Subject matter expert salary support: $20k





Figure 1a: Admission Current and Future State Workflow (SEE ATTACHED)



Figure 1b: Lateral Transfer Current and Future State Workflow (SEE ATTACHED)



Mount Zion Medicine Exclusion Criteria

  • TCU level of care
  • Actual or anticipated LOS >8 weeks** (only applies to lateral transfers)
  • Patients requiring high flow nasal cannula
  • Patients too unstable for transfer
  • Patient requiring in person consultant evaluation (primarily telemed consults)
  • Patients needing administration of chemotherapy (oral or IV)
  • Patients with significant expected specialty involvement, specifically
    • Active co-morbid or primary surgical disease
    • Active co-morbid or primary neurologic or neurosurgical disease
    • Active hematologic disease
    • Active oncologic disease
    • Severe cardiac disease (i.e., active/unstable CAD, decompensated heart failure, severe pHTN)
    • Decompensated liver disease or liver transplant patient
    • Pregnancy
    • Hemodialysis (not an exclusion criterion, but patient must be cleared by MZ Nephrology prior to admit/transfer. Those who may need emergent/urgent dialysis for decompensated renal disease should not be transferred)
    • Peritoneal dialysis (relative exclusion, only possible with lateral transfers + coordination with Nephrology/nursing)
    • 5150 or very active comorbid or primary psychiatric disease



CW Transfer Tool Round 1 Reviewer Comments/Questions and Responses


  1. Your proposal would be strengthened if you can comment on how you would ensure that providers who are tasked with transferring patients to non-Parnassus beds would know to utilize your tool, and how they would utilize your tool. Outlining a proposed workflow is a great starting point for this key behavior change that would be required for your project to be successful.
  • We have included current state and proposed future state workflow diagrams in our revised proposal. The green boxes in both the admission and lateral transfer workflows indicate where the use of the digital tool would replace the time consuming process (tan box) in the current state.
  • For the lateral transfer tool, change management would be straight-forward, because the MZ hospitalist already references an Apex list to try to find patients. If the lateral transfer tool were built, the hospitalist would just use that tool instead.
  • The admission CDS tool would be a new process for the MOD, but only 3 hospitalist roles currently hold MOD, and each receive orientation and onboarding via email/wiki pages. We feel confident that given the engagement of service leadership in this proposal, we would be able to achieve universal use of these tools.
  1. It would be helpful to know if identification of patients who would qualify for non-Parnassus beds is a key contributor to unfilled non-Parnassus beds. Prior work and health systems kaizens have been conducted to optimize this transfer process, and utilizing these prior learnings will also strengthen your proposal. In other words, how do we know that solving the problem of more efficient patient identification will result in increased transfers to SMMC and/or Mt. Zion? There are other gaps/barriers in this complex process as well, and how will your project team also address these barriers?
  • There are certainly several barriers to optimizing the transfer process. Based on discussions with our team and past improvement efforts, we would group these barriers into 2 categories:

1) Bed availability including staffing challenges often limits volume of possible non-Parnassus admissions/lateral transfers. Bed availability would not be impacted by this proposal.

2) Patient factors may lead to available beds not being filled. Patient factors Include identifying appropriate patients, getting their assent, confirming they have appropriate insurance, etc. This proposal would increase the size of the pool of potential patients, which should result in more beds being filled, even without directly addressing issues like assent or insurance.

  • It is challenging to measure missed opportunities for transfers. However, the best evidence available comes from recent experience. When the MZ hospitalist team recently increased its cap to 30, there were not enough patients on the APeX list of potential lateral transfers, so service leadership manually chart reviewed all patients on the medicine census. They identified more than double the number of patients who were on the transfer list, supporting the hypothesis that we are missing potentially appropriate lateral transfers. Despite the Mount Zion medicine cap being raised to 30 in February, March ADC was ~21.1, attributed in part to difficulty identifying enough patients.
  • The Adult Capacity Management Dashboard consistently shows that the bed occupancy rates at MZ and SMMC (~75-80% max) are much lower than those at Parnassus (>90%). This imbalance suggests an opportunity to better match patient acuity to bed availability.
  • We feel that these tools would be immediately valuable in our current state. In addition, we want to emphasize that improving these workflows would be essential if we continue to expand our non-Parnassus capacity (e.g. Chinese hospital, Hospital at Home). Without such tools and revised workflows, it would get increasingly complex and resource intensive to identify patients for the correct disposition, and we would fail to identify potentially appropriate patients.


3.     We would strongly suggest connecting with Jahan Fahimi, Brandon Scott, and Kim Berry to discuss your cost savings / increased revenue projections. Many of the patients who will benefit from filled non-Parnassus beds are already patients in the ED who are awaiting admission and thus there may not be a true increase in health system revenue.


We connected with Brandon Scott, Kim Berry, Jahan Fahimi and Cat Lau. They agreed with our approach. We did make the following adjustments to our value model based on their feedback:

  • Clarified that we are referring to increased contribution margin (I had mistakenly written revenue in prior version)
  • Used Kim’s figure for contribution margin per bed day instead of the prior figure (~10% difference)
  • Adjusted our specific aims: We believe that the bulk of the benefit from this tool in the short term will come from increasing lateral transfers to MZ, so we revised our goal to increase monthly ADC at MZ by 1.0 (from 0.5). Our calculation assumes that we will fill an additional cumulative 1.5 beds per day accounting for all non-Parnassus sites. We would therefore estimate that 0.5 of this ADC would be in increase at SMMC, or other non-Parnassus sites opened in the future.



A Sustainable Solution to Reduce Surgical Supply Waste – A Preference Card Optimization Tool

Primary Author: Seema Gandhi
Proposal Status: 



Seema Gandhi, MD






Surgical instruments and supplies are a significant source of an operating room’s cost and carbon footprint, yet usage varies widely among surgeons performing similar procedures. Surgical Preference cards are used to communicate a surgeon’s preferred supplies and instruments to the nursing staff prior to a case, allowing for intentional selection of supplies most likely to be used while, in theory, decreasing the waste of unused items. However, cards are often outdated and awareness among surgeons of the associated cost and environmental impact of their supply use is lacking. This is largely because there is currently no streamlined approach for surgeons to directly request changes or compare their supply use and procedure cost to their colleagues. We aim to design an accessible digital platform by which surgeons can quickly understand the cost and carbon impact of their instruments and submit change requests, as needed. We have built a prototype that allows surgeons to visualize the key sustainability and cost metrics in their preference card, compare their supply and instrument use to colleagues, and send an automatically generated email to the preference card manager with requested changes. We have consulted with multiple surgeons and perioperative leaders and iteratively improved the design of the prototype with their feedback. Through the Caring Wisely grant, we aim to transition our prototype into a production-ready module that can be ultimately integrated into the EPIC system-wide rollout for surgical waste and cost reduction.



Departments of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care

Department of General Surgery

Perioperative Informatic Lead

Perioperative Nursing Leads



Surgical waste, specifically opened but unused supplies and instruments remain a challenge and opportunity for optimization. Our previous Caring Wisely work closely scrutinized the surgical supply and instrument workflow and discovered that surgeons' preference cards are not updated frequently to accurately reflect the supply and instrument needs. The preference cards are generally managed by nurses, who incline to overprepare, which leads to unused supplies and instruments that get wasted or had to be returned for restocking. In addition, because surgeons trained at different institutions and had various levels of cost awareness, there are notable variabilities in their supply and instrument used for common procedures. As such, some surgeons have a significantly higher cost per case and carbon footprint compared to their peers despite the equivalent quality of care provided.


Currently, there is no streamlined approach to understanding how a surgeon’s instrument and supply usage compares to their colleagues, or for submitting change requests on their cards. While the functionality is being built into EPIC, the workflow is too cumbersome for surgeons for it to be effectively utilized. The current state of preference card management involves nurses marking preference card changes on pen and paper based on their observations and sending them to a preference card manager. As a result, changes take a long time, are difficult to track, and leave surgeons feeling like they are not getting the right supplies or having appropriate control over the process.



-Allow surgeons to easily access their preference cards, compare their supply usage to their peers, and directly request changes

-Increase surgeon engagement and cost awareness

-Reduce supply overage and returned supplies/instruments

-Reduce cost per case


We have prototyped a digital platform for preference card management to increase efficacy and reduce unused/wasted supplies. This platform provides feedback to surgeons on their cost per case along with other sustainability metrics and how they compare to their peers. Furthermore, it allows surgeons to submit supply and instrument changes directly to the service line manager. Overwhelming evidence has demonstrated that providing surgeons with cost feedback and leveraging peer competition leads to cost reduction per case. Moreover, standardization of supplies and instruments among the surgeons performing similar procedures will increase efficiency, thus further decreasing cost. The changes requested by surgeons will be routed to their service line manager to be reviewed before official changes are made. This dual attestation process ensures that both parties have verified the change request before execution. Our innovative platform will also include sustainability metrics such as carbon footprint per case and water usage from instrument use to increase surgeons’ awareness of the environmental impacts of their operations.

In the future, we aim to pair an incentive structure with this tool to promote periodic preference card reviews, which will be significantly simplified by our platform compared to the existing method.


Following a successful pilot, we aim to integrate this module into EPIC to be a permanent module that can be used for all surgical specialties. This module can also be expanded with more advanced capabilities, such as integration with a supply chain database that recommends clinical-equivalent but more cost-effective alternatives to surgeons during the preference card review.



We hope to demonstrate a measurable reduction in supply cost by 20% over a six-month period in selected service lines, which is consistent with prior operating room scorecard interventions in literature.



Our previous Caring Wisely experience has indicated that a one-off preference card audit is not likely to yield sustainable results. We believe that an accessible, EPIC-integrated preference card optimization module, paired with an incentive structure and the dual attestation verified by both surgeons and nursing staff, will enable sustained changes. This will make the preference cards more effective at decreasing waste and the cost of unused supplies in perpetuity.



The $50,000 budget will go into the following: 

-Server cost to support the digital platform during the pilot period

-Developer cost to help transition from prototype to production-ready system with advanced capabilities, such as the ability to recommend cost-effective alternatives.

-EPIC Analyst time support for integrating this module into EPIC interface

Optimizing the Vascular Access Specialty Team Throughput with Lean Methodology: One Needlestick Every time using the ONE VAST Bundle

Proposal Status: 

TITLE: Optimizing the Vascular Access Specialty Team Throughput with Lean Methodology: One Needlestick Every time using the ONE VAST Bundle

PROJECT LEADS: Vascular Access Support Team Members: Michele Nomura, MSN, RN, VA-BC, CNRN; Riza Magat, MS, BSN, RN, VA-BC; Felix Piamonte, MS, BSN, RN, VA-BC

EXECUTIVE SPONSORS: Lynne Tom, MSN, BSN, RN (Unit Director, VAST), Elizabeth Sin, MS, BSN, RN (Patient Care Director) 


Peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) insertion is the most common invasive procedure a hospitalized patient will experience. Data shows that 350 million PIVCs are sold in the United States, and 37 million hospital admissions occur annually. The numbers indicate an average usage of 10 PIVCs per patient admission, indicating a high failure, low success rate, and excess cost. Recognizing that IV access is vital to the administration and delivery of treatment, the leadership must consider efforts to establish timely access as a strategy for hospital cost reduction and patient safety.

In FY2022, the Vascular Access Specialty Team (VAST), received 5,640 requests for ultrasound guided peripheral intravenous catheters (USGPIVs) and was able to assist with 2,192 requests. The number of requests received exceeded the number of placements. The team's mandate is to support patient flow by prioritizing peripherally inserted central cathters (PICCs) and midlines (ML) for discharge, TPN, and chemotherapy. USGPIV insertion support is contingent on the team's availability and timing which leads to variability in PIVC insertion practices, multiple insertion attempts, delays in care, escalation of inappropriate PICC and ML orders, and dissatisfaction from clinicians and patients. 

The proposal aims to support UCSF Health True North Pillars of creating an exceptional patient experience, optimal work environment, improving clinical outcomes, and supporting solid financial performance and learning health system. The proposal will utilize the Lean methodology to define, measure, analyze, improve, and control processes of the PIVC insertion practices at UCSF Parnassus. The systematic approach will improve throughput by eliminating variations in practice while identifying areas of waste that will lead to increased efficiency and cost reduction. The Lean method led the team to create a bundle named ONE VAST.  


Adult Vascular Access Specialty Team at UCSF Parnassus Campus


PIVC failures cost the health care system millions of dollars in waste, redundancy, and inefficiency. PIVC failures lead to multiple insertion attempts, wasted nursing and other clinician time, wasted supplies and inefficient care delivery. Multiple PIVC replacements contribute to patient pain, distress and dissatisfaction with care, interruptions and delays in treatment, increased burden to nursing and medical workload.

The team comprises of eight vascular access nurses with advanced training, experience, procedural competency and proficiency assuring 99% first stick success rate. The group supports the organization's need to facilitate patient flow by prioritizing PICC and ML insertions for discharge, chemotherapy, and total parenteral nutrition (TPN). VAST hours of operation are from 0700 hours until 1930 hours, seven days a week. USGPIV insertion is contingent on the team's availability. As a result, several clinician groups including bedside nurses, advanced practice providers and medical doctors are attempting to establish a PIVC, and there are an excessive number of patients requiring more than two attempts or inappropriate escalation of requests to PICC and ML catheters due to failure to establish a PIVC. The team conducts on average 45-minute thorough chart review for all venous access insertion orders, course corrections and recommendations based on clinical indication, duration of treatment, and appropriateness. In 2022, the team corrected 840 orders that may have led to a potential reduction and avoidance of central line days and other PICC and ML complications such as central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) and venous thromboembolism (VTE). Furthermore, the response time to a PIVC request is variable and can take up to an average 6 hours of wait time. A decentralized approach to insertion and maintenance increases the risk for vein injury, vein depletion, infection and other preventable PIVC complications such as occlusion, phlebitis, and infiltration. The proposal aims to identify the PIVC dwell time and related complications, catheter discontinuation, or catheter failure. Furthermore, the proposal aims to examine the value of a VAST centralized model for PIVC insertion and maintenance, promoting system efficiency, and avoiding procedure redundancy and practice variations. The proposal aims to explore the cost avoidance or aversion as a result of inserting a PIVC instead of PICC or ML. 

Apart from the economic impacts of a PIV team, the proposal aims to support bedside clinicians from developing the "second victim" phenomenon where clinicians feel personally responsible for the failed PIVC attempts and second-guess their clinical skills and knowledge base. In an era, where short staffing and patients require the most complex care, the proposal has the potential of saving nursing hours that can be utilized for clinical tasks other than PIVC insertion. Moreover, patient satisfaction with care received may suffer due to losing trust in the clinician's ability to establish venous access. The proposal aims to examine the difference in patient experience and satisfaction with PIVC insertion with VAST and bedside clinician. 


The goal is to perform one needle stick every time when establishing a peripheral venous access for all admitted intervention group patients at UCSF Parnassus by implementing the ONE VAST bundle. By doing so, we aim to:

  • increase patient satisfaction through timely PIVC placements from VAST with 99% first stick success rate. 
  • relieve bedside clinician's burden of establishing a PIVC.  
  • proactively assess and anticipate current and future PIVC needs for the inpatient.
  • reduce the request response time from six hours to one hour or less.
  • promote inpatient throughput by reducing delays in administering treatment and diagnostic tests requiring a PIVC.
  • promote cost savings by mindful use of supplies and VAST. 
  • reduce inappropriate and premature ordering of PICC and ML catheters for failure to establish a PIVC by 10%.
  • advocate for each patient the most appropriate vascular access device based on the treatment plan (i.e., vesicant infusion, duration, and vasculature considerations).


UCSF Parnassus currently has a VAST team which is composed of eight vascular access nurses with advanced training, experience, procedural competency, and proficiency, assuring a 99% first-stick success rate, supporting the organization’s need to facilitate patient flow by prioritizing PICC and ML insertions for discharge, chemotherapy, and TPN. PIVC support is contingent on the team's availability rendering multiple failed attempts by bedside clinicians in establishing a venous access. Current workflow results in variations in practice, delays in therapy and treatment, inefficient use of resources, and supply waste. The current method of documenting PIVC attempts, successes, failures, and consultations must be more consistent. Additionally, the existing workflow relies on the accuracy of the clinician to text the patient identifier information (i.e., patient name and bed number) to VAST via Voalte, which is sometimes inaccurate or missing information. VAST then manually adds the patient to a team share folder within APeX to identify which patients are awaiting USGPIV placement. This leads to inefficient use of time texting multiple clinicians on the same patient. The current design to support bedside clinicians who failed to establish venous access is reactive instead of proactive, which makes PIVC requests unpredictable and challenging for VAST to meet all demands, particularly towards the end of the day. Limited to no time is allotted to learning opportunities about the value and harms associated with various vascular access devices. For instance, in January 2022, the VAST course corrected 30 inappropriate PICC and ML orders by placing USGPIVs. Most of these orders were prematurely escalated due to the failure to establish a PIVC before seeking a VAST consultation. VAST course corrections have substantial quality and safety implications for CLABSI and VTE prevention. It is essential to note that significant savings and harm reductions are achieved by avoiding inappropriate use of PICC and ML.

It is important to note that multiple reasons affect the VAST team's current workflow for PIVC placement. The reasons are but not limited to:

  • The team is not designed as an elective service and procedure requests or orders cannot be pre-scheduled and can come throughout the day.
  • Requests and orders are reactive, depending on when a need for VAD is identified.
  • Dependent on patient availability and consent to the procedure.
  • Dependent on when the provider writes the order.

In particular, the PIVC requests are most unpredictable when they get to the VAST team, affecting our ability to respond promptly and effectively. The initiative aims to improve workflow and efficiencies within the VAST team, identify and utilize areas of opportunity to proactively assess the functionality of the current PIVC, or intervene if a new PIVC is needed. Creating predictability within the VAST workflow by influencing when a PIVC need will be achieved by early daily rounding and assessment of PIVC functionality. Furthermore, early assessment can also lead to early identification of a need for an alternative device like a ML or a PICC.


The proposal will utilize the Lean Method and will define, measure, analyze, improve, and control work processes using the ONE VAST care bundle. The method originated with the Toyota's Production system with focus on delivering value as defined by the consumer, eliminating waste, reducing costs, and continuous process improvement. The team will identify a medical-surgical unit to conduct a small test of change for three to six months based on the following steps:

  1. The first step is to define the goal of one needle stick when establishing peripheral venous access for all admitted intervention group patients at UCSF Parnassus.
  2. The second step is to review the short PIVC consumption for FY 2022. VAST will collect the data from yearly supply chain records. Identifying PIVC usage is a challenge to extract from the electronic health record (EHR) due to inconsistent or lack of accurate charting of PIVC attempts by clinicians. Current PIVC consumption will be measured and identified from the test unit.
  3. The third step is to analyze the annual PIVC consumption against the UCSF Parnassus patient admission to establish the total and average PIVC use per patient admission. The action will identify the supply and labor costs utilized for PIVC insertion. Supply includes PIVC, IV start kit, and normal saline flush. VAST supply cost is similar to bedside clinicians with the addition of the ultrasound (US) gel. Data shows that the VAST time allotted for PIVC insertion is 20 minutes. The step will also identify the bedside clinician hours savings. VAST will analyze the current average PIVC usage from the test unit.
  4. The fourth step is to improve and control workflow by implementing the ONE VAST PIVC care bundle. See Table 1.

A.             ONE- One Needlestick Everytime is the goal to minimize waste and costs and promote patient satisfaction with PIVC care.

B.             Vein means inserting the right and the most appropriate venous access device at the right time for the right clinical indication and not due to failure to establish a PIVC. Vein preservation means always using the ultrasound machine for assessment, using optimal vein and catheter selection, and avoidance of areas of flexion and joints and the hands.

C.             Advanced Assessment and Accurate Review mean a VAST RN will proactively round on all patients in areas identified for small tests of change. VAST will document daily assessment of current PIVC (catheter function through NS flushing or documentation of line in use or infusing, site assessment, dressing adherence, and patient satisfaction) on the PIVC assessment flowsheet and a VAST data collection tool. PIV VAST RN will enter a new PIVC consult and insert the device if the need is identified during rounding. PIVC is maintained by the VAST until no longer clinically indicated.

D.             Specialty and Supplies mean utilizing experienced and proficient VAST RNs trained in USGPIV assessment and placement. Supplies are standardized for insertion, securement, and dressing to minimize supply waste. Of note, PIVC will be of polyurethane material only.

E.             Technology and Transformative Training mean utilizing the US on all PIVC insertions avoids "blind sticks." It provides real-time guidance in placing a cannula into a peripheral vein under the direct vision of the machine. The US allows real-time assessment of the quality of the vein, therefore, aids the VAST RNs' decision-making in providing the most appropriate PIVC (gauge, length, and depth) that the vein can safely accommodate. Technology means utilizing the EHR to streamline work processes and improve efficiency. Transformative training means that the VAST team will continue to provide learning opportunities for bedside clinicians and learners on USGPIV and the fundamentals of PIVC insertions, care, and maintenance.

Proposal Workflow: See Table 2.

  1. Build a VAST PIV consult in the EHR. RN, MD, and other APP to document the number of failed insertion attempts or enter the reason for not attempting, i.e., difficult intravenous access (DIVA), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), arteriovenous fistula/graft (AVF/AVG), obesity.
  2. Consult will appear on the VAST workflow.  
  3. Triage PIV consults according to the urgency of the request.
  4. Start PIVC according to the care bundle.
  5. Enter requests into the VAST data collection tool, i.e., vein selection, location, number of insertion attempts, date of insertion, catheter type, size, and length, type of inserter, visual aids, procedure satisfaction scale, date, and reason for PIVC removal.
  6. Modify the existing PICC Navigator flowsheet to capture PIV activity in the VAST detail summary report.
  7. Build a report to capture 1, 5, and 6.
  8. Identify nursing units to implement a small test of change: At this time, approval from 10CVT leadership has been established.
  9. VAST RN will proactively round on all intervention group patients in areas identified for small tests of change (daily assessment of current PIVC function through normal saline flushing or infusion, site assessment, dressing adherence) in place will be documented on the PIV assessment flowsheet and VAST data collection tool. PIV VAST RN will enter a new PIV consult if VAST identifies the need to insert a new PIVC during rounding.
  10. PIV VAST RN will be responsible for the daily rounding and insertion of new PIVC requests or recommend alternate lines such as ML or PICC per clinical indication.
  11. PIV VAST RN will be responsible for doing a chart review for the control group to include LDA assessment and documentation, dwell time, reason, date, and time of removal. 

PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS: See Informatic PPT attachment.

Our existing EHR system will be modified to capture PIVC consult and insertion requests. Currently, PIVC requests are texted or called through Voalte. The team already uses the "Adult-Inpatient PICC and/or ML" consult and insertion order sets. The same system can be created for PIVC requests for better data collection and efficient workflow. The proposed modification will reduce unnecessary phone calls, inaccurate patient identifiers, and duplicate texting between VAST and bedside clinicians. The current APeX PIV Data Collection Report will capture data points relevant to PIVC insertion location, vein used, complications, catheter failure or removal causes, and dwell time.


The team estimated that the proposed cost would be spent on VAST RNs' time to implement the small tests of change and materials such as posters, flyers, and quick reference cards for the ONE VAST bundle. Leveraging the VAST expertise on PIVC management and care and the use of US technology is standard work for the team. Still, process improvements need to happen regarding EHR modifications to track and capture sources of waste and inefficiencies accurately. Simplifying supplies and work processes and standardizing VAST workflow will allow a comprehensive examination and assessment whether additional FTEs will be required in order to sustain a dedicated PIVC team if implemented throughout UCSF Parnassus.

For FY 2022, UCSF Parnassus admitted 27,332 patients and used 86,020 PIVCs, which gave an average of 3.14 catheters used per patient visit. Bedside clinicians' standard work time of 20 minutes is dedicated to PIVC insertion, meaning that 28,673 bedside clinician hours were utilized annually. The average hourly rate of a bedside nurse is $98, therefore labor costs for a 20-minute PIVC insertion procedure is $32.67. The supply cost per PIVC insertion is calculated at $5, which includes the PIV catheter, PIV start kit, and NS. The total cost for a PIVC insertion, including labor and supply costs, is $37.67. The VAST USGPIV model has a 99% first-stick success rate. Applying the same numbers of PIVC consumption to the first-time insertion success illustrates the value of a VAST-led dedicated PIV team. 

Published evidence reports that the average cost of short PIVC insertion is $28 -35 for a straightforward first stick. Patients with PIVC failure have prolonged and more expensive hospitalizations averaging two additional hospital days at over $3,000. The failure of one PIVC initiates a damaging and costly cycle of catheter removal and reinsertion at $69. Accidental dislodgement is reported to be more than $266 million annually. PIVC failure rates and complication incidence are as high as 53%, or approximately 1 in 2 catheters fail to make it to 5 days or the end of treatment. The proposal aims to identify the PIVC dwell time and related complications, catheter discontinuation, or catheter failure. 

Given that VAST hours of operation only cover 12 hours in 24 hours, the proposal adjusted the cost savings to reflect a conservative distribution of 50%, assuming this is the percentage that happens between the two shifts. Anecdotally, the majority of patient admissions, diagnostic procedures and care activities requiring a PIVC happen during the day shift. Intravenous medications are more frequently administered during the day shift than night shift. Many PIVC requests overflow from the night shift to the VAST team. The VAST productivity only reflects output produced during the day shift. The proposal aims to examine the economic impacts of the VAST model of care by measuring the nursing hours savings and cost savings. Additionally, an assumption of 10% of the overall catheter usage happens in 10CVT. See Table 3.

Economic Impacts of PIV Team Proposal comparing the Bedside Clinician vs. VAST Model 

  • Annual Time Savings  = 14,304 - 4,555 = 9,749 nursing/other clinician hours
  • Annual Cost Savings  = $1,616,457 - $514,798 = $1,101,659

Bedside Group on a 12 hour Day Shift (Annualized: *27,332 admits and 86,020 catheter usage for FY22)

  • Calculation Based on a 12-hour day shift                                                                      (10%)
  • Admits in 12 hours day shift                                      13,666                                    (1,367)
  • Insertion Attempts                                                      3.14                                        (3.14)
  • Total PIVC Usage at 3.14 attempts                            42,911                                    (4,291)
  • Total bedside hours used for PIVC                            14,304                                    (1,430)
  • Labor Cost per RN, attempt at 20 minutes                $32.67                                     ($32.67)
  • IV Costs: 
  • Labor cost (42,911 X  $32.67)                                   $1,401,902.37                       ($140,190.23)
  • Supply cost (42,911 X  $5.00 )                                  $214,555.00                           ($21,455.60)
  • Total                                                                           $1,616,457.37                       ($161,645.74)

 VAST Intervention Group on a 12 hour Day Shift (Annualized: *27,332 admits and 86,020 catheter usage for FY22) 

  • Calculation Based on a 12-hour day shift                                                                      (10%)
  • Admits in 12-hour day shift                                        13,666                                    (1,367)
  • Insertion Attempts x1                                                1                                              (1)
  • Total PIVC Usage at one attempt                              13,666                                    (1,367)
  • Total VAST RN hours used for PIVC                         4,555.33                                  (456)
  • Labor Cost per VAST RN attempt at 20 minutes       $ 32.67                                    ($32.67)
  • IV Costs:
  • Labor cost for a (13,666 X  $32.67)                           $446,468.22                           ($44,646)
  • Product cost in (13,666  X  $5.00)                             $68,330.00                             ($6,833)
  • Total (Cost of Intervention)                                        $514,798.22                           ($51,479.82) 

In FY2022, the VAST team corrected 840 orders that may have led to a potential reduction and avoidance of central line days and other PICC and ML complications such as CLABSI and VTE. For instance, in January 2022, the VAST course corrected 30 inappropriate PICC and ML orders by placing USGPIVs. VAST course corrections have substantial quality and safety implications for CLABSI and VTE prevention. Significant savings and harm reduction may be realized by avoiding the inappropriate use of PICCs and ML. According to AHRQ, management and care of each CLABSI case can cost up to $48,000, and each PICC and ML-associated DVT is $16,000. Assuming that one or all 30 course corrections resulted in these complications, cost avoidance ranges from $48,000 up to $1.4 million and $16,000 up to $480,000 respectively. The course corrections of inappropriate PICC and ML orders have significant savings in supply and labor costs.


The VAST team is a unique and highly specialized group with a shared desire to improve patient outcomes. As this proposal outlines, the current decentralized approach and VAST team's "insertion when available only” lead to variations in practice, wastes, and increased costs, affecting patient satisfaction with care. Once the economic impacts of a VAST PIVC model are proven with small tests of change, the proposal can be replicated throughout the hospital. Hardwiring the new work process will be sustained through the EHR modifications and in partnership with nursing and provider educators about PIVC management, care, and maintenance. The engaged executive leadership can help facilitate the spread of the proposal and support with addressing potential barriers to facilitations.


  • Apex modifications: $10,000
  • Material costs (photocopies, badge buddies, posters, info flyers, binders): $1,000
  • Salary for project implementers (VAST Team): $36,225
  • Breakfast/lunch incentives for test units: $1,000
  • TOTAL Budget: $48,225

SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: See attached PDF file and PPT.

Incentivizing Increased Patient Access in Ambulatory Clinics

Proposal Status: 
  • PROPOSAL TITLE: Incentivizing Increased Patient Access in Ambulatory Clinics
  • PROJECT LEAD(S): Roseanne Krauter FNP, Director of APP Informatics and Clinical Systems
  • EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S): Ivette Becerra-Ortiz, DNP, Chief of Advanced Practice Providers
  • ABSTRACT – Patient access remains an issue in the ambulatory setting for UCSF Health. Patients requesting a new consult are especially impacted. UCSF Health employs a workforce of 850 Advanced Practice Providers (APP) that are underutilized as frontline providers in some ambulatory areas.  Financial incentives are widely used to promote provider productivity, and this is an opportunity to leverage this approach to increase ambulatory patient volumes with the APP workforce. While we cannot provide cash incentives to these represented employees, we can award stipends to address gaps in work satisfaction using this grant funding.
  • TEAM – 
    • Roseanne Krauter FNP, Director of APP Informatics and Clinical Systems
    • Brandon Sessler, PA, Director of APP Professional Practice
    • Alisa Yee, NP, Director of APP Operations
    • Kurstan Del Rosario, Administrative Officer
    • APP Educational Committee Stipends Workgroup
  • PROBLEM – Fiscal year to date 2023 UCSF Health did not schedule 40.5% of incoming referrals1 resulting in an estimated leak of 29m in charges per month2.  39% of our new patients wait more than 14 days until they can see a provider3. In contrast, APPs are an underutilized resource at UCSF Health with APP overall ambulatory slot utilization at 78%and averaging only 70 patient visits per month1. In FY22 UCSF Health APPs had a 122m gap in return on investment4.  There is an opportunity to increase ambulatory patient volumes by utilizing the current work force.
    • Data sourced from 1. Practice Metrics Dashboard – Tableau, 2. Enterprise Referral Metrics- Epic, 3.Ambulatory Recovery Dashboard – Tableau, 4. Internal Faculty Practice Offices Finance Report completed by Ibrahim Fahmy
  • TARGET -  Increase independent new patient visits by 15% for fifty APPs in ambulatory practices.  APPs completed 40,463 new patient visits in the first and second quarters of FY231 . They averaged 72 new visits per provider in the first half of the year with 12 new visits (15% of total visit volume) per APP per month. The target is to increase APP visit volume to 144 patient visits per month2 with at least 30% new patient visits. If fifty APPs increased their new patients visits to 30%, this would result in a net additional 18,600 new patient visits per year.
    • Data Sourced from 1. Clarity Report 0776676, 2. Office of Advanced Practice Criteria developed in collaboration with the Faculty Practice Offices and included in the attached “UCSF APP Utilization” pdf.
  • GAPS – This problem exists due to misguided operational decisions. In some areas  APPs are being utilized as care coordinators in a support role as opposed to frontline providers. At the systems level, productivity expectations were communicated to APPs and their managers only recently. A third gap exists where in some instances APPs are lacking the clinical and administrative support to run their clinics at increased capacity.
  • INTERVENTION - Incentivize outpatient APPs to increase their new patient visits. Those APPs averaging 144 patient encounters per month with new patients accounting for 30% of those visits for FY24 are eligible to apply for $1,000 stipends towards educational funding or a 3-month parking permit.  The rationale for the incentive is based on FY22 Net Promotor Score Work Experience data. Two common requests from APPs were reimbursement for continued medical education and parking passes. If we receive more qualified applicants than what is available for funding, then patient experience scores will be used to prioritize candidates. If we receive fewer qualified applicants, then additional monies will be distributed to those candidates. Under the APP Education Committee there is a workgroup made up of frontline APPs to review applications for evidence-based practice education and the costs associated with presenting at a conference. I plan to leverage these current workflows for review and approval of the incentive stipends. The largest barriers are effective communication of the incentive program across the institution and sustained engagement from the APPs.  There are no concerns for adverse outcomes impacting quality and safety of patient care.
  • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS: None,  use existing APeX functionality. We can recommend enrollment in OAPP Ongoing Apex Training utilizing Physician Power User course to increase efficiency with increased patient volumes.
  • COST – There will be no additional baseline costs to the institution with this proposal. UCSF Health’s current investment is $173,606 per 1.0 FTE of APP. 50 APPs increasing to 30% new patients would result in a net additional 18,600 new patient visits per year, assuming an average level 4 of service (1.92 wRVU) at the 2023 Medicare amount per relative value unit of $33.06 this would equate to an additional $1.18m in charges in FY24.
  • SUSTAINABILITY – If this program is successful in financially incentivizing APPs to increase productivity, then this could be parlayed into the annual Incentive Awards Program under financial governance. The UC Office of the President would retain process ownership with Office of Advanced Practice Providers acting as UCSF-specific leadership.
  • BUDGET – I am requesting $50,000 in funding to maximize the number of APPs incentive to increase new patient access. The full funding of this project would be dedicated to fifty $1000 stipends distributed by the Educational Committee under the direction of the Office of Advanced Practice Providers.

Optimizing Purchased Services for Reducing Avoidable Days and Closing Social Needs Gaps

Proposal Status: 
  • PROJECT LEAD(S): Sarah Imershein, Molly Shane
  • ABSTRACT – The Department of Care Management and Patient Transitions oversees a large volume of purchased services coordinated by Social Workers and Case Managers.  These are non-billable services, that are not (currently) tracked in a structured way in APeX.  This is predominantly transportation and lodging, but may include medication assistance, post-acute care, or other services we cover to facilitate more timely discharge, e.g. negotiating post-acute care for $50,000 for a year is far less costly to the Health System than the > $1M it would cost to keep a patient admitted.  Most expenses are much smaller, in the $20-200 range, but this amounts to >$1.5M of purchased services/year, and continues to grow.  As of FY23, the Department oversees both Adult and Peds, East and West Bay, as well as many services coordinated through Ambulatory clinics.   Utilization has historically been tracked retrospectively via the invoice process, but is hampered by the long lag-time, and lack of utilization detail in line item variance reports (e.g. “Other Services” is one line item). We propose optimizing the invoicing process and link to the patient-level upstream utilization, so that costs can be tracked more prudently, appropriate patients are connected with appropriate resources (e.g. social determinants of health are addressed), and purchased services that facilitate speedier discharge are leveraged to the fullest.
  • TEAM – Sarah Imershein, Patient Transitions Operations Manager; Molly Shane, Executive Director Care Management and Patient Transitions; Trevor Haines, Assistant Director Peds Case Management;, Don Rowland, Assistant Director Adult Case Management; Meher Singh, Assistant Director Adult Social Work; Emily Price, Social Services Operations Manager Oakland; Shabren Harvey-Smith, Director Social Services Oakland; Rosa Solorzano, Assistant Director Peds Social Work; Sharly Lembkey, Executive Assistant.
    • Long LOS/avoidable bed days
    • Unmet gaps in social needs
    • Over-/under-utilization of purchased services
    • Deteriorating vendor relationships
  • There is currently no mechanism to connect patient level utilization to the monthly variance reports used for tracking cost.
  • Utilization of purchased services has been increasing with only anecdotal understanding of the drivers, including which departments, hospital services, or units are highest utilizers; what patient types tend to use services; and whether patients with identified social needs are getting appropriately connected to these services.   There is hypothesized to be a large unmet need of eligible patients currently NOT receiving services, that if did, would facilitate shorter LOS, decrease avoidable days, improved throughput, and higher volumes. 
  • TARGET -  The goals of this project:
    • Decrease avoidable bed days by 10% from 2511 avoidable days annually to 2260 avoidable days by coordinating appropriate purchased services.  This would generate $958,198 of incremental margin
    • Analyze utilization patterns of purchased services to identify areas of over-/under-utilization
    • Increase the % of patients with identified gaps in social determinants of health with appropriate services
  • GAPS – 
    • Technology
      • Significant technology barrier in that whatever system is devised (off-the-shelf or custom built), it must be able to handle P4-level PHI.  Invoices often contain the records of the services provided, including Patient Name, MRN, etc (e.g. list of all ambulance rides in an invoice, or LOAs that must be included to confirm authorization of payment).  Currently, products like Smartsheets cannot be used as a solution since there is no BAA between Smartsheets and UCSF. 
      • Currently, UCSF uses a paper-based system to obtain authorizations for large ticket items that needs to be made electronic. 
      • Structured data collection at the patient level – currently there is minimal structured collection of data on purchased services at the patient-level – APeX has had FLO rows added recently, but incomplete across all disciplines and types of services that must be tracked – no roll up into an integrated system to track utilization
    • Trend analysis –
      • Currently utilization is monitored only retrospectively once vendor invoices are received, often months, if not years later, making timely course correction not possible. 
      • Currently, there is no close-the-loop function between AP and the Department to notify when vendors are actually paid, resulting in wasteful re-submitting of invoices, and deterioration of vendor relationships.
    • SDOH Screening (Social Work)
      • New SDOH screening has been implemented partially in Social Work, and is impending health system wide with new CMS rules this coming year (FY24)
      • Inconsistent linkage to services when SDOH gaps identified
    • Discharge Planning Screening (Case Management)
      • Case Management currently follows ~ 40% of adult inpatients and >90% of pediatric inpatients – potential to miss non-CM patients that if provided minimal additional services (e.g. transportation), may discharge faster
    • Intervention
      • Invoice Tracking System – modification of existing (Excel-based), or new solution for tracking individual invoices and categories of utilization (details not included in monthly variance reports); linkage to patient-related information (authorizations, LOAs, etc.); close-the-loop communication with AP to decrease payment cycle time
      • Gather Upstream Patient-level utilization data - APeX FLOs developed to capture when purchased services are administered to patients – some existing already; some need development – including in-basket or other communication mechanism for authorizations
      • Cost Analytics – Utilization trends analyzed so areas of under/over-utilization addressed to facilitate speedier discharges; joining of SDOH screening to purchased service interventions as evidence of addressing unmet social needs
    • Setting – Hospital Encounters and some Ambulatory encounters, Adult and Peds, East/West Bay
    • Barriers
      • Tiny expenses - historically tiny expenses (e.g. “a muni token”) have not been tracked robustly and changing behavior to document thoroughly may be challenging;
      • SDOH universal screening is not yet implemented – limited set of identified high risk patients, or those identified through social work assessments – will not have complete picture of need until universal screening and workflows established
      • Accounts Payable – AP does not have communication channels established back to departments when invoices are processed – need coordination to meet their needs
      • Organizational Change – Tracking all these expenses is new - change in how resources are allocated
    • Adverse outcomes – no known adverse outcomes
  • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS Note: EHR modifications are NOT required for a winning proposal
    • Problem to be solved - tracking patient-level utilization of purchased services
    • Tools -  Flowsheets currently implemented for Social Work, but has not been robustly rolled out or given audit feedback – need to expand to Case Management, as well as ensuring all Adult and Peds stakeholders have access; in-basket or other communication tool needed for alerting managers to high ticket items (transition out of email); SQL report or other reporting needed to feed into utilization database – May be other APeX “solutions” other than Flowsheets that could accomplish this goal
  • COST – In CY2022, Case Management documented 2511 Avoidable Days related to Community Delays, Patient/Family Delays, and Payer Delays.  Many of these delays have potential to be mitigated by using purchased services to facilitate discharge.  If eliminated, this represents $9.6M in incremental bed day margin (Average daily contribution margin for all UCSF inpatient visits in CY22 is $3,816).  We propose to reduce these avoidable days by 10% from 2511 to 2260 avoidable days, for $958,198 generated incremental margin.

Community Delays


Acute Rehab Bed Unavailable [62]


Bariatric Needs [70]


DME Provider - Delayed or Not Available [67]


Hospice Services Unavailable [66]


Long Term Care Bed Needed, Not Available [60]


LTACH Bed Unavailable [63]


Outpatient Dialysis Chair Not Available [69]


Outpatient Service are Unavailable [71]


Outside Hospital Bed Unavailable for Hospital to Hospital Transfer [61]


Pending Foster Care Placement [72]


Psychiatric Bed Needed, Not Available [64]


SNF Bed Needed, Not Available [59]


Patient/Family Delays


Family Refused to Care for Patient [77]


Family/Patient Representative Not Available [76]


Guardianship/Conservator Pending [80]


Patient has History of IV Drug Abuse [79]


Patient Refuses to Leave [74]


Patient/Family Refuses to Participate in Discharge Plan [73]


Planned Transportation Failed [75]


Payer Delays


Payer Delay in Authorization [98]


Payer Does Not Cover Patient Discharge Needs [99]



Total Avoidable Days



  • SUSTAINABILITY – This project is to establish the infrastructure mechanism for tracking this activity that would be sustained indefinitely within the Department.  The staffing and desire to perform this function already exists, just lacking the technical tools, APeX enhancements, and implementation support to make it a reality.
  • BUDGET – 
    • Project Management salary support $20,000
    • Smartsheets or other applicable software implementation $8,000
    • Dashboard development, contracted vendor $22,000

Transforming Ambulatory Care Nursing Through Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

Proposal Status: 

FY24 Caring Wisely Project Proposal Phase I

  • PROPOSAL TITLE:  Transforming Ambulatory Care Nursing Through Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
  • PROJECT LEAD(S):  Rachelle Althaus,RN; Zaineh Khalil,NP; Jeannette Lager, MD; & Heidi Willsher,RN
  • EXECUTIVE SPONSOR(S):  Anais Ryken, Erica Rajabi
  • ABSTRACT - One paragraph summary of your proposed initiative – Limit 1500 characters (with spaces)

Establishing formalized protocols would create an atmosphere where Registered Nurses would be part of the bigger picture and promote Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP).  Nurses would have more of an impact for our aggregates in the moment, without delays, thus creating a stronger nurse-patient relationship and stream-lined processes with more consistency, efficiency, and an increase in safety net protecting licensures, leading to high-quality patient care and improved outcomes.  Formalizing protocols would strengthen and elevate nursing’s presence and provide an opportunity for nursing to continue a journey where roles expand, deepen, and provide more sustainable relationships in IPCP, moving towards practice at top of scope.  To sustain and scale this project, additional resources would be needed to walk the protocols through intensive processes to formalization. Frequent monitoring would be required to ensure protocols are being followed and are within scope.  Monitoring would require additional resources that are not accounted for in most, if any, of the varying ambulatory practices. Additional resources, such as Schmitt-Thompson Software, would potentially open opportunities to scale this throughout the organization and possibly statewide. These protocols are considered gold standard, trusted, and provide standardization, quality, efficiency, focus, decision support, and are recommended by the AAACN (American Academy Ambulatory Care Nursing). (2)

  • TEAM - Core implementation team members and titles
      • Rachelle Althaus, RN Clinical Nurse II (Triage Nurse)
      • Zaineh Khalil, MSN-FNP Nurse Practitioner II
      • Jeannette Lager, MD Interim Chief MIGS/UROGYN Division & Medical Director MIGS/UROGYN
      • Tiffany Louie, OBGYN Administrative Director
      • Anais Ryken, Women’s Health Director
      • Abigail Shatkin-Margolis, MD, Urogynecologist
      • Heidi Willsher, RN, MSN, MBA/HCM, Nurse Manager


  • PROBLEM - Background of the problem.  What is the cost associated with this problem?  Why address this problem now? What is the current condition?
  • Background of the problem:

Nursing practice has transformed over the years to what we see and know. Most organizations have limitations that do not allow nursing to practice at the top of their scope. These varying lines of practice can be better solidified thru intense protocols that organizations can develop under scrutiny and an extremely tight monitoring process to ensure that the protocols are being following and Registered Nurses continue to practice within their respective scopes of practice.

Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery & Urogynecology division (A.K.A. – GYN Surgical Specialties) sits under the umbrella of Women’s Health. The GYN Surgical Specialties clinic is heavily procedural and surgically based, which requires the triage nurse to have the acumen to critically think on their toes, respond rapidly to telephone triage assessments without the ability to perform hands-on/visual physical assessments, and the ability to manage conditions remotely for specific treatment modalities targeted to their specific treatment, procedure, or surgery type, and provide further guidance for treatment at home or seeking higher-level care (e.g., Emergency Room).

  • What is the current condition?

We currently have approximately three protocols that have been formalized and approved by the Ambulatory Care Nursing for practicing Registered Nurses to follow in our clinic. This places unnecessary hardships on our triage nurse(s) to use their critical thinking, assessment skills, clinical acumen, and places barriers and sometimes significant delays when they are not able to get in touch with providers.  This can be for things as simple as over-the-counter medications to assist with defecating, topical anti-itch relief creams, sleep aids, non-narcotic remedies, and more. Many of our providers have agreed to similar, if not identical, post-operative care instructions, pre-operative prep work and labs, constipation remedies status post-surgery, etc.


  • Why address this problem now?

There is a big push within our organization for everyone to practice at top-of-scope.  This drive is correlated with changes in APeX in-basket initiatives and management that are focusing on work-life balance for all stakeholders, specifically providers.  These initiatives are encouraging supporting team members (e.g., practice coordinators, patient navigators, LVNs, RNs, etc.) to practice at top-of-their respective scopes and decrease/limit the amount of in-basket traffic to physician providers.  This encompasses staff pools where patient messages, requests, results, etc., are handled at lower levels and only escalated to physician providers when Advanced Practice Providers (e.g., NP’s and PA’s) are not able to resolve those messages.  For this to come to fruition, it will require lot of work and support at many levels so patients can be taken care of timely, within scope, and promote higher quality patient care and improved outcomes. 


  • What is the cost associated with this problem?

It is challenging to determine potential cost for this identified problem.  There is cost involved in increased workload for our providers that would take away time they could be seeing patients or in the operating room.  There is cost associated with delayed care, poor outcomes, decreased patient satisfaction, and reputation.  Then there are the costs of labor to make this a reality with decreased bandwidth of the individual players, expectations of doing more with less, and limited resources.  Not doing this can be costly in all the ways mentioned above and then some.  Mostly, having organizational buy-in to purchasing the Schmitt-Thompson software to utilize our electronic medical record to its fullest potential while impacting patient care.


  • TARGET - What is the goal?  What are the expected benefits, both qualitative and quantitative?
    • What is the goal?

Implementation of formalized nursing protocols to allow nurses to practice at top-of-scope and promote an Interprofessional Collaborative Practice that allows for high-quality patient care and improved outcomes. 


  • What are the expected benefits, both qualitative and quantitative?
    • Qualitative

1)      High-quality Patient Care

2)      Improved Outcomes

3)      Increase in Faculty/Staff Work-Life Balance

4)      Increase Patient Satisfaction

5)      Increase Faculty & Staff Engagement

6)      Stronger Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

7)      Professional Growth, Development, & Empowerment

8)      Team Building

9)      Increase in Opportunities for Patient Education (e.g., EMMI, Internal, etc.)

10)  Promotion of Shared Governance

11)  Better Reputation

12)  Reduction of Delays in Care

  • Quantitative

1)      Increase Patient Satisfaction thru Press Ganey & NRC

2)      Increase Staff Engagement thru Gallup

3)      Improved Retention/Decreased Turnover Rates

4)      Decrease is Adverse Outcomes

5)      Decrease in Turn-Around-Times (TAT)/Response Rates:

  • Patient Advice Messages
  • CRMs (Call Center Relayed Messages)
  • Prescription Requests
  • Appointment Requests
  • Outgoing Referrals
  • Requests from Providers for Patient Actions

6)      Increase Revenue Stream from Increased Ratings/Patient Satisfaction Scores, & Incentive Programs

7)      Decrease in Surgical Site Infections

8)      For Some Specialties, potential for Remote Patient Monitoring which is at-home monitoring of chronically ill patients through the use of wearable devices. These typically track essential vital signs and can be used to alert doctors to any significant health changes so they can intervene before their patients require immediate care. CMS has approved reimbursements of approximately $120 per patient per month. If 50 patients are enrolled, that’s $72,000 in revenue per year.


  • GAPS - Why does the problem exist?  Describe system issues; technological gaps; education
  • Why does the problem exist?
    • Absence of Nursing Protocols to allow practice at top-of-scope
    • Health System not prioritizing ambulatory care best practice
  • Describe:
    • System Issues

1)      Lack of Insight and/or understanding of issue

2)      Not prioritizing ambulatory best practice

3)      Limited resources

4)      Organizational structure

5)      Limited presence of Ambulatory Care in Shared Governance Model

6)      Operating in silos

7)      Lack of understanding liability, urgency, and potential cost to individual licensures and organization in ambulatory care nursing triage

8)      Inaccurate staffing models in nursing triage

9)      No formal guidelines on nursing caseloads in triage setting

10)  No formal support to analyze, provide input, get feedback, and promote organizational changes in structure

11)  Staffing models (e.g., number of staff to support number of providers, especially in highly complex specialties)

  • Technological Gaps

1)      APeX [EPIC] very powerful tool, but limited resources available to aid in using the tool to its fullest potential

2)      Lack of proper software (Schmitt-Thompson or others) that helps drive decision trees, promote high-quality, safe patient care, and provide a safety net to our Registered Nurses

3)      Analysts that are experts in explaining the date, etc.

4)      Not all clinics are set up the same (e.g., urgent lines, designated call centers, referral centers, back office support, etc.)

  • Education

1)      Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

2)      Scope-of-Practice

3)      Role Clarity

4)      Triage Process

5)      Staff Education within Subspecialties

6)      Importance of timely interventions at appropriate levels


  • INTERVENTION - Describe your proposed intervention and rationale for approach. Describe your practice setting and target population (e.g. department, unit, clinic, patient characteristics, diagnosis group, procedural group, provider characteristics, staff characteristics, etc.). Describe potential barriers to implementation. What are the possible adverse outcomes that may occur that may affect quality of care and patient safety because of your proposed intervention?

Implementation of formalized nursing protocols to allow nurses to practice at top-of-scope and promote an Interprofessional Collaborative Practice that allows for high-quality patient care and improved outcomes.  What would be fundamentally different would be our nurses practicing at the top of their scope, having a layer of protection with formalized nursing protocols to protect our licenses, and have a significant impact on decreasing workloads of our providers by providing advanced support and freeing them up to see more patients or perform more surgeries. This innovation of adopting nurse protocols will have an impact toward organizational growth and expansion, while having an impact on an individual nurse’s worth, contributions, and overall job satisfaction. “Protocols are rules and/or procedures to be followed when performing a clinical function or service authorized by a policy.” ” In addition, protocols need to be reviewed at least once a year and revised as necessary.” “Protocols mean that everyone handling the telephones gives consistent information. This helps avoid conflicting advice…they help defend against charges that they are practicing medicine without a license.”(1)

By leveling the playing field, raising the ceiling of where nurses can practice within scope, and involving them in the process, this will increase their engagement, perceived worth of their own profession for self and their organization, and promote involvement in continuous process improvement. This promotes Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP) and in turn helps to propel nursing forward, continue innovating, trialing, and adapting to changes that encourage thinking outside of the box, and encouraging nurses, regardless of tenure, to come to the table and promote changes in our workforce for today, tomorrow, and years to come. (2)

Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery & Urogynecology division (A.K.A. – GYN Surgical Specialties) sits under the umbrella of Women’s Health. The GYN Surgical Specialties clinic is heavily procedural and surgically based, which requires the triage nurse to have the acumen to critically think on their toes, respond rapidly to telephone triage assessments without the ability to perform hands-on/visual physical assessments, and the ability to manage conditions remotely for specific treatment modalities targeted to their specific treatment, procedure, or surgery type, and provide further guidance for treatment at home or seeking higher-level care (e.g., Emergency Room).  Some of the procedures performed in clinic are urodynamic procedures, cystoscopies w/wo BOTOX, hysteroscopies, Ablation procedures, and more.  Surgical cases include, but are not limited to, the following:  robotic-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomies, myomectomies, excision/ablation endometriosis, open abdominal procedures, Urogynecological surgeries, and more.  Physician providers are all surgeons.  Advanced Practice Providers include Nurse Practitioners.  Staff include Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses, Practice Coordinators, and Patient Navigator.

Potential barriers to implementation are cost, resources, organizational structure and processes, and time.  Possible adverse outcomes that may occur that could potentially affect quality of care and patient outcomes because of the proposed intervention are negligible.  It’s more the opposite where the proposed intervention will improve quality of care and patient outcomes by reducing barriers, preventing delays in care, and allowing nurses to practice at the top of scope.

  • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS Note: EHR modifications are NOT required for a winning proposal
    • What are the clinical problems you are hoping to solve with APeX?
      • Streamlined processes
      • Consistent documentation practices
      • Improved efficiencies
      • Decision Trees to assist in clinical pathways
      • Reduction in Delays of Care
      • Nurses Practicing at Top-of-Scope
      • Improved Patient Outcomes and High-Quality Care
      • Promotion of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
    • What APeX tools (patient lists, reports) or workflows (orders, documentation, alerts) are you using now to achieve this goal? How would you want these modified? 
      • “Per Protocol – Cosign Required”
      • Modifications would come with software acquisition and implementation of nursing protocols
    • What new APeX tools/workflows do you think you need to achieve the goals of your project?
      • Purchase and Interface with Schmitt-Thompson Protocols
      • Clinical Decision Trees
      • Report Automation
      • Development of Tools to Monitor Compliance with Protocol Usage & Reports
  • COST - Estimated baseline costs to the health system and projected savings from the proposed project
    • Baseline Costs to Health System
      • Initial purchase of Schmitt-Thompson Protocols and an approximate $650/year/user licensing fee
      • Development of Protocols (will fall to individual service lines and cost of resources)
    • Projected Savings
      • Would be in the form of items listed under TARGET section with qualitative and quantitative measures
    • If successful, how will this intervention be sustained beyond the funding year?
      • Maintenance of protocols with updates
      • Budgeted into cost centers that utilize the software and have triage nurses
    • Who are the key UCSF process owners?
      • Stakeholders (e.g., Ambulatory Care Nursing, Individual Departments that utilize triage nurses)
      • UCSF Executive Leadership
  • BUDGET - Line-item budget up to $50,000 - Briefly identify key areas of the project that will require funding, e.g., salaries, software, printing, etc.






Formal Educational Material

Understanding ERAS Protocol and Its Utility in OB GYN Nursing


$       90.00

The Pharmacology of Pain Relievers:  Revisiting the Basics


$     120.00

Saline Infusion Sonohysterography Course


$     225.00

Sonographic Evaluation of Uterine Leiomyomas and Adenomyosis


$     147.00

WB2326 Endometriosis Course


$       57.00

Mixed Urinary Incontinence Course


$     117.00

Endometrioma Course


$     747.00

Ovarian Cyst Course


$     117.00

Stress Incontinence Course


$     117.00

Vaginal Atrophy Course


$     117.00

Urinary Incontinence Course


$     117.00

Rectocele Course


$     117.00

Fundamentals in Urology Webcast


$  1,575.00


$  3,663.00

Office Supplies

Post-It Notes (24/box)


$       19.56

Pens #24 Item#414482 Black 1.0mm


$       17.04

Copy Paper box of 10


$       49.90



$     250.00

Sharpie Pack of 12 Assorted Colors


$       20.28

Yellow Copy Paper


$       23.19

Blue Copy Paper


$       20.37

Green Copy Paper


$       20.97

Pink Copy Paper


$       20.37

4 in Binder


$     218.34

Durable Swing Clip Report Covers


$     204.36



$     333.12


$   1194.50


Nurse Practitioner 2 (hourly rate)




Clinical Nurse 2 (hourly rate)




Nurse Manager 1 (hourly rate)






 Combined Total


  • Due to limited resources and available times, leads will be working outside their normal working hours to help drive project to finish line.
  • Compensation 150hrs each to help write protocols and push thru the different committees for time and effort.
  • Agreement for any hours outside of the 150hrs will be volunteered time.


1. Long, Vicki E. and McMullen, Patricia C. (2003). “Telephone Triage for Obstetrics & Gynecology.” Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

2. Schmitt-Thompson Clinical Content. “Gold-Standard Nurse telehealth Triage Guidelines.” Retrieved 01/31/2023, from:

Improving health care value at UCSF Health by Reducing unnecessary testing

Proposal Status: 

Hospitals have long been a critical component of our healthcare system, providing lifesaving treatments, and medical care to millions of people each year. However, as the demand for healthcare services continues to rise, so too do the costs of providing such services. One area where costs can be significantly reduced without compromising patient care is by reducing the number of unnecessary tests and blood draws that are performed in hospitals.

UCSF Peds-Psych Collaborative Pathway

Proposal Status: 
PROJECT LEAD(S): Anne Glowinski, Dimitri Macris

ABSTRACT-One paragraph summary of your proposed initiativeLimit 1500
characters (with spaces)

  • In December 2021, the United States Surgeon General declared a Mental Health Crisis for the US Youth. With rising rates of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and attempts, the number of youths requiring mental health services continues to rise. However, there is limited capacity within our healthcare system to meet these surging needs. In addition to the public health impact, this results in an undue burden on other parts of our healthcare system, in particular increased emergency visits and increased boarding in EDs and on general pediatric wards. The Collab clinic aims to reduce the impact and cost of care in these settings by utilizing an established Child and Adolescent Psychiatry teaching clinic to provida combination of services for UCSF Pediatricians, including eConsults and a brief consultation component for patients. The clinic will take place one half-day a week with three Child Psychiatry Fellows and one Faculty during which patient’s pediatric providers will receive guidance on measurement-based tracking of symptoms, treatment response, and other resources. In addition to reducing costs by preventinworsening mental health challenges including suicide, the third leading cause of death in adolescents,this initiative will generate revenue by leveraging novel eConsulbilling codes developed in 2020 and established billing codes for an estimated combined total savings plus revenue generated of about $260,000.

TEAM-Core implementation team members and titles.

  • Anne Glowinski MD
    • Robert Porter Distinguished Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    • Division Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    • UCSF Child, Teen and Family Center and Children Benioff Hospitals
    • Medical Director, UCSF/UCB Schwab Dyslexia and Cognitive Diversity Center
  • Dimitri Macris MD
    • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow
  • Noel Rosales MD
    • Professor, UCSF Pediatrics at Mt. Zion 
PROBLEM-Background of the problem. What is the cost associated with this problem?
Why address this problem now? What is the current condition?
At the end of 2021, the US surgeon General released a report, Protecting Youth Mental Health officially stating that US Youth are experiencing a Mental Health Crisis due to the experiences of their generation.1 Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mental Health issues weralreadrisinanthe leading cause of disability and poor life outcomes in young people, with up to 1 in 5 children ages 3 to 17 in the US with a reported mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral disorder.2 From 2011 to 2021, the proportion of high school students reporting: persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness increased by 50%; the number of students seriously considering attempting suicide increased by 38%; and the number of students creating a suicide plan increased by 38%. Between 2007 and 2018, suicide rates among youth ages 10-24 in the US increased by 57%.4 Within the Surgeon General’s report, there was a call to action for healthcare systems to build multidisciplinary teams to implement mental health services that are tailored to the needs of children and their families.ThicrisihanoescapethattentiooUCSleadership, who recognize that it is imperative to work collaboratively on imagining and implementing alternatives to our care as usual with its long waitlists and long retention times in Psychiatry clinic for existing patients. 

Across the country there is a shortage of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists. AACAP’s recommends that there are 47 child psychiatrists per 100,000 youth. In a report from 2022, California had 11.8 child psychiatrists per 100,000. Within the Greater Bay Area, there were 18.7 per 100,000.5 With an estimated population of 1.2-1.5 million children and teens in the Bay Area, we have a disparity of 336-425 Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists. Over the next decade there is an estimated 45% of psychiatrists will be over the age of 60 and likely to retire. 6 The time to establish a network of expanding collaborative access to care is now to prepare for a worsening shortage in child psychiatrcapacity. 

Currently at UCSF, our waitlist to receive outpatient child and teen psychiatric care is about 1 year, which leaves our patients with minimal psychiatric care in the interim or forces existing UCSF pediatric patients’ families to seek care elsewhere resulting in fragmented care. With more youth experiencing mental health crises and the dearth of providers, there is a concomitant rising burden on existing systems of care,that already cannot adequately treat those in need. With limited access to care, many of our patients’ symptoms worsen over time and families turn to our emergency department for support. Between 2011 and 2015, youth psychiatric visits to emergency departments for depression, anxiety, and behavioral challenges increased by 28%.7 

With more youth presenting to the ED for care, there is an additional strain on the broader healthcare system. In a review, McEnany et al in 2020, found that 23%-58% of youth requiring inpatient psychiatric care experienced boarding and 26-49% experienced boarding on pediatric wards. The average boarding duration ranged from 5-41 hours in the ED and 2-3 days on wards. 8 Pre-pandemic, Caudius et al examined the question of mental health care received while boarding and found suboptimal care suggested by only 6.1% of youth admitted for isolated psychiatric reasons with documented receipt of individual or family counseling and 20.1% had received psychiatric medications (relative to 53.3% who had received psychiatric medications before hospitalization).9 Furthermore, reductions in outpatient services compound the problem of decreased numbers of psychiatric beds. Community patients with psychiatric illnesses cannot access timeloutpatient care, because resources have become more limited. This creates a “revolving door” in the ED, with patients failing to connect toutpatient care.10 

This pathway fulfills Caring Wisely’s central aims of improving outpatient access to psychiatric care as well as improving health equity.  This is a proof-of-concept study that will guide the transformation of child psychiatric care services in our Division; and help change current practice patterns and habits across UCSF Child Psychiatry including in our Oakland clinic, which renders care to under-served Bay Area communities. Additionally, it serves to meet 2 of the 3 health needs identified in UCSF's 2022 Community Needs Health Assessment by addressing improving access and improving behavioral health. In that report, a community health service provider said, "[m]ental health has been one of those things where you really feel helpless....they can't even engage in services." We have the opportunity to address our helplessness through action.


  1. United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General. (2021). Protecting Youth Mental Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General. 

  1. Perou, R., Bitsko, R. H., Blumberg, S. J., Pastor, P., Ghandour, R. M., Gfroerer, J. C., Hedden, S. L., Crosby, A. E., Visser, S. N., Schieve, L. A., Parks, S. E., Hall, J. E., Brody, D., Simile, C. M., Thompson, W. W., Baio, J., Avenevoli, S., Kogan, M. D., Huang, L. N., & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2013). Mental health surveillance among children--United States, 2005-2011. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Supplements, 62(2), 1–35. 

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011-2021. Retrieved from 

  1. Curtin, S. C. (2020). State suicide rates among adolescents and young adults aged 10–24: United States, 2000–2018. National Vital Statistics Reports; vol 69 no 11. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 

  1. California Health Care Foundation. (2022) Mental Health in California: Waiting for Care. 

  1. Coffman, J., Bates, T., Geyn I., and Spetz, J. (2018). California’s Current and Future Behavioral Health Workforce. California’s Current and Future Behavioral Health Workforce | Healthforce Center at UCSF. 

  1. Kalb, L. G., Stapp, E. K., Ballard, E. D., Holingue, C., Keefer, A., & Riley, A. (2019). Trends in Psychiatric Emergency Department Visits Among Youth and Young Adults in the US. Pediatrics, 143(4), e20182192. peds.2018-2192 

  1. McEnany FB, Ojugbele O, Doherty JR, McLaren JL, Leyenaar JK. Pediatric Mental Health Boarding. Pediatrics. 2020 Oct;146(4):e20201174. doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-1174. Epub 2020 Sep 22. PMID: 32963020. 

  1. Claudius I, Donofrio JJ, Lam CN, Santillanes G. Impact of boarding pediatric psychiatric patients on a medical ward. Hosp Pediatr. 2014; 4(3):125–132 

  1. Bender D, Pande N, Ludwig M. A literature review: Psychiatric boarding. US Department of Health and Human Services, 2008. Available at: 

  1. Evan Fieldston, Jennifer Jonas, Alexander M. Scharko; Boarding of Pediatric Psychiatric Patients Is a No-Fly Zone for Value. Hosp Pediatr May 2014; 4 (3): 133–134. 

TARGET-What is the goal? What are the expected benefits, both qualitative and quantitative?
The goal of this project is to improve access to mental health care through an
eConsult model.The goal of this project is to improve access to mental health care through an eConsultand Brief Consultation model. 
  • Benefits: children and teenswill get access to appropriate mental health assessments and treatment faster, which will prevent worsening of illness, thus reducing the number of youth presenting to the ED for psychiatric care; reducing the wait times form mental health care at UCSF; and improving the quality of life of our youth and their parents. 
  • As part of the treatment, measurement-based care would help to track psychiatric symptoms and response to treatment. We would utilize the Mirah platform, a unique compilation of all clinically validated psychometric rating scales in one single platform, which doesn’t exist on the market elsewhere and would allow for use of screening and treatment monitoring assessments at a lower price than paying for individual licensing agreements: 
  • Additionally for cost savings, we can compare the number of ED visits, inpatient hospitalizations, and ED boardings for psychiatric ICD-10 codes 6 months pre and post initiation of the intervention.             
GAPS-Why does the problem exist? Describe system issues; technological gaps;
educational gaps

  • This is a national problem, not unique to UCSF. It is complex and multifactorial thus requiring an innovative approach to help support and reach youth faster.
  • There is a significant care gap for access to mental health care within the bay area as well. Based on epidemiological data, we estimated need for psychiatric services within the San Francisco County and Alameda County. 
    • Per UCSF’s 2022 Community Health Need Assessment (CHNA), 13% of San Francisco County’s 815,201 inhabitants are under 18: 105,976 youth 
    • Per UCSF CHO’s 2022 CHNA, 23% of Alameda County’s 1,671,329 inhabitants are under 18: 384,405 youth.
    • Total youth: 490,381 
    • Per California Health Care Foundation (CHCF)’s 2022 report, the percentage of youth with depression was 2.5%  in 2018 and 2019.  
    • Based on these numbers, the estimated youth within SF and Alameda County with  depression is 12,259. 
    • Per the CHCF report, 63.6% of Adolescents did not receive care for depression between the years of 2016-2019. This wouls estimate 7,796 youth with untreated depression within SF and Alameda County. 
    • The report did not have a percentage of youth who did not receive care for other psychiatric diagnosis and thus we believe this is a significant underestimate.
INTERVENTION-Describe your proposed intervention and rationale for approach. Describe your practice setting and target population (e.g. department, unit, clinic, patient characteristics, diagnosis group, procedural group, provider characteristics, staff characteristics, etc.). Describe potential barriers to implementation. What are the possible adverse outcomes that may occur that may affect quality of care and patient safety as a result of your proposed intervention?
  • The UCSF Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship currently has a new rotation for second-year fellows who spend 1 half day a week in a Collaborative care clinic. This clinic was established in July 2022 with atriple intent of (I) transitioning stable psychiatric patients within the Department back to community pediatricians to increase our capacity(ii) better support pediatricians in managing patients with mental health disorders; and (iii) reducing the waitlist time for existing patients of UCSF pediatricians by offering a brief consultation. The new eConsult method would help establish the bridge between those services and would potentially decrease our waitlist time for other patients who require more intensive psychiatric care already.  The consultant will provide guidance on value-based care utilizing measurement-based tools to track symptoms and treatment response as well as guidance on treatment initiation including medication management and therapy resources.  
    • We are defining an eConsult as a service that provides chart review and a scheduled telephone/Zoom discussion of the case at a scheduled time 
    • We are defining the Brief Consultation Model as an intermediary step between the outpatient pediatrics department and the psychiatry department that would provide three 1-hour sessions over the course of 3 months to provide more in-depth assessment and psychoeducation with medication recommendations provided to the treating pediatrician.  
  • The clinic would require a Child Psychiatry attending to staff the clinic and a clinic coordinator to arrange scheduling.  
  • The potential adverse effects are minimal. Patients are already waiting to get seen by mental health clinicians. However, like any other form of treatment, there are side effects to treatment that will need to get managed, but they are not unique to this model. As part of the clinic, proper consultation materials will be provided to the Pediatricians to mitigate this impact of side effects.  
  • While the clinic is the main intervention, there will need to be an effort to develop the connections between the Pediatrics and Psychiatry departments.  
    • This connection will be strengthened through a series of weekly lunch talks through the 6 different ambulatory pediatric clinics at UCSF throughout the year.  
    • Psychiatry will provide 8 lectures to each clinic for a total of 48 different lectures
    • The lecture topics will be determined by a series of focus groups at the beginning of the academic year to establish the 8 most valuable topics for outpatient pediatricians at the different sites.   
PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONSNote: EHR modifications are NOT required for a winning
What are the clinical problems you are hoping to solve with APeX?
  • Scheduling of Adolescent Psychiatric eConsult
What APeX tools (patient lists, reports) or workflows (orders, documentation alerts) are you using now to achieve this goal? How would you want these modified?
  • Establishing a separate Collab ClinicTemplate
  • Creating a referral order
  • Uploading additional Psychiatric Metrics within MyChart that can be shared between providers and patients

COST-Estimated baseline costs to the health system and projected savings from the
proposed project
  • Revenue Generation: Use of Psychiatric eConsult billing codes (2020 Medicare rates): 
  • Cost-Savings: 
    • In Wright et al, they examined the overall costs and cost-effectiveness of a Collaborative Care system for Adolescents with Depression in the Primary care setting and was published in 2016. Per this report, the mean net difference for total health plan costs of care over a 12-month period between the Collaborative care participants and the control was $591. 
      • Wright, D. R., Haaland, W. L., Ludman, E., McCauley, E., Lindenbaum, J., & Richardson, L. P. (2016). The Costs and Cost-effectiveness of Collaborative Care for Adolescents With Depression in Primary Care Settings: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA pediatrics, 170(11), 1048–1054. 
    • Adjusting for inflation, per FRED economic data, prices for medical care have increased 28.3% from Jan 2014- Jan 2023 resulting in a inflation-adjusted mean net cost difference to $758 
    • In the Gap section, we estimated there are 7,796 youth with untreated depression within SF and Alameda County.
    • This clinic would be able to address a portion of this need in one year. Using available clinic slots, we estimate the total number of patients served per year:
      • Assumptions 
        • 3 fellows per week 
        • 48 weeks in a year 
        • 4 eConsult visits a week per fellow 
        • 1 Brief Consult Clinic visit a week per fellow 
        • 3 Brief Consult visits per patient per year 
        • 4 eConsults per patient per year 
      • Available clinic visits per year by model 
        • eConsults: 576 
        • Brief Consult: 144 
      • Patients served by model: 
        • eConsults: 144 
        • Brief Consult: 48 
      • Estimated total number of patients: 192 
    • Cost savings using estimated number of patients served: $145,536. 
    • Estimated total (Revenue + Cost-Savings): $266,800
SUSTAINABILITY-If successful, how will this intervention be sustained beyond the
funding year? Who are the key UCSF process owners?

  • The clinic would be able to generate revenue and thus become self-sustaining. 
  • The clinic would be housed within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 
  • In 2024, the ACGME will be requiring an additional month of behavioral health training for Pediatrics residents.This clinic will be supported and potentially expanded by the increased need for training sites for Pediatricians.  
BUDGET-Line-item budget up to $50,000-Briefly identify key areas of the project that
will require funding, e.g., salaries, software, printing, etc
  • Salary Support for 0.10 FTE of Clinical Psychiatrist= $25,000 anticipating that it will take about one year for wRVUs generation to offset the cost of 0.1 FTE faculty clinical time 
  • Salary Support for 0.02 FTE Pediatrician: $5,000 
  • Focus Groups: $1,000 
  • Lunches for the 48 lectures: $12,000 
  • Printing of supplies and resources: $2,000 
  • Mirah Platform: $4,000 
  • RedCap: $1,000 
Supporting Documents: 

Improving Guideline-Concordant Antibiotic Administration At UCSF Health: An Order Panel and Decision-Making Tool to Guide Antibiotic Prescribing

Proposal Status: 

PROPOSAL TITLE:Improving Guideline-Concordant Antibiotic Administration At UCSF Health: An Order Panel and Decision-Making Tool to Guide Antibiotic Prescribing

PROJECT LEADS: Allison Bond, MD, Waseem Sous, DO

ABSTRACT:Clinicians frequently prescribe antibiotics discordant with guidelines, with a 30-50% performance gap between ideal prescribing and current practice. This exposes patients to the side effects of antibiotics and fosters antibiotic resistance, costing the healthcare system more than $4.6 billion yearly. One intervention that decreases inappropriate antibiotic use and length of therapy is providing guidance regarding appropriate antibiotic prescribing at point-of-prescription, such as order panels in the electronic health record (EHR). Additionally, Infectious Disease Society of America guidelines suggest the development of facility-specific clinical practice guidelines, which includes order sets and order panels, to optimally address antibiotic use. Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a frequently treated infectious condition that has a clearly delineated treatment course to which clinicians frequently do not adhere. Therefore, CAP treatment presents a chance to improve patient care and cut costs. We propose a multidisciplinary approach to education and prescription guidance for clinicians at UCSF Health for CAP by developing and implementing an order panel providing treatment-related education and guidance. Our multifaceted approach includes a pre-intervention survey to optimize clinician buy-in and tailor the order panel to clinician priorities; development of inpatient and outpatient order panels in APeX for treatment of community-acquired pneumonia; monitoring the rate of use of the order panel after rollout; and comparison of duration and selection of antimicrobial therapy for CAP before and after our intervention.


–       Allison Bond, MD, MA (Hospital Medicine faculty; project co-lead)

–       Waseem Sous, DO (Hospital Medicine HEAL fellow; project co-lead)

–       Sarah Doernberg, MD, MAS (Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship)

–       Armond Esmaili, MD (Hospital Medicine UBLT Medical Director; project mentor)

–       Ripal Jariwala, PharmD (Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacist)

–       Emily Kaip, PharmD (Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacist)

–       Raman Khanna, MD (Director of Informatics)


  • At UCSF, antibiotic treatment for all infectious syndromes besides Clostridioides difficile and sepsis is prescribed via placement of individual antibiotic orders, without suggestions for standard-of-care antibiotic agents or durations. Research has shown that providers err on the side of prescribing a longer duration, and sometimes use broader agents, than is needed.
  • On the individual level, this exposes the patient to adverse events related to antibiotics – estimated by some research to affect 20% of patients who receive antibiotics.
  • On the population and systems levels, this fosters antimicrobial resistance, of which the threat has never been more imminent. This also creates unnecessary healthcare costs via the cost of the antibiotic(s) and the cost of administering the medication(s). In addition, this is an inefficient process which costs clinicians time and raises the possibility of error, because clinicians who wish to adhere to institutional guidelines for antimicrobial prescribing must toggle between UCSF Infectious Diseases Management Program (IDMP) guidelines and APeX when ordering treatment.
  • Although an inpatient order set pertaining to the treatment of pneumonia exists (“IP Pneumonia”), this is rarely – if ever – used, does not contain decision-making support or education, and does not focus on the antibiotic treatment of CAP. Due to time constraints with regards to data retrieval, we were unable to ascertain exactly how many times (if ever) the order panel has been used in the last year, but the fact that neither the project leads nor the Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship and Informatics were initially aware that this set existed indicates its use is likely very rare.


  • Our primary goal is to reduce the duration of antibiotic treatment for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) to the course that is known to be safe and is considered standard of care.
  • Secondary goals include the dissemination of provider education regarding optimal duration of treatment for CAP as per institutional and national guidelines; decreasing antibiotic-associated adverse events (such as acute kidney injury, Clostridioides difficile, and allergic reactions); and decreasing the use of unnecessarily broad antibiotic therapy intended to treat CAP.


  • Educational gap: Many clinicians lack awareness of CAP treatment guidelines with regards to antimicrobial selection and/or antibiotic duration.
  • Technological gaps: Research shows that even when prescribers are aware and in agreement with antimicrobial prescribing guidelines, they prescribe antibiotics in a way that veer from these guidelines. There is no system in APeX to guide clinicians towards guideline-concordant antibiotic prescribing for the treatment of CAP. When prescribing an antibiotic in APeX, clinicians are required to select the infectious syndrome they intend to treat, but no feedback or guidance is provided regarding optimal treatment.


  • Incorporating the major tenets of change management, we will use pre-disposing, enabling, and reinforcing interventions.
  • Predisposing: Provider survey and expert focus group: We will disseminate a brief survey to inpatient and outpatient providers in the Departments of Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Surgery to evaluate their knowledge of institutional CAP treatment guidelines and to explore in which ways an order panel may be most relevant to their clinical practice. There has already been high interest in this project from representatives in Divisions and Departments across UCSF Health, including Pediatrics, Pediatrics Infectious Diseases, Emergency Medicine, and Adult Infectious Diseases, and we have a focus group planned with representatives from each of these in attendance to solicit feedback regarding what is needed to guarantee the success of the order panel, as well as to recruit project champions to promote buy-in of the project amongst their colleagues. We already have buy-in and support from Informatics (Raman Khanna) and Antimicrobial Stewardship (Sarah Doernberg).
  • Enabling: Development of Order Panel: We will submit a proposal to the APeX clinical Content Committee requesting the development of inpatient and outpatient order panels that prompt providers to select the type and duration of antimicrobial agent intended to treat CAP while providing a one-sentence summary of institutional guidelines and an external link to full institutional guidelines and/or national. The order panel will be activated both if providers attempt to prescribe one of the antibiotics frequently used for pneumonia, e.g. ceftriaxone, and if they type “pneumonia” into orders.
  • We will also educate providers across disciplines about the new order panel via media campaign and UCSF Health departmental/divisional champions.
  • Reinforcing: Post-Rollout Feedback: Based on reductions in excess antibiotic use for CAP, positive institutional feedback regarding cost savings and benefits to patients will be disseminated by department.
  • Potential barriers: Development of the APeX order panel would be feasible and straightforward. One key barrier to implementation will include clinician awareness and uptake of an order panel, as the culture at UCSF thus far is to order most things via individual orders. This is the primary reason we anticipate using order panels for this intervention, which are activated when placing standard orders in Epic, rather than order sets, which require tabbing into a separate section of orders in Epic and which are anticipated to have lower clinician uptake. We also plan to address this barrier via our pre-intervention survey.
  • Other potential barriers to our intervention could include clinician resistance to use of the order panel if the patient is felt to fall outside of the population of patients for whom antibiotic prescribing guidelines are recommended.


  • There is currently no order panel or decision-making guide for prescribing antimicrobials for common infectious conditions in Apex; instead, prescribers manually enter the antibiotic type(s), duration, and dosage(s) that they want to use.
  • We will add an antibiotic order panel in APeX that would be summoned both if clinicians search for the antibiotic type and the condition they intend to treat. The order panel will include a brief summary of institutional recommendations for antibiotic selection and duration, an external link to full prescribing recommendations, and click-boxes to allow clinicians to select suggested antibiotic type and dosage (including second-line therapies in the case of the presence of antibiotic allergies) and duration.


  • We anticipate that taking into account all inpatients, emergency department (ED) patients, and outpatients treated for CAP at UCSF Health, the cost savings offered by cutting excess antibiotic therapy for CAP will exceed $250,000 per year.
  • Our intervention will cut costs primarily via two ways: Decrease in length of stay and cost savings related to antimicrobial therapy.
  • Length of Stay Cost Savings:
    • One study found that patients admitted to the hospital with CAP who were treated using a pneumonia pathway/order set had a statistically significantly shorter length of stay than patients admitted with CAP who were treated without the order set (length of stay: 5 days with order set, 6.7 days without, p = 0.01).
    • Cost per day (room and board) for medical/surgical floor inpatients at UCSF Health (per UCSF Finance): $1,586
    • We were asked to determine how many patients were treated at UCSF Health for CAP after initially providing data on how many patients were treated for all types of pneumonia.
    • We reviewed APeX data of patients treated with the antibiotics that are considered standard-of-care for CAP (ceftriaxone, doxycycline, azithromycin, and/or azithromycin) AND for which “lower respiratory tract infection” was listed as the indication when ordered by the clinician on UCSF Health’s inpatient services during a one-week period from 1/9/2023 to 1/15/2023.
    • We found that 83 patients were treated for CAP during that week in January 2023.
    • Based on these data, 4,316 patients are treated for CAP on all inpatient services combined at UCSF Health per year.
    • We appreciate the feedback regarding the length-of-stay-related cost savings. Based on the feedback and the limited literature available regarding reductions in length-of-stay (aside from the study presented above), we have modified the length-of-stay reduction to 0.2 (from 1.7). Based on this adjustment, we anticipate the following:
    • Estimated length-of-stay-related cost savings for all UCSF Health inpatients treated for CAP in 2022:
      • 4,316 patients x 0.2 days = 863 inpatient days saved
      • 863 inpatient days saved x $1,586/d = $1.37M
  • Even if our intervention’s effect on length of stay is much smaller than what is found in the literature, cost savings would remain significant.
  • Antimicrobial Therapy Cost Savings:
    • Cost of CAP treatment per day: Via the UCSF Charge Description Master list, the cost of each day of antibiotic treatment of antibiotics that are standard-of-care for CAP are as follows: Ceftriaxone - $21; azithromycin - $30 (500 mg)/ $18 (250 mg); levofloxacin - $9; doxycycline $48 ($24 per dose).
    • Because various combinations of these antibiotics are used to treat CAP, the total cost per day of CAP treatment regimens are:
      • Ceftriaxone with azithromycin (CA): $51
      • Ceftriaxone with doxycycline (CD): $69
      • Levofloxacin (L): $9
  • As above, we estimate4,316 patients were treated for CAP on all inpatient services combined at UCSF Health in 2022.
  • Studies have indicated that 2,526 excess days of CAP treatment occur per 1,000 patients hospitalized with pneumonia. Therefore, we estimate that in 2022, there were 10,902 excess days of CAP treatment among inpatients at UCSF Health.
  • Estimated antibiotic-related cost savings for all inpatient services at UCSF Health treated with standard regimens for CAP range from $98,118 - $752,238 per year:
    • CA regimen: 10,902 excess antibiotic days x $51/d =$556,002 saved/year
    • CD regimen: 10,902 excess antibiotic days x $69/d = $752,238 saved/year
    • L regimen: 10,902 excess antibiotic days x $9 = $98,118 saved/year
    • Total anticipated cost savings (including length-of-stay and antibiotic-related costs): $1.46M to $2.12M per year
    • These cost savings are an underestimate as the above includes only UCSF Health inpatients treated for CAP, without accounting for UCSF Health outpatients treated for CAP. Indeed, treatment courses for CAP may not be accounted for in our prior figure, given there are 2.5 million outpatient visits to UCSF Health each year, and CAP incidence rates in the literature range from 20.6 to 79.9 per 10,000 person-years.
    • The cost esimates above were verified with UCSF Finance with the assistance of the Caring Wisely team.
    • Additional cost savings mechanisms via this intervention that can be explored decreased use of broader and often more expensive antibiotics (e.g. vancomycin); increased clinician efficiency; decreased medication errors; and/or decreased duration of the administration of intravenous antibiotics.


  • Moving forward, we envision expanding our order panel initiative to encompass many other clinical

syndromes, including hospital-acquired pneumonia, urinary tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, intraabdominal infections, meningitis, and neutropenic fever.

  • Our intervention will be sustained in part through the permanence of the order panel and through dissemination of clinician education.
  • We also have a sustainable plan to keep the order panel up to date:
    • When IDMP guidelines are updated (e.g. when national guidelines change), the leads on this project will be alerted and will liaise with the Informatics team to concomitantly update the order panel. We are already collaborating closely with the UCSF Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP), Informatics team, and the Infectious Diseases Management Program (IDMP). Specifically, the ASP and Informatics teams are aware of and support the project. In addition, the project leads presented this work during an IDMP meeting in April 2023, which the Antimicrobial Stewardship team also attended, where the initiative was well-received. We will continue to gain input from and collaborate with these groups during and after the Caring Wisely year to continuously make updates to the order panel, learn from leaders in informatics and antimicrobial stewardship at UCSF, and ensure that the IDMP guidelines are reflected in the order panel.
    • There has also been multi-departmental interest in this work, which represents the opportunity to foster sustainability by soliciting Divisional/Departmental champions who can communicate with and offer feedback on behalf of their colleagues regarding the order panel. We have convened a multidisciplinary working group to facilitate communication between clinicians from various clinical departments; Informatics; and the ASP about this initiative. Should the project leads be unable to continue to facilitate updates to the order panel further in the future, another member of the working group will be selected to fill the role.


  • Please see separately attached budget.

Reducing Unnecessary Radiation Exposure from Chest X-rays in Lung Transplant patients

Proposal Status: 


Reducing Unnecessary Radiation Exposure from Chest X-rays in Lung Transplant patients.


David Gordon, DNP, ALD APP

Jasleen Kukreja, MD, Program and Surgical Director, Lung Transplantation

EXECUTIVE SPONSOR: Carolyn Light, MPA, Executive Director, Transplant Services


ALD surgical and medical APPs: Brenna Taylor, Gautham Iyer, Sean Mahoney, Jennifer Ponzo, Brianna Zuckermann, Jonathon Pascual

ALD Medicine Service: Steve Hays, MD, Medical Director, Lung Transplantation

Cardiac Surgery: Tom Nguyen, Chief, Division of Adult Cardiothoracic Surgery

Thoracic Surgery: David Jablons, Chief, Section of Thoracic Surgery

Senior APEX Analyst: John Hillman, Adult Business Line Finance


Routine daily chest x-rays (CXRs) have been historically preformed as a “standard procedure” following lung transplantation at UCSF. However, many of these CXRs are ordered in asymptomatic patients without any impact on the overall clinical course and/or management, resulting in: 1) unnecessary patient radiation exposure, 2) unnecessary utilization of the already limited radiological resources (time and personnel), 3) increased cost to the patient and, 4) reduced net revenue for each transplant case rate. Moreover, these unnecessarily performed CXR may result in sleep disruptions, as they are typically obtained between 03:00-05:00 am.  

Therefore, after reviewing our practice, the surgical Advanced Lung Disease (ALD) service developed a new protocol with the primary intent to reduce the number of CXRs performed on the immediate post lung transplantation patient without compromising care. Currently, UCSF lung transplant program performs between 75-80 lung transplants per year, putting it in the top 10 for volume in the country while remaining #1 for outcomes. Given our goal to perform 100 transplants per year over the next 5 years, our protocol to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure from CXRs can have major impact on patient care, cost, and resource utilization. Importantly, it can serve as a model for other services on how to change historically ingrained “standard procedures”. 


In calendar year 2022 (CY 22), 78 lung transplants were performed. 

During the first half of CY 22, 753 CXRs were performed in 38 lung transplants recipients, resulting in an average of 19.82 CXRs per lung transplant case, and a median chest x-ray per patient per day post-transplant of 1.0 (i.e., each patient received one chest x-ray per day).

Each CXR costs $115 resulting in an overall cost of $86,595 for the first half of CY 22 (Table 1).

After instituting the new CXR reduction protocol, in the last six months of CY 22, 568 CXRs were performed in 40 lung transplants recipients, translating into an absolute reduction in the total number of CXRs of »25%. The median chest x-ray per patient per day post-transplant was 0.69 (31% reduction adjusted for acuity). The implementation of the new protocol led to cost savings of $21,675 in just six months. The reduction in the number of CXRs and the costs is particularly remarkable, considering the significant increase in complexity, acuity, and length of stay during this period, with 8 of the 40 transplants (20%) coming out of the OR with an open chest and 15 of the 40 requiring ECMO (37.5%). In comparison, during the first 6 months of CY 22, only 4 of the 38 patients required open chest (10.5%) and 8 required ECMO (21%).

Table 1: Surgical Advanced Lung Disease CXR Reduction in Calendar Year 2022 at UCSF


# Transplants

Total # CXRs

Median CXR/patient

Cost ($115/CXR)

CY 22 (Jan-Jun)






CY 22 (July-Dec)







GAPS: Routine daily chest x-rays have been a “standard procedure” following cardio-thoracic procedure at UCSF for decades. Our initiative to reduce the number of CXRs exposed a major gap in knowledge in need of urgent addressing: What is the clinical value of routine daily CXRs in patients after cardio-thoracic procedure and even more importantly what should be the indication to perform CXR in such populations? Despite its obvious relevance, there are no national guidelines with the current practices stemming primarily from an educational and convenience gap.

In addition, the preparation of this proposal exposed a second major gap in knowledge. This time within other surgical and medical UCSF services with many having identified the need to reduce the number of CXRs, but lacking the knowledge and experience to successfully embark on such project.

Therefore, this project will try to address these issues by

  • Expanding the CXR reduction protocol to 3 additional services:  ALD medicine, post-surgical cardiac and thoracic surgery patients, while
  • Establishing a robust logistical system allowing
    • Development and dissemination of protocols, educational materials with the goal to develop guidelines and implement CXR reduction protocol for each individual service, including CXR protocol into an Apex order set.
    • Expanding the initiative by providing updated results as well as allow for hypothesis-generating grant application; publication, abstract, etc. 

As such, the impact of this project has the potential to have tangible hospital-wide effects not only on patient care, but also on overall financial bottom-line especially for fixed rate cases.

INTERVENTION: The Surgical Advanced Lung Disease service chest x-ray reduction initiative served as a pilot program, confirming the ability to reduce unnecessary CXRs in a specific cohort of hospitalized patients. Overall,

1) daily CXRs did not lead to a change in the management of the patient,

2) routine post chest tube removal CXR very rarely resulted in a subsequent procedure or intervention

3) we frequently would await a radiology technician and/or a radiologist report –much needed resources that could be diverted elsewhere in the hospital.  

Specifically, for surgical ALD patients, the CXRs outside the ICU on the hospital wards were over utilized and redundant.

Based on our initial success, our goal is to expand the imaging reduction protocol to include other patients populations and services, starting with other CT-services. Ultimately, the plan would be a broader sharing of this practice throughout the hospital.

Proposed Intervention Project Plan:

  1. During the first project year, we plan to expand the CXR reduction protocol to 3 additional services that are high utilizers of ‘daily routine CXRs’:
  • ALD Medicine
  • Adult cardiac and
  • Thoracic surgery Services
  • We have met with leadership of each service: Dr Tom Nguyen, Chief, Adult Cardiothoracic Surgery Division, Dr David Jablons, Chief, Section of Thoracic Surgery as well as Dr. Steve Hays, Medical Director of Lung transplant. All have offered their full enthusiastic support for this project.
  • With the help of Senior analyst, Mr. John Hillman, we have collected and reviewed the CXR data for both Cardiac and Thoracic Surgical services. The next step is to review this data at their respective quality improvement meetings and identify project champions, who we will collaborate with to develop CXR reduction protocols for their service specific goals/needs and set targets.
  • We will individually meet with the clinical team of APPS, physicians, and educate on the new processes.
    • ALD Medical Service
      1. Director: Steve Hays
      2. APP Director: Lori Coleman
      3. Target population to implement CXR reduction protocol:  
    • Pre-lung transplant patients waiting for transplant. This constitutes a significant amount of the ALD Medical census. These patients have routinely lived on 10CVT tele ward for weeks to months. It is common practice to obtain weekly CXRs on these patients to document progression of disease. However, these X-rays typically do not alter patient’s clinical course leading up to transplant.
    • Post-lung transplant patients admitted for myriad of conditions. Due to the nature of being a lung transplant recipient, CXRs are over utilized in this population.
    • Cardiac Surgery Service:
      1. Director: Tom Nguyen
      2. APP Lead: Lisa Tanimune
      3. Target population to implement CXR reduction protocol:
    • Routine CABG, Valve, and combined CABG/Valve surgeries. Similar to the lung transplant patients, there are 3 aspects of CXR reduction that can be implemented
    • Post-operative, in the ICU, focusing on every other day instead of daily
    • Post-operative, out of the ICU, focusing on twice weekly while admitted
    • Post-chest tube removal CXR elimination
  • The Cardiac Surgery CXR reduction protocol is attached at the end of the proposal
    • Thoracic Surgery:
      1. Director: David Jablons
      2. APP Lead: Lisa Tanimune
      3. Target population to implement CXR reduction protocol:
    • Lobectomies, wedge resections, esophagectomies, pneumonectomies, and pleurodesis will be the surgeries targeted for reduction of CXRs. Similar to the lung transplant patients, there are 3 aspects of CXR reduction that can be implemented:
    • Post-operative, in the ICU, focusing on every other day instead of daily
    • Post-operative, out of the ICU, focusing on twice weekly while admitted
    • Post-chest tube removal CXR elimination
  • The Thoracic Surgery CXR reduction protocol is attached at the end of the proposal
  • PROPOSED EHR MODIFICATIONS: There are two EHR modifications that can be implemented:

    1. The first is to flag an order in APEX on a patient who has had 3 CXRs already during their hospital stay, to ask the provider whether an additional CXR would alter the course of patient’s treatment. And/or
    2. The second EHR modification is to add a ‘slow down’ warning if a patient has had a CXR within the last 24 hrs. Analogous to ordering a C Diff test if the patient has received laxatives within a certain time frame. A slowdown warning can be displayed to have the provider pause and reflect whether an additional CXR is indicated. If it is clinically warranted, they can close the warning and proceed. 


    The cost will include development of a robust structure allowing:

    • Working with various teams to develop guidelines and implementing CXR reduction protocol for each individual service as well as educating staff.
    • Support from Senior analyst, Mr. Hillman to collect and analyze data prospectively in biweekly meetings. 
    • Building the chest x-ray protocol into an Apex order set.

    The projected savings would reflect a 25% CXR reduction. Such a decrease in the number of CXRs will significantly reduce unnecessary radiation exposure to the patient, family, and staff. Using the observed cost savings of $21,675 for just 40 lung transplant recipients in 6 months, an extrapolation to multiple services could lead to profound savings for the medical center in direct costs for CXR (at $115/CXR) as well as in indirect costs (less wear and tear of radiology machines, radiological technicians and radiologist time).  For example, in fiscal year (FY) 2022 (Table 2),

    • Cardiac Surgery service alone utilized 6,081 CXRs for 697 patients amassing 6,470 patient days. This was an average of 0.94 CXR per day per patient at a cost of $697,787 ($115/CXR). A 25%-reduction in CXRs would lead to a cost saving of $174,446 per FY.
    • Thoracic Surgery service alone utilized 1,590 CXRs for 238 patients amassing 1,138 patient days. This was an average of 1.40 CXRs per patient per day, i.e., higher utilization than both Cardiac surgery and Surgical ALD service, at a cost of $182,460 ($115/CXR). A 25%-reduction in CXRs would lead to cost saving of $45,615 per FY. 

    Table 2: Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery CXR Utilization Fiscal Year 2022


    # Cases

    Total # CXRs

    Average CXR/patient

    Cost ($115/CXR)

    FY 22

    Cardiac Surgery





    FY 22

    Thoracic Surgery





    Therefore, the planned 25%-reduction in CXRs for the 3 services (Surgical ALD, Cardiac, and Thoracic Surgery) would lead to combined cost savings of $263,411 per FY. – and this at the current patient volume. With projected growth for each service line, the true savings may reach $400,000 and higher.


    • Development of a robust logistical support structure is key in ensuring sustainability of this initiative. Such support structure would allow us to “keep the focus” by developing new Apex order adjustments, education of providers as well as creating and implementing financial incentives for reduction of unnecessary radiation exposure
    • Robust data collection system would allow us to support, modify and expand the initiative by providing updated results as well as allow for hypothesis-generating grant application

    BUDGET: Our budgetary focus on development of a robust logistical support structure ensuring:

    1) Distribution and extrapolation of our pilot program,

    2) Collection and analysis of data from the other three services,

    4) Development and implementation of changes in Apex, including time and input from an Apex analyst

    5) Creation and dissemination of educational materials, protocols, etc. This includes the time educating other teams about the new project.

    6) Development of financial incentive per team for meeting CXR reduction goals 

    1. $10,000: Apex Analyst. Estimate. Currently our Apex Analyst is pro bono, however with the expansion to multiple teams, would budget for increased analytical workload.
    2. $28,080: ALD Surgical Nurse Practitioners non-clinical time for coordination, education, and deployment of reduction protocol as well as analytical time to process the data and confirm results. Budgeting 80 hours per team (ALD Medical, Cardiac Surgery, Thoracic Surgery). This includes pre-intervention meeting, planning and tailoring the protocol to service specific needs ensuring patient safety, time post planning to educate and deploy the new protocols, and additional time for educating new staff, additional support, and analyzing results. $117 (current hourly rate for Nurse Practitioners) x 80 hours = $9,360 per team implementation.
      1. Phase 1 Teams targeted for CXR Reduction:
      • ALD Medical
      • Cardiac surgery
      • Thoracic surgery
  • $3,000: Teambuilding initiatives (max $1,000 per team) such as:
    • Free luncheon for educational sessions to keep health care providers motivated and focused on the mission
    • Prize for the services that meet the 25% reduction goal each quarter
    • Celebrate achieving reduction goal together
  • $6,000: Financial incentive for the entire team ($2,000 per team) to assist, coordinate, and achieve the CXR reduction goal. There is a precedence for this at UCSF with the hand hygiene project where the non-physician providers were financially incentivized to promote hand hygiene.
  • $2,920: Indirect costs: Education materials, distribution costs, unanticipated items


     The new protocol will eliminate obtaining "Screening or surveillance" CXRs after the first 5 days. After this time point, CXRs will be ordered for cause only.  

    • CXRs will be performed for the first 4 days post-transplant while recipient is in the ICU as this the most critical time when primary graft dysfunction (a form of acute lung injury) of the allograft occurs
    • On post-op day 5 and beyond: 
      • If the patient is still in the ICU, then we will obtain every other day CXR until postop day 10.  
      • If the patient has transferred to CVT, then we will order a CXR twice weekly until discharge, preferably on Monday and Thursday so CXRs can be reviewed by the team at Monday sign-out rounds and before team rotates onto the weekend.  
      • The APP who is transferring the patient out of the ICU is responsible for ordering the ‘Routine’ twice weekly surveillance CXRs as individual orders. They will order 4 CXRs which will cover two weeks of surveillance. Subsequent weeks if required would need to be re-established by new orders. 
      • The Routine CXRs will need to have the comment added "Please perform at 07:00am and do not wake up patient prior to this time" to ensure adequate sleep hygiene and minimize interruptions.
    • Additional CXRs may be ordered in both ICU and CVT if clinically indicated or there has been a change in clinical condition 
    • All CXRs that are standard surveillance, both ICU and CVT should be ordered as ‘Routine’ and only utilize ‘STAT’ for clinical emergencies. This will further reduce unnecessary costs. 
    • A ‘routine’ CXR will be performed prior to discharge from the hospital 
    • A ‘routine’ CXR will be performed after a chest tube is removed prior to a second chest tube being removed. No “post-pull” CXR is required unless clinically warranted. Example is patient has a chest tube removed Sunday and has a scheduled routine surveillance CXR Monday, that will suffice as their post pull CXR. However, if the same patient had a CXR pulled Tuesday, before a subsequent chest tube is removed, a ‘routine’ post-pull CXR is warranted. Chest tube removal should not be delayed waiting for scheduled twice weekly CXR.  



    The new protocol will eliminate obtaining "Screening or surveillance" CXRs after the first 2 days. After this time point, CXRs will be ordered for cause only.  

    • CXRs will be performed for the first 2 days post-transplant while recipient is in the ICU. This includes immediate post-operative and 24 hrs later on postop day 1. 
    • On post-op day 2 and beyond: 
      • If the patient is still in the ICU, then we will obtain every other day CXR until postop day 10.  
      • If the patient has transferred to CVT, then we will order a CXR twice weekly until discharge, preferably on Monday and Thursday so CXRs can be reviewed by the team at Monday sign-out rounds and before team rotates onto the weekend.  
      • The APP who is transferring the patient out of the ICU is responsible for ordering the ‘Routine’ twice weekly surveillance CXRs as individual orders. They will order 4 CXRs which will cover two weeks of surveillance. Subsequent weeks if required would need to be re-established by new orders. 
      • The Routine CXRs will need to have the comment added "Please perform at 07:00am and do not wake up patient prior to this time" to ensure adequate sleep hygiene and minimize interruptions.
    • Additional CXRs may be ordered in both ICU and CVT if clinically indicated or there has been a change in clinical condition. 
    • All CXRs that are standard surveillance, both ICU and CVT should be ordered as ‘Routine’ and only utilize ‘STAT’ for clinical emergencies. This will further reduce unnecessary costs. 
    • A ‘routine’ CXR will be performed after a chest tube is removed prior to a second chest tube being removed. No “post-pull” CXR is required unless clinically warranted. Example is patient has a chest tube removed Sunday and has a scheduled routine surveillance CXR Monday, that will suffice as their post pull CXR. However, if the same patient had a CXR pulled Tuesday, before a subsequent chest tube is removed, a ‘routine’ post-pull CXR is warranted. Chest tube removal should not be delayed waiting for scheduled twice weekly CXR.  



    Lobectomies, Wedge resections, Pneumonectomies, Esophagectomies, Pleurodesis

    The new protocol will eliminate obtaining "Screening or surveillance" CXRs after the first 2 days. After this time point, CXRs will be ordered for cause only.  

    • CXRs will be performed for the first 2 days post-transplant while recipient is in the ICU. This includes immediate post-operative and 24 hrs later on postop day 1. 
    • On post-op day 2 and beyond: 
      • If the patient is still in the ICU, then we will obtain every other day CXR until postop day 10.  
      • If the patient has transferred to CVT, then we will order a CXR twice weekly until discharge, preferably on Monday and Thursday so CXRs can be reviewed by the team at Monday sign-out rounds and before team rotates onto the weekend.  
      • The APP who is transferring the patient out of the ICU is responsible for ordering the ‘Routine’ twice weekly surveillance CXRs as individual orders. They will order 4 CXRs which will cover two weeks of surveillance. Subsequent weeks if required would need to be re-established by new orders. 
      • The Routine CXRs will need to have the comment added "Please perform at 07:00am and do not wake up patient prior to this time" to ensure adequate sleep hygiene and minimize interruptions.
    • Additional CXRs may be ordered in both ICU and CVT if clinically indicated or there has been a change in clinical condition. 
    • All CXRs that are standard surveillance, both ICU and CVT should be ordered as ‘Routine’ and only utilize ‘STAT’ for clinical emergencies. This will further reduce unnecessary costs. 
    • A ‘routine’ CXR will be performed after a chest tube is removed prior to a second chest tube being removed. No “post-pull” CXR is required unless clinically warranted. Example is patient has a chest tube removed Sunday and has a scheduled routine surveillance CXR Monday, that will suffice as their post pull CXR. However, if the same patient had a CXR pulled Tuesday, before a subsequent chest tube is removed, a ‘routine’ post-pull CXR is warranted. Chest tube removal should not be delayed waiting for scheduled twice weekly CXR.  
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